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933. Chapter 933 Fun Things

933. Chapter 933 Fun Things


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 933 Fun Things

  Xu Xiuwen used Yang Baishan’s mobile phone to send a text message to Shen Minyao.

  Then, he deleted the text message and returned the phone to Yang Baishan.

  When returning the phone, Xu Xiuwen asked casually: “How are you and Qian Yue?”

  Yang Baishan’s face suddenly froze.

  He silently took back the phone and said with a lost expression: “Still the same…”

  ”What do you mean still the same?”

  Yang Baishan suddenly couldn’t resist the desire to complain and began to complain to Xu Xiuwen.

  Since the start of school, Qian Yue has been dissatisfied with him and picky about him.

  He went to play football and was criticized by Qian Yue for sweating.

  And Qian Yue gets angry at every turn, and for no reason.

  It takes several days to coax her every time.

  In order to make Qian Yue happy, Yang Baishan has almost spent all his living expenses for next month.

  Yang Baishan lowered his voice and said, “I can tolerate all these, but now she won’t let me touch her, and I won’t even hold her hand. Xiuwen, do you think she has fallen in love with someone else?” Xu Xiuwen

  had seen Qian Yue and Wang Juncai go to a hotel together.

  She was willing to check in with Wang Juncai, but she didn’t even let her boyfriend touch her hand.

  Xu Xiuwen sneered in his heart.

  If this kind of woman was his girlfriend, he would have used his Jinfu boxing skills, which would have been considered a good temper.

  Xu Xiuwen’s heart was like a mirror, but on the surface he frowned and asked, “Do you have any suspects?”

  Yang Baishan was in a low mood, “I don’t know whether I should say it?”

  ”What else can you hide from me?”

  After hearing what Xu Xiuwen said, Yang Baishan thought about it and felt the same.

  He moved closer and lowered his voice, “Last week, a fellow villager of mine said that he saw Qian Yue and Wang Juncai having dinner together…”

  He didn’t continue, but Xu Xiuwen already understood what he meant.

  No wonder Yang Baishan was so rude to Wang Juncai just now.

  It turned out that he already suspected Wang Juncai.

  Xu Xiuwen still didn’t say directly that he saw the two people go to the hotel.

  Xu Xiuwen said: “Maybe your fellow villager saw it wrong? Or they just had a simple meal.”

  Yang Baishan said: “But he didn’t go back to the dormitory all night. Do you think he really…”

  Yang Baishan’s expression was very tangled and concerned.

  To be fair, in the dormitory, Xu Xiuwen had a better relationship with Jin Haonan and Yang Baishan.

  The other three people had some gaps more or less.

  Wang Juncai was because of Song Siyu.

  Shi Xiangming was because of Bai Yueer.

  Liu Zhihao was because of Shen Minyao. In addition,

  Xu Xiuwen himself was a person who hated evil, so he couldn’t bear to see Yang Baishan continue to be kept in the dark.

  But he wouldn’t tell what he knew directly.

  It’s not that he was afraid of offending Wang Juncai.

  It’s that there is no need.

  What if Wang Juncai was desperate and attacked Song Siyu impulsively.

  It would be too late to regret it.

  He chose to remind Yang Baishan in a more tactful way.

  ”Old Yang, I have a way to resolve your suspicion.”

  Yang Baishan suddenly became excited.

  ”Xiuwen, what do you have in mind?”

  Xu Xiuwen was afraid of being overheard, so he whispered his idea into Yang Baishan’s ear.

  After hearing this, Yang Baishan hesitated, “Will this work?”

  ”Trust me, that’s right.”

  Yang Baishan finally decided to do as Xu Xiuwen said.

  The way the two of them whispered did not escape the teacher’s eyes.

  The teacher who was teaching suddenly asked a question, and then said: “The student sitting in the third row from the bottom wearing white clothes, you answer…”

  As the teacher’s words fell, the students in the class all looked back.

  Xu Xiuwen and the teacher looked at each other, and he felt that he should be the one being talked about.

  He glanced at the people in the third row from the bottom, and there was indeed no other person wearing white clothes except him.

  It seemed that it was really him.

  Xu Xiuwen: “…”

  He stood up.

  But he didn’t know what the teacher’s question was at all.

  Tang Weiwei and Shen Minyao in the front row also turned their heads and looked back.

  When they saw Xu Xiuwen standing up, both women showed worried expressions on their faces.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t even come to class, how could he answer it?

  If it were an ordinary boy, he might feel embarrassed because he couldn’t answer. But

  Xu Xiuwen was very calm.

  He looked at the teacher and said, “Teacher, I haven’t thought about this question yet. Can I let others answer it and listen to their ideas?”

  The teacher was slightly stunned when he heard this.

  He didn’t say yes or no, but looked at Xu Xiuwen and said, “Are you a student in our class? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

  Before Xu Xiuwen could speak, a classmate said to the teacher, “Teacher, he is Xu Xiuwen, the one who asked for a long vacation.”

  The teacher suddenly realized, and then took a closer look at Xu Xiuwen and said, “You are the school grass of Jiangling?”

  As soon as this was said, many people in the class laughed.

  This was all last year.

  This year, few people call him that, especially freshmen, and few know him.

  Xu Xiuwen said calmly, “Teacher, I am Xu Xiuwen.”

  At first, the teacher saw Xu Xiuwen not listening to the class, whispering with other students, and destroying the atmosphere of the class, and he was quite dissatisfied with him.

  But after knowing that Xu Xiuwen was Xu Xiuwen.

  The teacher’s attitude towards him changed greatly.

  The teacher said, “I know you are very capable. You started a company at a young age and filmed a TV series. But since you are in class, you should listen carefully.”

  ”Okay, teacher.”

  Xu Xiuwen was not like some people who became complacent after achieving a little success.

  He didn’t think there was anything wrong with what the teacher said.

  The teacher said, “Since you haven’t thought about it, I won’t ask you, but you have to find someone to answer this question for you. If the answer is correct, I will let you sit down. If the answer is wrong, you will stand and listen to the class.”

  As soon as these words came out, the students in the classroom looked at Xu Xiuwen, curious about who he would ask to answer the question for him.

  However, most people thought that he might ask Tang Weiwei.

  Xu Xiuwen was also surprised by the teacher’s words.

  He looked at the first row of the classroom without thinking, where the three girls in 601 were.

  Su Yanyan wanted to answer for Xu Xiuwen.

  However, Xu Xiuwen’s eyes swept across her face.

  Su Yanyan was a little disappointed, but she was curious about who he would choose.

  Should he choose Sister Weiwei?

  Shen Minyao looked calm on the surface, but she was actually quite nervous in her heart.

  She knew that Xu Xiuwen would most likely choose Tang Weiwei, but she still had a little expectation.

  Tang Weiwei was a little shy.

  She was not sure whether Xu Xiuwen would choose her to help him answer the question.

  The teacher asked, “Have you thought about it?”

  Xu Xiuwen retracted his gaze and said, “Teacher, I choose Shen Minyao to help me answer this question.”

  Hearing his words, everyone in the classroom was quite surprised.

  Liu Zhihao was the first to cast a puzzled look.

  Shen Minyao was stunned.

  She didn’t expect Xu Xiuwen to actually choose her.

  In front of so many classmates.

  Xu Xiuwen neither gave her gifts nor said sweet words.

  But Shen Minyao couldn’t help but be happy.

  She was worried that people would see her relationship with Xu Xiuwen, so she forced herself to hold back her smile.

  It was really hard to hold back.

  The teacher asked, “Shen Minyao, are you willing to help Xu Xiuwen answer the question?”

  Shen Minyao was in a trance after hearing the teacher’s words.

  She felt that this scene was like a wedding scene.

  The teacher on the podium became the wedding host, and she became the bride.

  Xu Xiuwen was naturally the groom.

  At this moment, the wedding host was asking her if she was willing to marry the groom, whether in illness or health…

  Shen Minyao couldn’t wait to say, “I do.”

  Her excited tone made others a little confused.

  Isn’t it just answering questions?

  Why is Shen Minyao so excited?

  Then Shen Minyao answered the teacher’s question.

  After answering, the teacher nodded and said, “Good answer, then you sit down.”

  Xu Xiuwen cast a grateful look at Shen Minyao, then sat down and continued to listen to the class.

  Shen Minyao also gradually calmed down.

  She felt the puzzled look from Su Yanyan beside her, and listened to the class carefully.

  Tang Weiwei vaguely guessed Shen Minyao’s thoughts.

  Tang Weiwei was a little disappointed

  that Xu Xiuwen chose Shen Minyao instead of her to help him answer the questions.

  But she was not jealous or unhappy, but happy for Sister Minyao.

  In a blink of an eye, it was time to end the class.

  The students packed up their books and stationery and prepared to leave the classroom.

  Xu Xiuwen did not go to find Tang Weiwei and Shen Minyao immediately, but continued to accompany Yang Baishan to perform a play.

  Xu Xiuwen said: “It happens that you are all here, let me tell you, are you free in the evening, I will treat you to dinner.”

  Shi Xiangming and Wang Juncai didn’t say anything.

  They didn’t want to talk to Xu Xiuwen any more, but they didn’t refuse directly for the sake of face.

  Liu Zhihao didn’t say anything either.

  Instead, Yang Baishan took the lead and said, “Xiuwen, I can’t go tonight.”

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”A fellow villager of mine came to Jinling to visit me. I’m going to have dinner with him tonight, so I probably won’t be back in the dormitory at night.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Forget it, let’s talk about dinner another day.”

  Everyone else thought that Yang Baishan was really going to meet his classmates and didn’t think much about it.

  Jin Haonan then asked, “Xiuwen, shall we go to the cafeteria to eat together?”

  Xu Xiuwen shook his head and said with a smile, “No, I’ll go find Weiwei.”

  Liu Zhihao, who was standing aside, suddenly asked, “Xiuwen, why did you let Min Yao help you answer the question just now, instead of asking Tang Weiwei?”

  Xu Xiuwen was slightly stunned, and then asked back, “Is there any difference?”

  Liu Zhihao fell silent.

  Looking at Liu Zhihao’s expression, Xu Xiuwen looked strange.

  He asked tentatively, “You don’t still like Shen Minyao, do you?”

  Xu Xiuwen already knew that Liu Zhihao had a crush on Shen Minyao.

  He also knew that Shen Minyao had rejected him more than once.

  During the holiday at the end of last semester, Shen Minyao told Liu Zhihao in person that she had someone she liked and asked him not to bother her anymore.

  Could it be that Liu Zhihao hadn’t given up yet?

  Perhaps he was stimulated by Xu Xiuwen’s relaxed tone.

  Liu Zhihao’s expression turned ugly.

  He said in a somewhat aggressive tone, “Is it not possible?”


  Xu Xiuwen certainly couldn’t control who others liked.

  He thought to himself.

  There are so many girls in this world, and there are definitely many beautiful girls.

  But his roommates just happened to like the same girl as him.

  Wang Juncai likes Song Siyu, Shi Xiangming likes Bai Yueer, and Liu Zhihao likes Shen Minyao.

  Even Yang Baishan had a good impression of Cheng Lu at the beginning. But

  Yang Baishan was very self-aware and knew that he had no chance with Cheng Lu, so he simply gave up.

  All the girls that his roommates liked became Xu Xiuwen’s girlfriends.

  Xu Xiuwen felt that his character was about to be labeled as “NTR” because of this.

  But he really didn’t have the habit of NTR roommates. Did

  n’t Jin Haonan also have a childhood sweetheart?

  It is said that she is still a trainee, and her appearance and figure must be good.

  Didn’t he also make a move?

  And Qian Yue…

  Xu Xiuwen never had any idea.

  It can only be said that the three of them are unlucky.

  Xu Xiuwen stopped thinking and looked at Liu Zhihao.

  ”Brother Liu, if Shen Minyao doesn’t like you, you should give up as soon as possible. There is no need to continue wasting time on her. If you really want to fall in love, I can help you introduce a girlfriend.”

  Who would have thought that Liu Zhihao directly refused.

  Not only that, he also asked Xu Xiuwen: “Xiuwen, you told me that Shen Minyao likes boys with good academic performance. My grades have improved so much last semester, why doesn’t she like me?”

  How could Xu Xiuwen answer this?

  He couldn’t say that I saw you pestering my wife at the beginning, so I deliberately said that to distract your attention.

  But he didn’t harm Liu Zhihao.

  Let Liu Zhihao study hard, and the good grades he gets will always be his own.

  Xu Xiuwen thought for a while and said, “Maybe I’m wrong. Shen Minyao may not like boys with good grades.”

  Liu Zhihao was not satisfied with this answer, but he didn’t know what to say.

  Xu Xiuwen turned to Jin Haonan and said, “Brother Hao, I’m going to find Weiwei. See you in the afternoon.”

  Jin Haonan said, “Okay, you go.”

  After separating from his roommate, Xu Xiuwen walked towards the direction of the three girls in 601.

  He had already sent a text message to Shen Minyao using Yang Baishan’s mobile phone, so the three girls did not leave after class and waited for him in the classroom.

  Xu Xiuwen walked up to the girls and said with a smile, “Let’s go and have dinner. I’ll treat you today.”

  Su Yanyan immediately smiled and asked, “Master, can you order whatever you want to eat?”

  Xu Xiuwen looked at Su Yanyan and said, “They can’t, but you must. Who told you to write so well?”

  Su Yanyan suddenly felt shy when she heard this, “It’s not very good. It’s the outline you provided that’s well written.”

  Shen Minyao felt a little jealous when she saw Xu Xiuwen and Su Yanyan talking and laughing.

  She interrupted them and said, “Don’t say it. It’s too late to get a seat.”

  Su Yanyan stuck out her tongue and said, “Okay, Sister Minyao.”

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at Shen Minyao unexpectedly.

  This tone…

  Could it be that he was jealous of Yanyan too?

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t help laughing.

  It seems that Shen Minyao is already very dissatisfied with his recent “neglect”.

  Thinking of this, Xu Xiuwen smiled and said, “Minyao, don’t go back to the dormitory tonight. Come to my place.”

  When these words came out, the three girls were stunned.

  Su Yanyan’s eyes were full of curiosity.

  Tang Weiwei was very calm, with a faint smile on her face.

  A hint of surprise flashed in Shen Minyao’s eyes.

  She didn’t understand why Xu Xiuwen suddenly said to go to his place at night.

  She wanted to ask him, but Yanyan was beside her.

  She shook her head and refused, “I won’t go. It’s not like I can’t go back to the dormitory, why should I go to your place?”

  Xu Xiuwen shrugged, “Forget it.” Su

  Yanyan couldn’t help asking, “Big brother, why did you let Sister Minyao go to your place? You guys wouldn’t…”

  She stopped talking halfway.

  Shen Minyao asked nervously, “What do you want to say?”

  Su Yanyan said, “You guys don’t have anything fun and don’t want to take me to play, right?”

  Without waiting for Xu Xiuwen to answer her.

  Su Yanyan said to herself again: “No, if it’s fun, there’s no reason not to call Sister Weiwei.”

  Shen Minyao breathed a sigh of relief.

  She thought Su Yanyan had seen through her relationship with Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly laughed, and saw that the girls’ eyes were attracted.

  He continued: “There are indeed fun things, but that thing can only be played by your sister Weiwei and sister Minyao, you can’t play.”

  Su Yanyan was envious and jealous when she heard it.

  ”Big brother, you are so partial, why can only they play, but I can’t? I want to play too…”

  Tang Weiwei and Shen Minyao also showed puzzled expressions.

  They didn’t know what Xu Xiuwen was talking about.

  The fun things Xu Xiuwen said, of course, are…

  He didn’t know why he suddenly said such colored words to Su Yanyan.

  Although Su Yanyan didn’t hear it, he shouldn’t say it.

  Xu Xiuwen quickly straightened his face and said: “I’m kidding you. Okay, let’s go eat quickly.”

  After that, he went downstairs first.

  Su Yanyan was still a little suspicious.

  She thought all the way but couldn’t figure out what the fun thing was.

  Why can Sister Weiwei and Sister Minyao play, but she can’t?

  Is it because it’s too difficult to play? She can’t play well, so she can’t play?

  While queuing for food, Su Yanyan finally couldn’t help asking Shen Minyao next to her.

  ”Sister Minyao, what is the fun thing that the master just mentioned? Just tell me.”

  After thinking all the way, Shen Minyao vaguely guessed what Xu Xiuwen was talking about.

  She spat at Xu Xiuwen in her heart.

  Hearing Su Yanyan’s question, Shen Minyao blushed and changed the subject: “I… I don’t know either. Okay, let’s not talk about this.” Seeing that

  Shen Minyao refused to say, Su Yanyan asked Tang Weiwei again.

  As a result, Tang Weiwei also blushed and said she didn’t know.

  Su Yanyan felt more and more strange.

  Seeing this, Xu Xiuwen asked: “What are you three whispering about?”

  Shen Minyao and Tang Weiwei said in unison: “Nothing.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled helplessly.

  The four of them finished their meals and began to look for seats.

  There were quite a few scattered seats.

  After some male classmates noticed Shen Minyao and Tang Weiwei, they were eating on the surface, but in their hearts they were looking forward to the two beauties sitting in the empty seats next to them.

  At this time.

  Shen Minyao suddenly said something to Tang Weiwei.

  Then, Tang Weiwei walked towards a boy.

  The boy was immediately delighted and even slowed down his eating speed.

  Tang Weiwei walked up to the boy and said softly: “Hello, can I ask you a favor?”

  The boy couldn’t wait to say: “Yes.”

  Tang Weiwei immediately said thank you sincerely.

  The boy immediately said you’re welcome.

  Tang Weiwei then pointed to the three people behind her and said to the boy: “The four of us are together, but we can’t find an empty table. I see you are sitting alone, can you please change to the seat next to you?”

  The boy opened his mouth wide.

  A full half a minute passed.

  Tang Weiwei said softly: “If not, forget it, sorry to bother you…”

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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