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70. Chapter 70 If this is the case, then I will know this sword master!

70. Chapter 70 If this is the case, then I will know this sword master!


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 70 If this is the case, then I will know this sword master!

  ”Yu Wenxuan called for formation in Sword Valley?”

  Qin Yang was a little surprised when he heard this.

  ”Why so early? Aren’t there still five days before the announcement he agreed on?”

  ”Who knows.”

  Xia He shrugged, opened a news interface casually, then handed the phone to Qin Yang and said, “You Take


look for yourself, Lao Qin, everyone is talking about it now, it’s so popular! It


  became the top trending topic.

On your phone, look through the hot searches above.

  As expected, there were overwhelming discussions on the Internet, and related hot terms topped the list of hot searches.

  Everyone is talking about this.

  ”No, this Prairie Sword Master can’t afford to lose? Is he here to find a place for his apprentice?”

  ”I heard that I have to wait for five days in the Sword Valley to welcome the Jianghai Sword God at any time. How crazy!”

  ”Too persistent. I think their masters and disciples are all the same, they are just stubborn sword madmen!”

  ”Do you think Jiang Hai Sword God will fight? ”


  Qin Yang looked at these comments and found that everyone was focused on the same issue, whether the Sword God would appear or not.


  It doesn’t matter.

  After all, your name is Jianghai Sword God…

  What does it have to do with me, Qin Yang?

  ”Sorry, I’m so unfamiliar!”

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang yawned and returned the phone to Xia He.

  ”Huh? You’re not going to watch it now, Lao Qin?”

  Xia He was stunned for a moment when he saw this: “Don’t you plan to take the time to go and take a look?”

  ”It’s boring. He is looking for Jianghai Sword God, which has nothing to do with us ordinary people.”

  Qin Yang said leisurely , resting his arms on the back of his head: “When gods fight, mortals suffer, so it’s better for us to join in the fun.”

  The words fell.

  Xia He’s eyes widened instantly and he looked at Qin Yang in shock. He didn’t expect to hear such free and easy words from his mouth.

  ”Hey, Old Qin…what you said makes sense…”

  Qin Yang shrugged upon hearing this, ignored him, and walked directly to his post and started working.

  after all.

  Rewards from “Sword Demon” are now shipping.

  And this prairie sword master has no use value to him at all, so it doesn’t matter how much he screams.

  A dog is barking on the roadside, do you want to go over and bite it?


  According to the logic of the system, this sword master should be dead after five hundred years and become a pile of loess, unable to trigger corresponding rewards.

  Why should I be angry with a dead man?

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang’s thoughts became clear.

  ”I have so much free time, I might as well continue to improve my strength!”

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang pushed the trolley, humming a fish-catching song, and wandered through the bookshelves in the library, placing books one after another.

  Then taking advantage of his free time, he continued to realize that “it’s so close and so far away”.

  After all, this movement technique is the same as the previous “Heaven-Destroying Sword Drawing Technique”, which belongs to the emperor level category. It is astonishingly powerful, and it is also very obscure and difficult to understand. It cannot be understood in one night.

  It’s one thing to get the skills.

  But completely understanding it is another matter.

  ”But fortunately, time will always be on my side!”

  Qin Yang closed his eyes while fishing, sinking his consciousness into the space of enlightenment.

  I saw that in the enlightenment space, the mysterious and obscure words were dismantled one by one and divided into more vivid meanings, and the progress of enlightenment was rapidly accelerating.

  Split, recombine, understand.

  A few days passed by.

  Qin Yang returned to his old life of lying down, fishing for insights at work, playing fox after get off work and tasting all the delicacies of the world, and the years were peaceful.

  at the same time.

  As the “Sword God” didn’t respond, everyone’s enthusiasm gradually faded away.

  Some bad voices gradually emerged in online public opinion.

  ”How many days has it been now?! Do you still want to fight?”   

  ”Isn’t the Sword God cowarded? Even if he doesn’t want to fight, he should come out and say a few words! It’s too outrageous to leave Yu Wenxuan alone for so many days.”

  ”It’s just temporary stage fright. I think this Jianghai Sword God is also But that’s it.”

  More and more negative comments came out.

  When the citizens of Jianghai saw it, they couldn’t help it. After Lishui Lake, the Sword God was kind to Jianghai City. His status was high and he would never allow others to slander him.

  So, they immediately organized a group and launched a rebuttal on the Internet.

  ”Master Sword God doesn’t want to pay attention to a clown like Yu Wenxuan at all. If you fight him

  , you will lose your status on the spot.” “But just a brazen man from the prairie came to pick up trouble for no reason, and he actually got the upper hand?”

  ”… …..”

  For a time, the two parties on the Internet were arguing and arguing about this matter.


  Sword Valley.

  As dusk turns into night, the cool breeze slowly blows across the cliffs, adding a bit of chill to the air in the valley.

  ”Master, it’s the last day…”

  Hu Yanjian stood on the high ground in the valley, looked at Yu Wenxuan beside him, and said cautiously.

  At this moment, Yu Wenxuan was sitting cross-legged on the ground, looking up at the sky. His face was battered by wind and frost, so he looked particularly old.

  To know.

  During these five days, he never left the Sword Valley. He was looking forward to it day and night, just waiting for the battle between Jianghai Sword God!

  But things have come to this point.

  The two masters and disciples did not even see each other’s shadow…

  ”It will come… He will definitely come…”

  Yu Wenxuan murmured in a low voice, his voice was hoarse, and then used his withered hands to Holding the hilt of the sword, he slowly pulled out the long sword.

  In an instant.

  Terrifying star pressure spread all around.

  Boom boom!

  The ground cracked and rocks flew.

  The sword intent in the Sword Valley was invaded by the star pressure, and there were faint signs of dissipation.

  ”Master, what are you doing!?”

  Hu Yanjian’s pupils shrank suddenly and he quickly took a step back. He instantly saw that Yu Wenxuan was hysterical and had fallen into madness!

  ”Don’t be afraid of my disciple.”

  Yu Wenxuan said coldly, with a hint of madness in his eyes, “Since the Sword God doesn’t want to come, then my master will destroy this precious land of Sword Valley and force him to come here in person!”

  The words fell.


  He suddenly burst out with terrifying star power fluctuations, slashing towards the entire Sword Valley.

  next moment.

  As a result, countless remaining sword qi were disturbed, canceled each other out, and dissipated into the sky. The sword qi in the sword valley instantly disappeared.

  Huge noise broke out, and reporters who were paying attention to the scene were shocked. They quickly recorded the scene and posted it on the Internet.


  The next day, Qin Yang came to the library to work and saw Xia Yang angry, looking incompetent and furious.

  ”It doesn’t make sense, it really doesn’t make sense!”

  ”What’s wrong?” Qin Yang asked in confusion.

  ”It’s Yu Wenxuan! That Lao Deng actually destroyed Sword Valley!”

  Xia He was furious, banging on his cell phone, furiously raging on the Internet.

  Sword Valley is a holy land of martial arts in the hearts of Jianghai people. Yu Wenxuan destroyed it with one sword. This is undoubtedly the face of all Jianghai people!

  ”Shunshunqi, don’t be anxious.”

  Qin Yang put his arm on Xia He’s shoulder and comforted him softly.

  He naturally understood that the Prairie Sword Master did this to anger him and force the Jianghai Sword God to take action.

  ”It’s fine, why are you destroying public property?”

  Qin Yang sighed.

  He originally thought that the other party was a mad dog.

  But now that Sword Valley has been destroyed, this nature has changed.

  ”In that case, then I will go and meet you.”

  (End of Chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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