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91. Chapter 91 Cheng Dan

91.Chapter 91 Cheng Dan


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 91 Cheng Dan is

  in the rental house.

  All the furniture in the center of the room was cleared, freeing up a huge space.

  A simple-style alchemy furnace was placed in the center. The animal fire at the bottom of the furnace burned blazingly, causing the temperature to rise sharply, and the entire furnace was scalding hot.

  It’s like a scorching sun rising.

  Zizzi –

  Vaguely, you can hear the moisture in the air evaporating.

  ”Snow lotus, chalcedony, scale grass, soul stone, and agate horn…”

  Qin Yang recited the medicinal materials silently, and according to the steps in the “Xuan Tian Dan Sutra”, he took them out of the star ring one by one, and then gathered them together. They were all sent into the cauldron.

  next moment.

  The scorching high-temperature steam rises and escapes from the edge of the furnace cover, then turns into curls of white smoke and dissipates.

  As the alchemy materials were added, the temperature in the entire room continued to increase, comparable to that around a volcano.


  See it.

  Qin Yang wiped the sweat from his forehead and glanced at the corner.

  At this moment, the star pattern engraved in the corner was running wildly, emitting bright starlight and firmly blocking the area around the cauldron.

  These formations are absorbing heat, and at the same time preventing the heat from spreading and affecting the outside world…

  ”Master, thank you for your hard work!”

  Xiaobai fanned Qin Yang with a small fan, his eyes restless. He turned around and looked at the materials in Qin Yang’s hand curiously.

  Master really knows how to make elixirs?

  She had heard before that alchemists had a distinguished status and were extremely difficult to train.

  Even those alchemy geniuses have to practice day and night, and they have to waste countless precious alchemy furnaces before they can achieve true alchemy.

  But now…

  Xiaobai counted Qin Yang’s conditions with his fingers.

  Furnace tripod.

  I bought it for two hundred yuan…

  Qin Yang.

  He fishes every day…

  Even though he looks serious now, he does look somewhat presentable.

  But how could such a person practice alchemy!

  ”What are you thinking about, Xiaobai! Get away from me immediately!”

  Qin Yang scolded with a stern look on his face, instantly bringing Xiaobai back to reality.

  ”Yes, Master.”

  Xiaobai trembled all over and quickly stepped back to make room for Qin Yang.

  At the current stage of alchemy, there is no room for any mistakes.

  Once the furnace was burned down and all the materials were scrapped, it would definitely be so depleted that it exploded.

  ”This is all money…”

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang showed a rare serious look on his face, slowly walked to the alchemy furnace, released his mental power, and established a connection with the fire of alchemy.


  The fire at the bottom of the furnace burned vigorously, growing louder and smaller, changing precisely with the thoughts.

  The temperature error at each moment is no more than a millimeter.

  As time passed, Qin Yang was highly focused, his mental power shrouded the top of the furnace, and he was always monitoring the changes in the cauldron.

  In an instant.

  The essence of the input materials is extracted and settled at the bottom, while the excess impurities evaporate and disappear into white smoke.

  The jade liquid gathers in the cauldron and forms an elixir.

  ”It’s done!”

  Qin Yang was overjoyed, flicking his wrist, controlling the heat to lower and finish, and couldn’t wait to open the furnace to get the elixir.

  next moment.

  Three round pills appeared in his hand.

  The fragrance of Daoyun Dan comes to your nose. Just smelling it makes you energetic and all your fatigue is swept away.

  Three pills, a bumper harvest!

  ”It smells so good!”

  Xiaobai’s nose twitched, following the fresh medicinal fragrance, he immediately got close and wrapped his arms around Qin Yang, pretending to be loyal.

  ”Master, I am willing to test the medicine for you!”

  Hearing this.

  Qin Yang was speechless, looking sideways at the tail behind Xiaobai…

  it was almost wagging to the sky!

  This little fox has so much fun.

  You actually pretended to be with me?

  Even if she doesn’t come to beg for help, these three Concentrating Pills are still made for her. After taking them, they can greatly improve her mental state.

  After all, Xiaobai is also his pet, so it is necessary to improve his strength.

  ”Just one, open your mouth.”

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang picked up a concentration pill and was about to put it into her mouth, but Xiaobai was already eager to try it, so he took it in one mouthful and sucked it with his fingers.

  The warm and slippery walls of the mouth shrink and tighten.   

  ”Holy shit!”

  Qin Yang was stunned, and quickly pulled his fingers out of Xiaobai’s mouth, glistening saliva dripping down, and turned his hand to smear Xiaobai’s tail.




  When Xiaobai saw this, she smiled mischievously on her pretty face, stretched out her pink tongue and licked her lips, “Humph, I asked you to bully me…”

  After saying that, she raised her head and twitched her throat, Swallow the entire Concentration Pill into your belly.

  ”Teasing me?”

  Hearing this, Qin Yang calculated the time for Xiaobai to take the pill, and simply leaned on the sofa, patiently waiting for the effect of the pill to take effect.

  You will feel better next!

  After Xiaobai took the elixir, he hummed and ran to the corner, staying away from Qin Yang to enjoy the feeling alone.

  next moment.

  As the pill entered her abdomen, a warm current spread out in her abdomen and surged towards her limbs.

  A feeling of comfort spreads throughout the body.

  The wonderful pleasure is like a trickle, spring breeze and rain.

  But Xiaobai hasn’t had time to enjoy it yet.

  The feeling went from slow to rapid, like a flood opening, constantly impacting the nerves throughout the body, pushing the pleasure throughout the body to its peak.


  Xiaobai panted lightly, his legs were weak, and he lay on the ground unable to do anything. His eyes were blurred and turned white, his whole petite body twitched and trembled, and drool unconsciously dripped from the corner of his mouth.

  The Meditation Pill is powerful and can amplify the five senses of the body.

  The first time I used it it was like ascending to heaven.

  ”Not bad.”

  Qin Yang leaned on the sofa comfortably, looking at Erlang’s legs and Xiaobai trembling on the ground, unable to even stand firmly.

  It’s a stunning sight.

  After a while.

  The effect of the elixir wears off.

  Xiaobai’s eyes were blurry, and he crawled towards Qin Yang tremblingly, grabbing his trousers and tremblingly saying: “Master…Master…still want to…”

  His breath was weak, and he couldn’t even finish the words…

  ”I want to…” ?”

  Qin Yang answered with a smile, stroked Xiaobai’s head, then pinched her soft little face, admiring the flushed and weak face.


  ”Let’s think about it first.”


  ”Go ahead and don’t push yourself too far.”

  Qin Yang stood up and walked towards the alchemy furnace without looking back, “If you want to eat in the future, it will depend on your performance…”

  The words fell. .

  Xiaobai was lying on the ground, looking helplessly at the ceiling. His hair was spread out and his chest was rising and falling slightly. He didn’t even have the strength to catch up with Qin Yang…


  in front of the furnace, Qin Yang continued to move out of the star ring. s material.

  Start refining the next round of elixirs.

  After having the experience of refining just now, he felt very comfortable, and he had figured out the entire process of elixir refining.

  ”Let’s get something low-level this time… let’s make a furnace of Hunyuan Dan first.”

  Qin Yang recalled the “Xuantian Dan Sutra” and took out the corresponding herbal materials.

  Start a fire and add ingredients to melt the elixir.

  The whole process was done in one go and very relaxed.


  A new batch of elixir was refined.

  Qin Yang untied the furnace to get the elixir and carefully looked at the quality of the Hunyuan elixir.

  It is round and compact, about the size of a fingernail, and its surface is covered with zigzag red patterns, all of which are of top quality.

  ”Yes, a Hunyuan Pill can help Houtian realm warriors improve their cultivation.”

  I refined it for Xia He.

  after all.

  Although that guy has a bad mouth, he is still his only friend.

  Now that he has joined the Xingwu Police Department, he may die at any time with his little cultivation.

  Qin Yang didn’t want him to die young.

  (End of chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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