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987. Chapter 961 Bloodline Return

987. Chapter 961 Bloodline Return


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 961 Bloodline Reversion

  ”It looks fine,” Han Shengtao said lightly.

  A little further away from the courtyard, Han Shengxiao and Han Shengtao were standing on a slope, looking at the scene in the courtyard.

  After they observed Xu Zimo for a whole day, Han Shengxiao nodded slightly.

  ”We are worrying too much. Our family is not rich, so there is nothing to plot.”

  ”But I have never heard of the floating village. It should be a village in other kingdoms.” Han Shengtao said.

  ”Second brother, what do you think of him?” Han Shengxiao suddenly said.

  ”What do you mean, big brother?” Han Shengtao was stunned for a moment.

  ”Rou’er should be of marriageable age,” Han Shengxiao sighed deeply.

  ”Big brother, you don’t want to,” Han Shengtao asked in disbelief.

  ”What a joke, we have known each other for less than half a day, how can Xiaorou’s lifelong event be so hasty.”

  ”Of course I don’t mean that,” Han Shengxiao gave Han Shengtao a look.

  Said: “You have such a temper, and you don’t even ask the reason.”

  ”What’s the reason?” Han Shengtao said rather stubbornly.

  ”You also know that Rou’er has not been accepted by everyone because of her appearance.”

  Han Shengxiao said: “Sometimes you have to believe that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and they can reflect all the thoughts in the heart.

  When Xiao Mo first saw Rou’er, I saw it very clearly, without any disgust or disgust.

  Except for a little surprise, there was no emotion.”

  Han Shengtao snorted coldly, but did not refute.

  ”Take it one step at a time, at least we know that he has no ill intentions, and see the fate of the two,” Han Shengxiao said.

  ”Go home.”

  Xu Zimo did not eat at night, and he once again experienced the tempering of the three thousand years of the dream.

  The footsteps outside the window woke him up.

  At this moment, the sky was just getting light.

  Everything seemed to be in the most primitive state, and everything was asleep.

  Xu Zimo walked out of the room, and Han Yanrou was outside carrying a basket and preparing to go out.

  ”What are you doing so early?” Xu Zimo asked curiously.

  ”Go pick some ingredients for cooking in the morning,” Han Yanrou said softly.

  ”Can you take me with you? I just happened to be walking around here,” Xu Zimo said.

  ”It just happens to protect your safety.”

  Seeing Xu Zimo raise his arms and show off his muscles, Han Yanrou covered her mouth and chuckled.

  She nodded gently.

  It can be seen that no matter what she does, she is very weak, as if a gust of wind can blow her away.

  Following Han Yanrou, Xu Zimo walked out of the village.

  After the two left, Han Shengxiao and the other person also walked out of the room next to them.

  ”I’ll follow them and see?” Han Shengtao asked.

  ”No, trust my intuition,” Han Shengxiao replied, and then walked into the room with a smile.

  Han Shengtao on the side thought for a long time before sighing.


  After leaving the village, the two walked all the way north.

  ”Are you a human?” Xu Zimo looked at Han Yanrou and asked.

  ”What race is that?” Han Yanrou replied puzzledly.

  ”I only know that we are vampires.”

  ”You look very similar to the human race I have seen,” Xu Zimo said.

  ”Am I ugly now?” Han Yanrou asked with some inferiority.

  ”No,” Xu Zimo shook his head slightly.

  To be fair, Han Yanrou belongs to the pure type, Xu Zimo thought to himself, mainly because her clothes are too simple and cover up many things.

  If she puts on light makeup and wears a suitable dress, she can’t be said to be stunning, but she is also a beauty.

  Especially her dimples are very beautiful, and with her small tiger teeth, people always want to bully her.

  Hearing Xu Zimo’s words, Han Yanrou’s face blushed slightly, adding some style.

  ”Do you know how big the world we live in is?” Xu Zimo opened his mouth, trying to ask for some useful information.

  ”The farthest place I have been to is the Dark Kingdom,” Han Yanrou shook her head and replied.

  ”And as a citizen of the Dark Kingdom, without the order of the Lord, you are not allowed to leave the country without permission.”

  ”Why?” Xu Zimo asked puzzledly.

  ”Don’t you have this rule over there?” Han Yanrou said puzzledly.

  ”No reason, this is the law set by the Lord.”

  ”Then do you know where there is a sea of ​​blood?” Xu Zimo asked again.

  ”Blood sea? What is that?” Han Yanrou shook her head again.

  ”I don’t remember the way home, I just know there is a sea of ​​blood around my home,” Xu Zimo thought for a moment and replied.

  At this point, both of them were silent for a moment.

  ”Don’t worry, Daddy and the others will definitely help you find your way home,” Han Yanrou encouraged.

  Then she looked at Xu Zimo with some expectation.

  ”Then when you go home, will you come to see us again?”

  ”I’ll take you to my home to play, it’s much more exciting there,” Xu Zimo smiled.

  ”Really,” Han Yanrou’s face lit up and she asked quickly.

  Xu Zimo nodded slightly.

  ”Come with me, I’ll take you to a place,” Han Yanrou smiled, threw the basket aside, grabbed Xu Zimo’s hand, and ran away.

  The two ran for nearly ten minutes and came to a very high hillside.

  ”Look, there’s still time,” Han Yanrou pointed to the sky and said to Xu Zimo.

  Xu Zimo looked up and saw a touch of blood in the originally dark sky.

  This blood color painted the edge of the sky, like the sunset, but the color is much deeper.

  There is some gold mixed in the blood color, which is very beautiful.

  ”Every day when the sun rises, there will be such a scene here,” Han Yanrou explained shyly.

  ”Beautiful, right?”

  ”Sunrise?” Xu Zimo was a little surprised.

  But there is no sun in this world, why do these scenes appear?

  As the blood color became thicker and thicker, this world gradually became brighter.

  The two were a little tired of watching, so they lay in the middle of the grass on the high slope.

  ”Do you know, in all these years, you are the first peer who is willing to stay with me and talk,” Han Yanrou said.

  ”Why?” Xu Zimo asked in surprise.

  ”They all think I’m ugly,” Han Yanrou explained disappointedly.

  ”With their looks like that, they still have the face to dislike you?” Xu Zimo was stunned for a moment.

  But then he reacted again, everything is relative.

  From the perspective of the human race, these blood beasts are extremely ugly, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as monsters.

  But from the perspective of the blood beasts? Maybe the human race is a monster in their eyes.

  ”Have you been like this since birth?” Xu Zimo asked.

  ”Daddy has found a cure for me. They said my bloodline has regressed to my ancestral lineage,” Han Yanrou explained.

  ”One of my ancestors once interbred with humans, so there is the concept of regressing to my

  ancestral lineage. Although the probability is one in ten thousand, it still happened to me.”

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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