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96. Chapter 96 Li Zixuan: Excuse me, what is your relationship with Jianghai Sword God?

96. Chapter 96 Li Zixuan: Excuse me, what is your relationship with Jianghai Sword God?


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 96 Li Zixuan: Excuse me, what is your relationship with Jianghai Sword God?

  At night, in the dead of night.

  Qin Yang’s home.

  The doors and windows were closed, and the curtains were tightened.

  After Qin Yang finished his supper, he sat cross-legged on the bed and held up the fragment of the Law of Wood with one palm. The emerald green fluorescence slowly rose from the palm of his hand and floated, as if it were a translucent glass lamp.

  The power of mysterious laws spread to the surroundings, disturbing the void and trembling, forming ripples visible to the naked eye.

  Xiaobai was lying on the bedside, wagging his tail excitedly, watching Qin Yang holding up the fragments of the law.

  The little eyes revealed great desire.

  ”So beautiful!”

  Xiao Bai’s mouth drooled, and he stretched out his paws in envy, wanting to touch it.

  But it’s only halfway extended.


  Qin Yang opened his eyelids and glanced over.

  Hearing the sound, Xiaobai’s restless paws were retracted, her ears were drooped, and the whole fox became sluggish on the spot.

  Qin Yang had warned her before that

  if she dared to disturb her once, she would not take the Concentration Pill in the future, and would just take advantage of her weak point.

  ”Huh, don’t bother, don’t bother, what’s the big deal.”

  Xiaobai hesitated, turned back into the white fox’s nest and went back to the corner, licking his paws, and said sourly: “I don’t care about these law fragments… .”

  As she spoke, her little eyes moved, still reluctantly looking towards the center of the bed.

  Buzzing buzzing –

  the void hums, emerald green light spots linger, rich vitality flows continuously, and the law fragments emit a large amount of emerald light.

  These spots of light are brewing with energy.

  The essence of wood far exceeds that of the five-hundred-year-old dryad several times over.

  At this moment, they are expanding with Qin Yang’s long and gentle breathing, like trees giving birth, and the light around them is getting brighter and brighter.

  next moment.

  Dots of emerald light merged into Qin Yang’s body, wrapping his whole body and nourishing his mortal body.

  Nourish, nourish.


  Qin Yang hummed and enjoyed it, with a face of relief. Vaguely, the hearing in his ears expanded, extending to the surrounding area along with the power of the law.


  the crisp sound of growing vegetation rang in my ears.

  As close as the “Golden Lotus” in front of the door, as far as the poplar trees planted at the entrance of the community. The rhythm of all plant growth is absorbed into your ears.

  No wood refuses to listen, as if the vegetation and flowers in this community are all under control.

  ”Not bad, not bad.”

  After a moment.

  Qin Yang slowly opened his eyes and took back the law fragments with great satisfaction.

  Through this realization, I finally gained something, and I could be considered to have touched a trace of the law of wood.

  I saw him stretching out his palm, and with a thought, an emerald green fluorescence appeared in his palm, which was gorgeous and exactly the same as the law fragments.

  In an instant!

  The rich vitality gushed out, sweeping across the entire room, full of vitality!


  When Xiaobai next to him saw this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Qin Yang in shock, his eyes widened.

  Could this be the essence of the legendary law?

  The physical body is comparable to the laws of heaven and earth?

  How can this be? !

  Unheard of!

  Xiaobai stared at the fluorescence in Qin Yang’s palm, licked his pink tongue, swallowed his saliva, and wanted to go up and lick it with greed.

  This is a hundred times more nourishing than the plant essences I found before!

  ”Master, it smells so good!”

  Xiaobai slowly left the nest, hibernating, and moved to Qin Yang’s bed little by little, preparing for a sneak attack.

  But the next moment.


  The green light converged, Qin Yang closed his palms, took back all the scattered law fragments, and murmured in a low voice.

  ”In less than half a month, I will be able to understand the fragments of the Law of Wood.”

  With the space for enlightenment, it will be easy to do all this.



  the next day.   

  Qin Yang carried Xiaobai to the library.

  I went to work as usual, and lived my days as usual. I fished when I had nothing to do, went to work occasionally, and then went to lie down in the corner of the library.

  On the contrary, there was something wrong with Xiao Bai along the way.

  He licked Qin Yang’s palm crazily, trying his best to show his kindness, as if he was looking for something…

  a moment later.

  Library Area 1.

  Li Qinghe pushed the book cart and slowly walked through the area outside the door. When he noticed that Qin Yang was not there, he was speechless.

  ”I know how to fish every day.”

  ”If you’re not even an incompetent administrator, what big things can you accomplish?”

  I wanted to use him as a stepping stone before, but now it seems that this mud can’t hold up the wall, and it’s like a stepping stone. It’s already a compliment to him…

  ”Forget it, it’s okay, even an administrator is nothing to be afraid of. Just don’t hinder me from getting the formation map.”

  Thinking of this.

  Li Qinghe put down the book in his hand and put it in the cart, passed the entrance to the second floor, and pretended to look over there accidentally.

  She had found out clearly last night.

  During the recent period, the library owner has not been in the library.

  It seems it’s time to take action!


  Time passed by, and it was approaching noon in a blink of an eye. The guests in the hotel were leaving one after another, and the door was deserted.

  Li Qinghe was flipping through a book, and out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed a beautiful figure floating in from the door.

  ”Eh? Sister Zixuan?”

  Li Qinghe was stunned for a moment, rubbed his eyes, and recognized the other party instantly, “Why is sister Zixuan here?”


  Judging from her movement trajectory…

  why was she walking towards Qin Yang in the rest area?


  Seeing this.

  Li Qinghe was confused. He quickly put down the book and hid behind the bookshelf. Then he took out a book on the shelf and used the gap to cover up and secretly observed the two of them.

  ”Sister Zixuan, do you know Qin Yang?”

  A diligent swordsman genius.

  A fishy librarian.

  The relationship between the two is too different, right?

  I can’t get in touch with you!

  Li Qinghe held his confusion and stared at the two of them, quietly observing their movements.


  the same time.

  Qin Yang, who was leaning on the rest table, naturally felt Li Zixuan’s aura, approaching him quickly with hurried steps.

  ”Why is this little girl here again?”

  Seeing this, Qin Yang was also puzzled.

  Since yesterday, this girl’s state has been bad.

  I have many worries and always want to confront myself.

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang continued to flip through the book in his hand, pretending to cover his reading as if nothing had happened.


  Approaching with crisp footsteps.

  It takes less than a moment.

  A scent of fragrant wind hit my nostrils.

  The footsteps in my ears stopped suddenly.

  Hearing the sound, Qin Yang pretended to be nonchalant, looked up at Li Zixuan at the table and said, “What’s the matter?”

  ”Excuse me, I want to take up a few minutes of your time.”

  Li Zixuan looked around the guests and made sure there was no one around. , then he pulled out the chair and sat across from Qin Yang.

  This time period was specially chosen by her.

  He just planned to take advantage of the lack of people at noon to question Qin Yang and find out what the teacher meant.

  Think of this.

  Li Zixuan looked straight at Qin Yang and said seriously,

  ”Mr. Qin, I would like to ask…”

  ”What is your relationship with Jianghai Sword God?”

  (End of Chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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