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79. Chapter 79 Bingtan Wedding Bed

79. Chapter 79 Bingtan Wedding Bed


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 79 Bingtan Wedding Bed

  Damn, when did someone sit on the roof?

  Yang Shifei was so shocked that he almost jumped up.

  But seeing that the sound of the zither shocked the heroes of various factions, and Tan Xiang did not say a word, he simply continued to stay put, and waited until the carriage went deep into the mountains and there was no one around, then he carefully stood up and looked back.

  The woman in black sat cross-legged on the roof of the car, with an ancient long zither flat between her knees, and a smile was faintly visible under her veil.

  ”Little brother, you have good concentration.”

  ”It’s you?” Yang Shifei was startled: “When did you come?”

  Faced with the question, Yan Lingshuang was inexplicably silent for a moment:

  ”I just came not long ago.”

  ”Thank you Emperor Yan for your help.” Luo Xian’er’s cold voice came from the carriage: “Do you want to live with us in the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond?”

  Yan Lingshuang put the long zither back into the sword case and smiled: “There are many undercurrents in the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond. I will wait and see for two days alone.”

  As she said that, she carried the black wooden sword case that was as tall as a person on her back, jumped lightly onto the tree, and looked back sideways:

  ”Xian’er, take care of yourself. And little brother–”

  Yan Lingshuang said with interest: “I will come to see you again in two days.”

  As soon as the voice fell, she disappeared into the dense forest as if teleporting.

  I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I always feel that the sight of the Yan Kingdom Queen under the bamboo hat is a bit piercing.

  Tan Xiang said softly: “Don’t worry, at least she won’t be our enemy.”

  Yang Shifei simply got off the carriage, holding Yue Rui in one hand, and walked forward to explore the way while holding the reins.

  As the trees on both sides gradually sparse, the mountain scenery in front suddenly opens up, and the vast and flat mountains come into view.

  But the most surprising thing is still the towering Dinglu Mountain.

  Looking closely, there is even more under the mountain. The continuous rocks form a tripod with four feet deeply rooted in the earth, and the open caves between the tripod feet face the deep forest, like a huge mouth that devours people.

  Yang Shifei kept walking and looked at the mountain in amazement: “This thing is really formed naturally?”

  ”——Brother, it is normal to be so surprised. The heroes of the world will be shocked when they first come here.”

  Yang Shifei turned his head and saw a young man in a black robe walking towards him with a smile: “This is my second time to Qianren Bingtan. I have asked the locals. This is indeed formed by wind and sun for tens of millions of years. It can be called the work of immortals.”

  ”Who are you?”

  ”I forgot to introduce myself.” The young man smiled and said, “My name is Yu Mingde, and I am from Zhou State.”

  Zhou State?

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly. This place is separated from Zhou State by Xu and Zhao States, more than thousands of miles away.

  ”No wonder your dress is slightly different from that of the surrounding countries.”

  ”Because my Zhou country is bitterly cold all year round, the climate is very different from here.” Yu Mingde smiled and said, “When I first came to Qianren Bingtan a few years ago, I wrapped myself thickly and was laughed at by many people in the martial arts world. I was also sweating profusely from the heat, which was really embarrassing.”

  Yang Shifei had a wooden face. This was indeed embarrassing, and it reminded him of many embarrassing things that happened before he traveled through time.

  ”I don’t know where you are from, sir?”

  ”We are from Liang.” Yang Shifei cleared his throat and said calmly, “I am Yang Shifei, and the one in my arms is my sister. And in the carriage are my fiancée and my maid.”

  Yu Mingde looked a little strange, “Brother Yang is really in a good mood. This place is extremely dangerous, and you still have the leisure to take your wife and sister to travel around.”

  Yang Shifei laughed awkwardly, “The most important thing is to participate.”

  ”That’s right.”

  Yu Mingde gestured in the direction of the grotto, “Brother Yang, follow me into the palace, and you can find a quiet room to stay first. There are still about ten days before the Holy Soldier is born, and now is a good time to recuperate.”

  ”Thank you.” Yang Shifei led the reins and soon came to the entrance of Bingtan.

  Looking up, he was secretly amazed. There was actually an extremely magnificent palace built in this grotto, with a perfect combination of the mountain and the building, which was quite beautiful.

  A man in a tight suit walked down the long steps quickly and said with a sullen face: “Bingtan is a restricted area. Outsiders are not allowed to enter for the time being. Please state your name first.”

  Yu Mingde hurriedly bowed: “This is a friend I just met. Please ask the military commander to make an exception and let him move in with us to the Zhou Kingdom area.”

  ”No need to be so troublesome.” Yang Shifei took out two tokens, Hongyu and dagger, from his arms: “Can you prove your identity?”

  The man in a tight suit looked at Hongyu with a stern

  look in his eyes.
He stared at Hongyu for a moment, and his gloomy expression suddenly changed. He put on a stiff smile:

  ”You are my clan’s distinguished guests. Please come in quickly. Someone will greet you to your hall soon.”
The sudden change in attitude made Yu Mingde on the side stunned.

  ”No problem.” Yang Shifei put away the token: “It’s our carriage.”

  ”Don’t worry, sir, we will keep a close watch.”

  ”That’s good.”

  Yang Shifei turned around and lifted the curtain of the carriage: “We can go in.”

  ”Well.” Luo Xian’er and Tan Xiang walked out of the carriage with their bags.

  Yu Mingde’s eyes trembled when he saw this, and he was secretly surprised.

  Although the man’s female companion wore a veil, she exuded a spiritual aura and must be a stunning beauty.

  ”Brother Yu, let’s say goodbye here first.” Yang Shifei smiled and said, “No need to see you off.”

  ”Okay, Brother Yang, if you don’t understand anything, you can come to the Zhou Kingdom area to find me.”

  Yu Mingde clasped his fists in return and watched the four people leave together.


  He stood there for a moment, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly turned to step into the other side of the palace.

  Several young people were gathered in the corridor. When they saw him coming, they couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Brother Yu, you came back empty-handed this time. Didn’t you succeed in winning over the enemy?”

  ”We’ve run into a tough guy.” Yu Mingde said in a serious tone, “I didn’t expect this Liang countryman to be carrying a valuable token and become a distinguished guest. I’m asking for trouble.”

  ”When has Qianren Bingtan ever had a distinguished guest token?”

  ”Only big figures at the level of a Saint Envoy can issue tokens.”

  Yu Mingde’s words made all the young people frown.

  ”Liang. When has Liang country produced such a figure besides Yunshang Sect?”

  Following the help of the people from Qianren Bingtan, Yang Shifei and others stepped into a luxurious bedroom.

  ”Is the interior of this sect so grand?”

  Yang Shifei looked around and was a little surprised.

  This scene is probably not much worse than the bedroom of the royal nobles in his impression.

  The floor under his feet and the surrounding walls are even similar to the material of tiles, shining faintly.

  ”Dear guests, please rest assured to stay for the next ten days.”

  The black-robed old man who led the way said warmly: “We will provide all the food and clothing, and you can also visit the outer periphery of this palace. And in the deeper part of Furnace Mountain, it is the place where my sect’s disciples live and practice, so it is not easy to step in casually.”

  Yang Shifei hurriedly asked: “Old sir, about the matter of the Holy Soldiers…”

  ”You may as well come here and take a look.”

  The black-robed old man smiled and led everyone to the deepest part of the bedroom.

  Yang Shifei was just wondering, but soon found something strange – the wall in the deepest part of this bedroom was transparent? !

  Yue Rui also woke up at this time, and lay on the transparent wall with great curiosity: “What is this?”

  ”Little girl, this is a specially refined ore of our sect, similar to thin ice, but clearer. However, the quantity is rare, so it is only stored in the VIP bedroom.”

  The black-robed old man pointed to the outside of the transparent wall: “Everyone, take a closer look.”

  Luo Xian’er looked at it carefully, and soon her eyes moved slightly.

  Outside the ‘wall’, there was actually an extremely deep stone cave!

  A few dozen feet below the stone cave, a huge furnace stood steadily, with a blazing fire almost erupting!

  Yang Shifei looked surprised. He didn’t expect there was another world inside.

  ”Directly below the furnace is the ‘Triple Secret Cave’ leading to the forging of holy weapons. When the holy weapons are born, the furnace will erupt with boiling molten lava under the stimulation of the sharp edge, flowing into the surrounding ditches, turning into our sect’s formation pattern, and illuminating the entire Qishan Soldier Pond with flames.”

  The black-robed old man smiled and said, “When that time comes, please feel free to fight in the Soldier Pond below. We, the Thousand Blades Soldier Pond, will no longer interfere.”

  ”It’s really a big deal.”

  Luo Xian’er couldn’t help but sigh, “Such a wonder, it’s really amazing.”

  The black-robed old man said kindly, “We will soon arrange a sword servant to take care of your daily life. If you have any questions later, just ask the sword servant.”

  ”Thank you, sir. Wait a minute.”

  Yang Shifei hurriedly asked in a low voice, “I don’t know if Qiu is happy, is Miss Qiu here now?” The

  black-robed old man showed a strange look on his face, “Saint Envoy Qiu is now in the triple secret cave, preparing to forge holy weapons. I think it will be difficult for him to leave easily. He may be free in a day or two.”

  ”Thank you.”

  Luo Xian’er stared at the circular stone cave that was more than a hundred feet outside the wall, and sighed softly: “There are really many skilled craftsmen in this Qianren Bingtan.”

  The so-called “Qishan Bingtan” is clearly a smaller version of the entire Tianlu Mountain outside. It took countless years to build it.

  ”It’s really amazing.” Tan Xiang nodded slightly, her beautiful eyes moving.

  Although she was taciturn, she was very surprised.

  And Maomao had already pressed her face against the wall, her mouth opened wide, and she was amazed again and again.

  ”If there is a chance, I would like to invite a craftsman from Qianren Bingtan.”

  Yang Shifei took two steps back and looked at the “glass wall” in front of him: “It would be great if I could install one at home.”

  Luo Xian’er was a little confused: “Where should I install it?”

  Yang Shifei blurted out subconsciously: “In the bathroom, it must be very good.”

  Tan Xiang and Luo Xian’er were stunned when they heard this, and then they thought of something and looked strange.

  Yang Shifei hurriedly said: “I mean to install it on the roof so that you can enjoy the moon while bathing.”

  The two women were speechless.

  Tan Xiang still had a cold face, and Luo Xian’er’s ears were a little hot.

  The young master didn’t think much about it, but they started to fantasize, which was really embarrassing.

  Yang Shifei stole a glance at them and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he reacted quickly.


  Yue Rui pulled his sleeve: “How are we going to sleep tonight?”

  Yang Shifei smiled and said, “Of course here. Huh?”

  He looked around and was stunned.

  Damn, this bedroom looks so luxurious, but there is only one bed? !

  He hurried to the bed and looked left and right, but saw that the bed was big enough for more than one person to lie down. The bed was covered with bright red silk and green gauze curtains, as if it was used for sleeping together.

  Yang Shifei’s expression became more subtle.

  This Thousand Blade Weapon Pond. It’s really smart!

   Second update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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