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73. Chapter 73: The Lady is in Charge of the House, the Maid is in Charge of the Outside

73. Chapter 73: The Lady is in Charge of the House, the Maid is in Charge of the Outside


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 73 The young lady is responsible for the interior, while the maid is responsible for

  the exterior. There were many people inside and outside the palace. Yang Shifei and his party did not stay for long and decided to discuss with King Dingjiang tomorrow.

  When everyone returned to Luo Mansion, it was already late at night.

  Yang Shifei changed his bloodstained robe, comforted Yue Rui and went back to the house to rest, and came to the lobby with a serious face.

  Luo Xianer put down the teacup and pointed to the seat next to her: “Tan Xiang and Jasmine are now assisting in patrols, young master, please sit down first.”

  ”The situation is indeed worse than we thought.”

  Yang Shifei said in a heavy tone: “If the Qi people did not lie to us, is it true that something happened to the Taiwu Holy Soldiers in the palace?”

  Luo Xianer closed her eyes and murmured: “We have all tested it. Taiwu Haoshi does have the ability to suppress filth. And the Holy Soldiers have such a great reputation, so the effect must be far beyond the material itself.”

  As she spoke, her brows gradually frowned: “But the Holy Soldiers were in trouble, and the palace and the court were in such chaos, which means that the palace has long been filled with a lot of filth, and everyone was caught.”

  Yang Shifei pondered secretly.

  Why did the Taiwu Saint Soldiers of the Liang Kingdom Royal Family suddenly become ineffective?

  And where did the filth in the palace come from, and how could it infect so many people?

  ”Filth should be the evil energy that is produced accidentally between heaven and earth, just like the treasures of heaven and earth, extremely rare, and definitely not something that can be cultivated actively.”

  Luo Xian’er whispered: “Those princes were able to take out items containing filth and distribute them to various places. I thought they were just lucky to collect them from all over the country. But now it seems that there are a lot of ways to create filth in the capital.”

  ”Can it really work?”

  ”At least I have never heard of it.”

  Luo Xian’er bit her lower lip lightly: “If you can create a lot of filth, it will be enough to easily overthrow the dynasty, but how could no one know about it for so many years, and finally only attack the capital of Liang Kingdom?”

  Yang Shifei rubbed his eyebrows.

  Could it be that it is a new technology that has just been invented, or is it simply a grudge against the Liang Kingdom Royal Family?

  ”If you want to know the reason, maybe you can only go to the capital.”

  ”No.” Luo Xian’er shook her head: “There are many masters in the capital, and the strongest among them is the same as me. He is at the peak of his cultivation and physical strength. If all these people are infected with filth, we may not be able to resist now.”

  Yang Shifei was surprised: “Who is the Tianren Xuanwu in the palace?”

  ”It’s Emperor Liang himself.”

  ”.” Yang Shifei pinched his eyebrows and had a headache.

  It was so troublesome when these masters made a fuss tonight. Thinking of a Tianren Xuanwu killing people like a madman, plus thousands of troops following him, this scene made people’s scalps numb.

  ”Why not find those who came out of the capital first? We should be able to ask something from them.”

  ”This matter must be handed over to King Dingjiang.”

  Luo Xian’er showed some worry on her face.

  Since she knew that something happened in the capital, she hurried to let her spies withdraw as soon as possible, wondering if they were also infected.

  Yang Shifei pondered for a moment: “Since we can’t approach the capital rashly, we might as well find another way.”

  ”What you mean, sir,”

  Yang Shifei raised three fingers: “As Jiang Songbo said, we should go to Qianren Bingtan as soon as possible and find the forger of the holy weapon to ask for the solution.”

  ”The second way is to find Yunshang Sect, one of the nine sects. Even though this sect is famous all over the world, it is still within the borders of Liang State. Maybe we can borrow their holy weapons to resolve the crisis.”

  ”As for the third way, the great protector of Qi State boasted that they have Taiwu holy weapons. We might as well enter Qi State and seize their holy weapons.”


  Luo Xian’er was a little amused when she heard the last part. “Young Master is really bold, much crazier than I was at the beginning.”

  She only thought of beheading the prince of Qi State with a sword, but this man thought of entering the palace of Qi State to grab the holy weapon. What’s the difference between this and seizing someone else’s throne.

  Yang Shifei smiled: “It’s just a suggestion.”

  Luo Xian’er thought: “When I recover from my injury in the future, maybe I can give it a try.”

  Yang Shifei: “.”

  Can you really give it a try?

  Luo Xian’er’s expression eased slightly, and she said softly: “As for Yunshang Sect, they don’t have a good relationship with the royal family, so they don’t care about the change of dynasties. Moreover, the Taiwu Holy Soldier is the foundation of Yunshang Sect for hundreds of years. It is expected that they will not lend it out easily, so we can only let King Dingjiang try.”

  Yang Shifei slapped his knees: “In this case, we will go to Qianren Bingtan.”

  ”.At present, this is the only way for the time being.”

  Luo Xian’er pondered for a while: “Counting the days, the time for the Holy Soldier to be born is not far away.”

  In the past half month, the spies have sent back a lot of news about Qianren Bingtan.

  Various forces have arrived one by one, but they have all kept their troops in place and have not caused much trouble. And the Holy Soldier is also being forged smoothly without being disturbed by the outside world.

  Although all this is just the calm before the storm, the Taiwu Holy Soldier now has an even more important meaning for Liang State and cannot be lost.

  ”Think about it, when I first came to East City, it was just to get married and live a life of idleness and waiting for death.”

  Yang Shifei smiled with emotion: “Now I have a lofty goal.”

  Luo Xian’er blinked and said softly: “Sir, do you regret getting involved in danger one after another?”

  ”Why should I regret it.” Yang Shifei’s expression gradually calmed down: “Establishing a sect, making a name for myself, and then taking the Taiwu Holy Soldier, this is also for myself. Besides, I have some ideas in my mind now.”

  Luo Xian’er’s eyes softened a little: “What goal has your sir set?”

  ”Although filth is still improving my physique, there is a limit to the filth that my body can accommodate.”

  Yang Shifei pointed to his chest: “Just like ordinary warriors practicing martial arts, they condense their internal strength after strengthening their bodies, from condensing the elixir, gathering the essence, communicating the mind, and then to the final cave spirit, step by step, let the internal strength penetrate all the tendons, veins and organs, and finally fill the whole body to the limit, and then give birth to the so-called martial thoughts and become a master.”

  ”And I seem to have slowly reached my limit. Even though I can consume the cold air through fierce battles and absorb the filth in your bodies, there will always be a time when I am ‘full’ and can’t take in more.”

  Yang Shifei said seriously: “I can’t control the filth in my body by myself, I can only operate it passively during the battle. But when I came into contact with the Taiwu Haoshi, even for a very short time, I could feel that the filth in my body was condensed and compressed, becoming purer, and my body was more relaxed.”

  Luo Xian’er was a little surprised: “So, you need the Taiwu Haoshi to make further breakthroughs?”

  Yang Shifei nodded: “So, seizing the Taiwu Holy Weapon is also of great significance to me.”

  He took a deep breath: “Moreover, one Taiwu Holy Weapon can help me condense the filthy cold air, so what will be the effect of two or three pieces?”

  Luo Xian’er’s beautiful eyes gradually widened: “Young Master, you want to…”

  ”My fiancée is so famous, I can’t fall behind.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and said, “It’s better to eat this soft rice.”

  Luo Xian’er couldn’t help but feel happy for him.

  If the young master can become stronger, he may be able to protect himself in the future when there is danger.

  ”Also, this matter is related to you.”

  Yang Shifei said seriously, “Miss Luo, your body is the most contaminated. Every time you kiss a few times, you will be half full. In the future, if it is for the happiness of both of us, I will naturally increase my limit as much as possible so that I can absorb it to my heart’s content.”

  Luo Xian’er: “.”

  The eldest lady’s jade face was slightly stunned, obviously she hadn’t considered this aspect.

  Could it be that the young master had the motivation to become stronger just for this matter?


  Luo Xian’er was suddenly startled, thinking of the feeling of absorbing filth. After only two kisses, her body was trembling non-stop. But if the young master becomes more powerful in the future and can kiss hundreds of times without stopping,

  the eldest lady’s face suddenly blushed. I’m afraid, I’m afraid I can’t bear it at all.

  ”Sir, you will still… cough, cough in the future.”

  Seeing Luo Xian’er suddenly cough lightly, Yang Shifei hurried forward to support her:

  ”Are you okay?”

  ”Much better than before.”

  Luo Xian’er’s chest rose and fell, and she exhaled slowly: “Thanks to you for helping me adjust. I swung a few swords tonight, and I still have a little strength left. I’m just a little out of breath.”

  Yang Shifei frowned and looked into her eyes: “Is it really just like that?”

  Luo Xian’er pursed her lips for a moment: “There is still a slight tearing pain all over my body.”

  Yang Shifei carefully checked and vaguely saw a little black crack in the collar, as if there was a black mud-like substance that was about to flow out of it, but it trembled and retracted as if trying to suppress it.

  ”Sir, don’t look at it”

  ”It’s okay.” Yang Shifei pulled her right hand that was covering it: “It’s you under this skin, what’s there to hide.”

  Luo Xian’er’s beautiful eyes flickered, and she nodded softly: “I will be more patient.”

  ”But I didn’t ask you to be patient.” Yang Shifei was a little amused and lowered his head to kiss the girl’s lips.

  As the foul breath rolled over again, his face suddenly tensed, letting the cold air fill his body, enduring the long pain.

  Luo Xian’er’s eyes flickered, and she collapsed in his arms, her face blushing with intoxication.


  After a moment, the two looked at each other’s lips.

  Luo Xian’er’s eyes were blurred, and she murmured: “Young Master, you… go back and rest quickly.”

  ”I have been running around all night, and I have consumed a lot.”

  Yang Shifei shook his head: “But filth can help me strengthen my body and eliminate fatigue. I will adjust with you more, so that I can rest better.”

  Luo Xian’er blushed and pursed her lips. How can there be such a perverse logic?

  Yang Shifei picked up the soft young lady and walked towards the boudoir in the backyard.

  ”Young Master.” Luo Xian’er’s delicate face became more rosy, and her slightly flustered voice was even more gentle: “Where are you going?”

  ”Take you back to your room to rest.” Yang Shifei’s tone did not allow for any argument, and the girl shrank when she heard it, and her eyes gently acquiesced.

  After entering the bedroom, he carefully put Luo Xian’er on the bed, took off her clean outer robe, shoes and socks.


  Luo Xian’er leaned against the soft pillow, her eyes moving.

  Yang Shifei sat on the bed, lifted her loose hair, lowered his head and kissed the black marks on her skin.


  After a while, in the backyard.

  Tan Xiang returned to Luo Mansion alone, and was about to report the situation in the city to her young lady.

  But just as she reached the door, her footsteps suddenly stopped.

  A faint sultry sound could be heard in the room, as if it was suppressed, but it was still intoxicating.


  The maid’s face changed and she clenched her hands.

  But after a long silence, she just slowly leaned to the side of the corridor, bowed her head and said nothing.

  The news was not very important, and there was no need to disturb her now.

  The young lady had just performed several Xuanwu methods, and she must be exhausted, and she needed the young master’s help to take care of her.

  I am just a maid, and I can wait quietly outside.

  As long as the young lady is healthy and worry-free, then…

  Tan Xiang bit her teeth, and a bit of loss and melancholy appeared in her slightly drooped eyes.

  But why did she feel so wronged and uncomfortable in her heart, as if a piece of her heart had been dug out.


  The door suddenly opened, which made Tan Xiang startled, and she turned her head subconsciously.

  Yang Shifei was already standing in front of her.


  Tan Xiang raised her head slightly, and was about to speak, but her lips were immediately blocked.

  The girl’s beautiful eyes opened wide, and she pushed and struggled with her hands. The two staggered all the way back to the corner of the corridor, with no way to retreat.

  ”Wait, wait for the young lady.”

  ”She has fallen asleep and is not injured. Don’t worry.”

  ”. Yeah.”

   Second update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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