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87. Chapter 87 Cat’s Lips

87. Chapter 87 Cat’s Lips

2024-01-24 作者: 枚可

  Chapter 87 Cat’s Lips

  Yue Rui walked briskly and leisurely in the corridor.

  From time to time, some people appeared from the fog and left without noticing. Even if they stumbled a few steps due to being hooked, they just scratched their heads awkwardly and did not notice anything unusual.

  ”Brother, how is it?”

  ”Too strong.” Yang Shifei rubbed her little face: “It was not in vain that I slept so long.”

  Yue Rui’s cheeks puffed slightly: “I’m growing up.”

  ”It’s very cute now.”

  Yang Shifei looked at the houses again, and whispered: “What level of warriors can your ability affect?”

  ”Below the top three masters, they will never be able to find out.” Yue Rui proudly puffed out her chest: “Only the top three masters can find clues after getting close.”

  ”So, as long as you keep a little distance, even the top three masters can get away with it?”

  ”The Heavenly Man and the Black Tortoise can also be deceived for a short time.” Yue Rui blinked: “However, the consumption will be very high.”

  ”How long can you maintain the lowest level of illusion?”

  ”Half an hour.” Yue Rui nodded her lips: “When the time comes, you have to ask your brother to suck it.”

  ”If you feel uncomfortable, don’t force it.”

  Yang Shifei was quickly stunned. Yue Rui was surrounded by gray mist, and there seemed to be a pair of cat ears looming on her head, and a fluffy cat tail appeared behind her, swaying.

  ”Is this part of the true self?”

  ”Yes.” Yue Rui pulled up his right hand and smiled, “Brother, let’s continue the exploration!”

  ”Okay.” Yang Shifei calmed down a little and led the kitten to explore the bedrooms.

  As the doors opened one by one, dozens of people from Xu State soon welcomed the “uninvited guests”.

  Yang Shifei searched everywhere without any hesitation, and almost looked upside down their details–

  ”-Brother, this person looks so strange.”

  Yue Rui pointed at the Xu man who was practicing with his eyes closed on the bed: “Does he look like a toad?”

  Yang Shifei laughed twice: “Maybe he is practicing toad skills?”

  Yue Rui didn’t understand, so she learned to make a fist and put it beside her face, then bent her waist and raised her hips, twisting her waist like a coquettish cat: “Brother, is this how you learn it?”

  Seeing the tail swinging back and forth in front of him, Yang Shifei almost couldn’t help but touch it.

  ”Hey, it’s very cute.”

  Yue Rui’s pretty face blushed slightly, and she quickly stopped her movements and followed him obediently.

  The two walked around a few more rooms, and Maomao suddenly whispered, “Brother, do you want to touch the tail?”


  ”Brother has been peeking at it many times just now.”

  While Yang Shifei was stunned, the soft cat tail dropped to his arm.

  Seeing the hope in the girl’s eyes, he also stroked it twice with some curiosity. It was as soft as cloud fluff, and the touch was extremely wonderful.

  ”It feels very comfortable to touch, do you feel it too?”

  ”It’s hot and crisp, so comfortable.”

  Yue Rui’s eyes were blurred, her face was rosy, and her legs trembled under her skirt.

  Seeing that she almost couldn’t stand steadily, Yang Shifei quickly picked her up: “Isn’t this reaction too big?”

  Yue Rui leaned on his shoulder, blushing and whispering, “Because it’s really comfortable, that’s why…”

  Yang Shifei was a little amused. If you don’t know, you might think that this tail came out from some strange place.

  Looking closely, it is actually formed by filth condensed from the coccyx.

  ”Brother, what kind of book is she reading?”

  ”Let me see, uh, it’s a pornographic book, don’t read it, girl.”

  Such conversations were heard from time to time, but Yue Rui gradually calmed down.

  These disciples from the major sects of Xu State, almost all of them were practicing and reading books at night, which was really monotonous.

  Yang Shifei stepped into the last disciple’s house and saw the owner sitting cross-legged and practicing, so he stepped forward and pressed his shoulder-

  a very faint smell of filth emerged.

  ”This person also has it.”

  Yang Shifei frowned.

  Because Yue Rui’s true power can even block the sense of touch, he tried to absorb all the forty or fifty disciples he met along the way.

  And eight of them had filth in their bodies. Even if it was so weak that it dissipated halfway through the absorption, the danger behind it was chilling.

  ”These disciples are not from the same sect, but from multiple sects scattered all over the place.” Yang Shifei took out the list and map, silently compared them for a moment, and roughly confirmed the suppression range of the Taiwu Saint Soldiers.

  ”Brother, is the situation very dangerous?”

  Yue Rui sat on his right arm, helping to spread the map, and whispered, “Many people have been tricked.”

  ”We have to look at other areas to rule out accidents.”

  Yang Shifei put away the list and turned to explore the remaining residences of Xu State.

  During this period, he met many masters and even strong men of the upper third rank, but fortunately Yue Rui was powerful and the two of them never revealed their tracks.

  After searching for a circle and confirming that there was nothing wrong with Xu State, they turned into the Wei State area.

  But as soon as the door was opened, several sights were cast towards him!

  Yang Shifei’s eyes suddenly condensed, and he immediately hugged Yue Rui and retreated to the corner, staring at a person in the room-

  Qi State’s great protector, Jiang Songbo.

  ”The wind tonight seems to be quite strong.”

  A Wei State expert closed the door and turned back to his seat.

  Yang Shifei held his breath and looked at the few people sitting around in the room, and couldn’t help but feel suspicious.

  How did the Qi State protector get involved with the people of Wei State?

  These three people are all worshippers of the Wei royal family. The disciples of various sects accompanying them must obey them. They are considered the leaders of Wei’s trip.

  ”——This is the arrangement. Once this is done, the Holy Soldiers will belong to our Qi State, and the Thousand Blades Weapon Pool will be yours.”

  Jiang Songbo sipped his tea and said calmly: “Lu Zhiquan, if something really happens in the future, our two countries will be the most reliable allies.” ”

  With the words of Protector Jiang, we feel much more relieved.”

  Lu Zhiquan on the opposite side laughed: “We will speed up our actions tomorrow. If we kill a few more people each time, we can push the Thousand Blades Weapon Pool to the forefront as soon as possible.”

  ”But you have to be more careful. The whereabouts of the Shu people are a bit strange. Even I can’t see through their intentions.”

  ”As far as I know, those Shu people may want to attack the Thousand Blades Weapon Pool itself.”

  ”.Are they crazy!?”

  ”I don’t know. Maybe they have mastered some similar technology, which is why they are so confident. Even if they can’t destroy it, they want to cause great damage to the Thousand Blade Weapon Pool.”

  Yang Shifei continued to eavesdrop quietly, his face becoming more and more solemn.

  Not only Shu, but also the movements and arrangements of other countries were mentioned later.

  After listening for a long time, he knew that there were so many means.

  Among them, the most alarming to Yang Shifei, in addition to Qi and Wei, is Shu and Zhou.

  One has strange and suspicious whereabouts, and the other is secretly recruiting forces and talents, and has other plans.

  ”——After this matter is over, there is one more thing.”

  Jiang Songbo’s tone suddenly sank: “I want you to work together to eliminate all the people from Liang State, especially the sect called Luoyue Pavilion, and they must all be killed.”

  ”Oh?” Lu Zhiquan smiled: “Luoyue Pavilion, this is the first time I’ve heard of it. Could it be that this small sect has made some mistakes and made the guardian unhappy?”

  ”The Luoshui Sword Immortal is the master of this pavilion.”


  As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became silent.

  The old man next to Lu Zhiquan sneered: “Protector Jiang is really calculating. Does he want to push us out as scapegoats?”

  ”Don’t worry. Although the Luoshui Sword Immortal is terrifying, his old injuries have not healed at all. As long as we join forces, there is no need to be afraid of him.”

  ”Are there any other masters in Luoyue Pavilion?”

  ”There are three people, whose strength is slightly lower than the upper third rank. I think that with the manpower of our two countries, we can kill them all.”

  Hearing his confident words, the three people from Wei State were all thinking secretly.


  Yang Shifei hugged Yue Rui and leaned against the window, listening to it a little funny. This person really has a thief’s heart.

  But he didn’t know that Luo Xian’er’s injuries have almost healed now, and she is not so easy to deal with.

  Yue Rui raised her head and whispered: “Do you want to tickle them?”

  ”Just ruin their good deeds.” Yang Shifei thought about it and quickly took out the bag of poison sacs: “Girl, pour half of it behind Jiang Songbo’s collar.”

  Yue Rui’s eyes lit up and nodded repeatedly.

  Seeing Maomao tiptoeing behind Jiang Songbo, Yang Shifei pulled his throat, pushed the window open a little, and shouted to the outside:

  ”Lu Gongsheng! When will we take action against Qi?!”

  The shout almost echoed in the courtyard, and Jiang Songbo, who was negotiating with the Wei Gongsheng, changed his face and stood up suddenly.

  ”What do you mean–huh?”

  But before he finished questioning, he suddenly felt a heat in his back, followed by an unimaginable burning pain, and immediately howled in pain!

  ”Oh ah ah ah ah?!”

  The three Wei Gongshengs sitting opposite were already stunned by the shouting outside the house. They turned around and saw Jiang Songbo stood up angrily, roaring at them with bloodshot eyes. His distorted and collapsed expression seemed to have suffered some unimaginable tragic betrayal in his life. He danced wildly on the spot, and was so angry that he was heartbroken and burst into tears.

  Lu Zhiquan and the other two were completely confused.

  What is going on? !

  Yue Rui slipped back to the window like smoke, her smile almost turned into a cat’s mouth, and it was very hard to hold it back.

  Yang Shifei secretly gave her a thumbs up, hugged the girl’s delicate body, and climbed out of the window.

  At the same time, Jiang Songbo’s collapse wailing came from the house: “You despicable villains, you dared to poison me, damn it–!”

  ”Wait! Jiang Protector, what did you say–”

  But before the voice fell, the two sides began to fight.

  The roar of fists and palms shook the house, and in the blink of an eye, even the roof was collapsed by the four people. The fight was extremely fierce.

  Yang Shifei had run a hundred feet away at this time and looked back.

  Jiang Songbo’s clothes on his back were completely melted, blood red, and he was howling and fighting with the three people from Wei. Such a movement soon attracted the attention of other countries around, and people came out from all sides one after another.

  Seeing the four people fighting, they were also stunned. How could Qi and Wei suddenly tear their faces apart in the middle of the night?

  Especially when they saw Jiang Songbo in dishevel and with tears streaming down his face, people from all countries were stunned.

  ”Brother, this poison is so powerful.”

  The two ran away against the crowd. Yue Rui in her arms took out half a bag of poison sacs and said with a snicker, “Although that person won’t die, he will definitely feel very uncomfortable.”

  Yang Shifei sneered twice, “It’s just asking for trouble, he deserves it.”

  But thinking of the information he just overheard, he secretly thought that he should go to Qiu Buhuan to have a chat, and let Qianren Bingtan be more careful, at least the Yinhuo lineage must not get into trouble.

  While thinking, he put away the poison sac and whispered, “Next, let’s go to Zhouguo first.”

  Yue Rui hugged his neck and said softly, “Brother, suck.”


  ”Yeah, it’s very tiring to deceive those people just now.”

  Yang Shifei took her into the corner of the courtyard wall, held her little hand and prepared to absorb the filth.

  But before he could move, the petite girl came closer and murmured, “I want to kiss like them.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “But you now…”

  Yue Rui’s eyes were rippled, and her pretty face was stained with a bit of shyness and blush: “I won’t tell you, bad women don’t know.”

  As she said that, she took the initiative to stand up and kiss.

  After the two of them tossed around in the corner for a while, they walked out quickly.

  Yue Rui was held horizontally in his arms, her cute face flushed, and she rubbed against his shoulder coquettishly.

  Yang Shifei was a little amused. This girl was not tired at all, she was obviously still very energetic, just deliberately saying that she wanted to suck.

  However, this girl’s little mouth

  was like pudding, soft, sweet and tender.

  ”Don’t be so naughty next time.”


  Yue Rui kissed her neck again secretly, and smiled mischievously.

  Yang Shifei was a little itchy, so he patted her little butt and continued to move forward.

  Now, people from all sides were attracted by the commotion caused by Jiang Songbo. There were almost no people in the Zhou Kingdom area, and the road was unobstructed.

  Yang Shifei groped his way along the way based on his memory and found the residence of the Zhou Kingdom royal family.

  He looked around silently and found a long box that had not been put away yet on the bed. Just as he was about to take a closer look,

  a figure in black clothes appeared from the darkness almost at the same time.

  The two parties stopped by the bed and turned to look at each other in a daze.

   First update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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