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74. Chapter 74 Liang’s heart hurts a little

74. Chapter 74 Liang’s heart hurts a little


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 74 Liang’s heart aches a little.

  The next morning, before dawn.

  Yang Shifei walked into the palace alone in the fog

  ”For now, I will send someone to Yunshang Sect for help as soon as possible.”

  In the study, King Dingjiang sighed with a tired face, “Thank you, Young Master Yang, to go to Bingtan to fight for the Holy Weapon. If you need anything during the period, my people will help you in secret.”

  ”Your Highness, this matter cannot be resolved by finding a Holy Weapon.”

  Yang Shifei shook his head and took the initiative to open the topic: “Even if the Holy Weapon has the ability to suppress evil spirits, people infected with evil spirits will not be able to recover after all. If the capital has completely fallen, the entire Liang Dynasty order will have to change completely.”

  ”. This king has not slept all night, and it is also a headache for this matter.”

  King Dingjiang stood by the window and rubbed his eyebrows: “This king will try his best to summon old subordinates, gather officials and people from all over the country, separate from the capital, and minimize the influence of the capital as much as possible. As for later.”

  ”If Emperor Liang and the princes are irreparable.” Yang Shifei said meaningfully, “There are still two princes and princesses who have not been affected by the capital.”

  Prince Dingjiang glanced at him and smiled, “Young Master Yang has a lot on his mind.”

  Yang Shifei said calmly, “It’s just considering the orthodoxy of the bloodline.”

  ”.That’s true.” Prince Dingjiang closed his eyes and sighed, “I will consider it carefully.”

  ”One more thing, I wonder if the prince has enough manpower to investigate the current situation in other countries?”

  ”You and I have the same idea.”

  King Dingjiang’s expression gradually became serious: “Since I heard about the existence of strange evil spirits, I have been thinking about where these evil spirits come from.”

  As he said, he took out two files from the desk: “It just so happens that some of my men are lurking in other nine countries. In the early morning, a secret letter finally came, which described strange incidents that have occurred in various countries. They are all famous warriors who suddenly went crazy and killed many people.”

  Yang Shifei spread out the file and took a rough look, frowning: “It is very similar to what happened in our Liang country.”

  The slight difference is that these lunatics did not appear in the capitals of various countries, but in some remote towns, and appeared “naturally”.

  ”In this way, it can be proved that evil spirits are not unique to our Liang country.”

  King Dingjiang’s tone suddenly sank: “But, this situation is worse than expected!”

  It means that this filthy breath that can drive people crazy is no longer the “natural treasure” mentioned by Luo Xian’er, and it may even have begun to spread among the countries on the mainland!

  The capitals of various countries were not disturbed because they were suppressed by the Taiwu Saint Soldiers. And the counties, provinces and counties far away from the capital will be too busy to take care of themselves!

  ”If the situation worsens further.” Prince Dingjiang looked back seriously: “Young Master Yang, what do you think?”

  Yang Shifei closed the file and said calmly: “Continue to monitor the movements of various countries, count the number of cases and locations, and trace the source of the evil spirit. As for our Liang Kingdom, we have an advantage that other countries do not have for the time being. It is ‘only’ the capital that has been affected.”

  He paused and said seriously again: “Your Highness, this is the real coming of troubled times, but it is also a good opportunity to gain momentum.”

  Prince Dingjiang was stunned for a moment, and soon laughed with emotion: “Young Master Yang has changed a lot in just half a month.”

  ”It is said that people can only grow after war. I have fought several times in a row, so I should be a little different.”

  ”It’s a pity that my little daughter is ugly, otherwise I really want to marry her to you.”

  Prince Dingjiang patted his shoulder: “I will discuss it in detail with my advisers, and we will make a good plan after you return from the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond. But the premise of all this is that you must do your best to seize the Holy Weapon.”

  ”We will do our best.” Yang Shifei chuckled and said, “It also depends on the level of the prince’s lobbyist, whether he can persuade Yunshang Sect to lend the treasure.”

  The two sides did not talk for long, and talked about the current situation of various countries before saying goodbye to each other.

  Liang Xin opened the gate of the courtyard and looked at the deserted street with a slightly heavy expression.

  She had heard about the sudden change in East City last night.

  Knowing that the bandits who suddenly “rebelled” were actually the imperial guards sent by the capital, she more or less realized that something had happened in the capital.

  However, as the ninth prince who had no real power and no ability to protect herself, there was no need for her to rush back to the capital.

  But Liang Xin was still a little uneasy.

  ”It’s been less than two months, what happened?”

  ”——Brother Liang, you got up early.”

  A familiar voice came from not far away. Liang Xin subconsciously looked over and couldn’t help but be stunned: “Brother Yang, you don’t look very good?”

  ”Nothing, I was a little tired from killing the enemy last night.”

  Yang Shifei smiled slightly awkwardly.

  In fact, it was to absorb the filth in the three women’s bodies that increased due to the use of their true form.

  He is really holding on now.

  The filthy coldness of the three women with different properties is lingering in his body. Although there is no conflict, there is indeed a feeling of fullness. Yue Rui was considerate last night and didn’t let him absorb too much.

  Maybe he needs to practice martial arts diligently for a few days before he can properly digest the filth in his body.

  Liang Xin’s eyes are strange: “Brother Yang, you should be more restrained. Don’t rely on your youth to ruin your body.”

  Yang Shifei: “.”

  This girl, what nonsense is she thinking.

  But then I thought about it, it was really messy that I “absorbed” three women in succession last night.

  ”Last night.”

  Liang Xin took a deep breath: “Thanks to you, this matter can be solved smoothly.”

  Yang Shifei secretly sweated: “We all settled in Dongcheng, so we naturally can’t watch the thieves do evil.”

  Although Liang Xin didn’t witness it with his own eyes, he heard the guards retell it and knew how important the man in front of him played.

  Seeing that he was still as humble as before, he couldn’t help but smile slightly. Others may not know, just remember it in your heart.

  Yang Shifei’s mind moved slightly, and he tried: “Brother Liang, your identity…”

  ”I am the Ninth Prince.” Liang Xin smiled calmly: “You already knew the answer to this identity, right?”

  Yang Shifei breathed a sigh of relief: “I knew it when we met in Mengshang Pavilion.”

  ”.Ah?” So early?

  Liang Xin thought that it was only after spending more than half a month together that her identity was gradually exposed.

  ”Since, since Brother Yang already knew my identity, then we usually…”

  ”So what if he is a prince.” Yang Shifei smiled and patted her shoulder: “We practice together and joke around, and it has nothing to do with whether he is a prince or not.”

  Liang Xin pursed her lips and couldn’t help but smile happily: “You are right.”

  Regardless of status, she cares about her living ‘person’.

  This idea may be a bit hypocritical, but for the Ninth Prince, it is a rare sincerity in the cold palace.

  However, fortunately, her identity as a woman was not exposed, otherwise

  Liang Xin would blush for no reason.

  ”Let’s get back to business first.” Yang Shifei said softly, “Brother Liang, do you know what happened in the palace?”

  ”Before I left, everything was the same. But it may be that I have never cared about this.”

  Liang Xin fanned her face to cool down, and whispered, “My mother died of illness shortly after giving birth to me, and my father rarely saw me. I was just an idle prince in the palace and had no chance to get involved in those court affairs.”

  Yang Shifei secretly smacked his lips. This girl’s background is very similar to Miss Luo.

  ”However, before I left.”

  Liang Xin said with a little hesitation: “My father hasn’t seen me for several years, but he summoned me once that day. When he heard that I wanted to go out for a trip, he nodded and agreed very readily, and told me that I should stay out for a while, experience the beauty of Liang State, and practice some advanced martial arts.”

  Yang Shifei’s face showed surprise: “The Emperor Liang is talking to you.”

  ”My father may have noticed something.” Liang Xin whispered: “Of course, it may also be that I am imagining things.” Yang Shifei

  thought for a moment, and said: “In any case, Brother Liang should continue to live in Dongcheng recently, and don’t go back to Beijing. At least wait until the storm subsides, then it won’t be too late to consider it.”

  ”Don’t worry, even if this didn’t happen, I wouldn’t go back so early.”

  Liang Xin smiled: “If I still have this mediocre kung fu, I won’t have the face to see my father.”

  At this point, she asked curiously: “You seemed to have discussed with Miss Luo and the others for a long time last night. What are your arrangements next?”

  Yang Shifei did not hide it and roughly told her the follow-up plan.

  ”Is that so?”

  Liang Xin understood, but she had no intention of following him.

  She knew her own worth, and she could still wander around in Liang State relying on her status as a prince. Once she left the country, not many people would care about her status.

  Moreover, with the internal changes in Liang State, her status as a prince might cause trouble.

  ”Then I will…”

  ”Brother Liang, just stay at my place.”

  Yang Shifei chuckled and said, “There is a maid named Jasmine next door. She is quite powerful. If anything happens, she will come to help you.”

  ”Okay.” Liang Xin nodded, “Then I will stay here and wait for Brother Yang to return safely.”

  In the afternoon, the palace sent someone to deliver the pass.

  Not only that, but they also brought a few martial arts secrets and nourishing pills for nourishing the inner breath, which were quite valuable.

  The butler of the palace hesitated for a moment, then smiled bitterly: “There is also a word from my princess, saying that she is very grateful to Young Master Yang for saving her life. When you marry Miss Luo in the future, she will definitely send a heavy gift to express her gratitude.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and bowed: “I will accept the blessing of the little princess.”

  After sending the butler of the palace away, Liang Xin, who was just practicing boxing, came up.

  ”Brother Yang, you saved the little princess and the King of Dingjiang. She didn’t marry you, but instead arranged for you to marry that Miss Luo?”


  ”Strange.” Liang Xin was a little confused: “What is the status of that Miss Luo that makes the little princess so humble?”

  In her impression, this princess is still quite arrogant.

  ”Miss Luo and the little princess are friends.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Besides, Miss Luo’s status and position are not lower than hers.”

  Liang Xin was a little curious. Since joining Luoyue Pavilion, she really hasn’t inquired about Luo Xian’er’s background. She wants to compete fairly and practice martial arts with peace of mind.

  Now that she was brought up, she couldn’t help but ask, “Is this Miss Luo from a wealthy and prestigious family?”

  Yang Shifei remembered what Luo Xian’er had said last night, and smiled at her, “Don’t you know that you have a sister you’ve never met?”

  Liang Xin was stunned.

  Luo Xian’er, is she her sister?

  Her mind froze a little, and as she looked at the smiling Yang Shifei, she only had one thought –

  wouldn’t this person be her brother-in-law?

   Today’s three updates are finished~ Thank you all for your rewards and monthly ticket support!


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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