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82. Chapter 82: Destroy the Family

82. Chapter 82: Destroy the Family


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 82: Destroying

  a Family When the Black Axe appeared, the world was in silence.

  Yue Buli, who had learned about the life of the Sun-Swallowing Emperor in detail, was shocked and said in a trembling voice: “Sun-Swallowing Axe.”

  ”What is the Sun-Swallowing Axe?” An elder beside him asked curiously.

  ”The Emperor’s True Weapon,” Yue Buli replied in four words.

  But just these four words made everyone present change their faces.

  Only weapons that have been engraved with the Emperor’s pattern and tempered by the destiny can be called the Emperor’s True Weapon.

  Generally, when the Emperor carries the destiny, he can choose to use the destiny to temper two weapons.

  One is his own destiny true weapon. The destiny true weapon refers to the weapon that has been with the Emperor since his youth, killing enemies together, and growing together.

  Like Xu Zimo’s Tyrant Shadow and Chu Yang’s Wandering Dragon Sword.

  The Emperor usually takes his own destiny true weapon with him after ascending.

  There is also a weapon that the Emperor imitated his own destiny true weapon, then engraved the Emperor’s pattern and tempered by the destiny.

  This kind of weapon is called the Emperor’s True Weapon, which is left by the Emperor to future generations.

  The power of the Great Emperor’s True Weapon is stronger than the Universe-class weapon.

  It can be said that it is second only to the True Weapon of the Destiny.


  You must know that the Emperor’s Mark and the Fate’s Tempering are incomparable to ordinary weapons. Only the Great Emperor can do it himself.

  When the Sun Swallowing Axe appeared, in the courtyard where the outer disciples lived, the old man in the ring shouted to Chu Yang: “Run, run, leave the Tianjian Sect.”

  ”What’s wrong, teacher?” Chu Yang asked with some confusion.

  ”That is the Great Emperor’s True Weapon. With that guy’s current strength holding the Great Emperor’s True Weapon, even the Emperor’s Vein strongmen are not afraid. He is enough to destroy the entire Tianjian Sect,” the old man in the circle of reincarnation said anxiously: “If you don’t leave, everyone will be buried with him.”

  ”Then I will go to inform Master,” Chu Yang looked at Yue Buli on the distant mountain and said hurriedly.

  ”It’s too late. With my current recovered strength, I can’t protect you at all,” the old man in the circle of reincarnation said hurriedly: “You should leave now, otherwise everyone will not be able to escape.”

  ”But Master is also very good to me. If I just leave like this, it would be too unkind,” Chu Yang said hesitantly.

  ”You should think the other way around. If you don’t leave now, everyone will die. Who will avenge the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, including your master?” Old Mo explained, “If you leave now, when you grow up and become powerful, you can help them avenge. This is the best way to repay them.”

  After hearing what the old man said, Chu Yang was still a little unwilling, and looked at Ren Pingsheng’s back as he soared into the air again.

  The Sun Swallowing Axe was raised above his head, and the sky was full of demonic energy that enveloped the entire sky. Deep in the clouds, demonic energy was rolling and black fog was everywhere, as if the end of the world was coming.

  ”Teacher, if you lend me your power, just like the time at Black Water Peak, with the cooperation of the White Cloud Sword Master and the Heavenly Sword Patriarch, is there a chance to defeat that guy?”

  ”Xiao Yangzi, you still don’t understand what I mean,” the old man sighed and said, “Today, let alone the three of us, even if three emperor vein masters come, it will be useless.

  Unless someone can possess the same great emperor’s real weapon.”

  ”It’s just a weapon, is it really that powerful?” Chu Yang said in disbelief as he looked at Ren Pingsheng, whose power was getting stronger and stronger in the sky.

  ”Do you think it’s just a weapon?” The old man said with emotion: “All things have spirits, whether flowers, trees, humans or monsters.

  Even a sword or a piece of scrap iron, after being carved by the emperor’s pattern and tempered by destiny, it is no longer just a weapon.

  You can even say that it has broken its own shackles and can be called half a living thing.”


  Above the Tianjian Sect, the black fog became heavier and heavier, almost covering the entire sky, and it was so thick that no sunlight could be seen.

  A beam of black light shot into the sky from the Swallowing Sun Axe, followed by a whirlwind of wind and clouds, and the demonic energy rioted.


  a ferocious and terrifying face transformed by the devilish energy condensed in the sky.

  ”Who woke me up?”

  A deafening and high-pitched voice exploded in the air.

  ”Senior, I am the descendant of the Sun-Swallowing Ancestor,” Ren Pingsheng said hurriedly.

  ”The descendant of Boss Sun-Swallowing?” The face condensed by the black mist looked at Ren Pingsheng for a long time before he felt the breath of blood from him.

  ”Since you are a descendant, according to the agreement, you have ten chances to obtain my power. After ten times, I will be free,” the face condensed by the black mist said slowly.


  The emperor’s real artifacts also have spirits. They are not inferior to humans in terms of thinking and wisdom.

  Even if the emperor gave them everything at the beginning, it does not mean that they will be controlled by the emperor’s descendants forever.

  If the price of giving them spirituality is to lose freedom and become a running dog for others to kill.

  Then these artifact spirits would rather be wiped out, which is their last pride.

  Therefore, the emperors of all generations would reach a deal with the artifact spirits. The artifact spirits would help the emperor’s descendants ten times, and after ten times, they could leave and gain freedom.

  Of course, not all the great emperor’s real weapons will leave the great emperor’s descendants after ten times, such as the forces of the Zhenwu Saint Sect.

  They will reach a deal with the weapon spirits, provide the weapon spirits with resources for cultivation, and the weapon spirits can help them when the sect needs them.

  As for Ren Pingsheng, the Ren family has already declined, and those weapon spirits are definitely unwilling to stay.


  Looking at the sky that has been buried in darkness, the old man Tianjian and the master of Baiyun Sword saw the solemnity in each other’s eyes.

  ”Master, maybe this is the last time we fight side by side,” the master of Baiyun Sword laughed freely.

  ”It’s better to die under the great emperor’s real weapon than to die of old age in the dust and blood coffin,” the old man Tianjian laughed.

  Existences like them have long put life and death aside. The reason why they are still lingering in the dust and blood coffin is just to contribute the last bit of strength to the sect.

  Yue Buli and other elders in the sect quickly dismissed the disciples, and they counted as many as they could escape.

  Chu Yang looked at the already chaotic sect, shook his head and smiled bitterly, with more bitterness in his smile.

  Although he had not been here for a long time, he had developed feelings for this place and treated it like his home.

  Chu Yang knew that he could not change anything. After all, he was too weak now.

  After sighing a few times, Chu Yang did not dare to stay any longer. Just as he was about to leave, he saw Yue Buli actually walking in the air and finding him.

  ”Master, you,” Chu Yang looked at Yue Buli with some curiosity, not knowing why he was specifically looking for him.

  ”If the sect is destroyed today, then all the responsibilities will be borne by me. I am the eternal sinner of the sect and the sinner of this catastrophe.

  I hope you can be ashamed of me,” Yue Buli looked at Chu Yang and said seriously: “Although we have known each other for a short time, I believe I will not make a mistake.

  If you achieve something in the future, I hope you can revive our sect.”

  Yue Buli took off the ring on his right hand and handed it to Chu Yang, saying: “This is the head ring. If you are willing, then from now on you will be the fourth leader of the Tianjian Sect.

  If you don’t want to, it’s okay. Everyone has their own ambitions. Follow your heart and don’t be bound by anything.”

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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