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Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees! — Chapter 072

At this time, the earth under his feet suddenly trembled slightly.

Then the amplitude became louder and louder, and the rumbling sound spread from afar, approaching here at an extremely fast speed!

Of course, Ling Feng had noticed these changes a long time ago.

But he didn’t care.

In this alien space, although there is still a shroud of fog, it is different from the fog under the blood moon, and the ability of the white eyes is no longer affected.

Through ultra-long-range perspective, he didn’t need to look back or make any movement to see the enemy in the distance.

It was a weird and terrifying locust tree.

The branches of the locust tree burned with a dark green flame, and the hideous leaf did not have any leaves, as if it was dead.

Hanging from the branch is the corpse of a demon beast or a human!

Its root system was intertwined, like countless tentacles of different lengths, tumbling through the dirt and rushing towards the direction where Ling Feng was!

“I haven’t reached the Holy Rank yet, but I have already reached the peak of the King Rank, is it a thirteenth-order undead plant demon beast…”

Ling Feng quickly analyzed the enemy’s strength, and his face suddenly sank.

In front of this monster beast, Sister Beautiful-legged is estimated to be unable to cope with it.

Bai Yuekui’s strength of the troops, those two giant wolves are both ninth-order commanders, while the Ice Bi Emperor Scorpion is of higher grade, but its strength is only eighth-order.

Bai Yuekui’s own strength is probably around the eighth order.

If you want to deal with a terrifying king-level demon beast that has reached the thirteenth rank, it is still too weak.

At this time, around the few people shrouded in fog, they had been surrounded by dense tree roots, completely surrounded.

The undead mother tree, which was forty or fifty meters high, had already faintly appeared in Bai Yuekui’s field of vision.

Countless green ghost fires continued to burn in the branches of the undead mother tree, making Bai Yuekui’s eyes widen slightly.

“This is…”

Beside him, the Cangxue Wolf King had already made a whining sound, as if he was afraid and seemed to be warning.

“Big Ash, you said that this undead plant demon beast turned out to be a thirteenth-order demon beast?!”

Bai Yuekui’s face suddenly became very ugly.

“I expected that there would be danger in the alien space, but I didn’t expect it to be so dangerous… As soon as he entered, he would encounter a thirteenth-order king-level demon beast! ”

At this time, Bai Yuekui had instantly pulled out the Tang knife at his waist, and the white air flow once again swept up all over his body, and the fur coat flew over!

This special white energy can instantly increase her cell activity, and now she is very powerful…

Ling Feng’s chakra eyes immediately judged her current state through Bai Yuekui’s small movements.

“While I drag this thing first, you children go first, run faster, I can’t delay for long!”

Bai Yuekui’s voice was still cold, but her attitude warmed Ling Feng’s heart.

“In that case, how can I bear to see death and not save it.” Even for these beautiful legs… It’s a pity that such excellent long legs are gone. ”

Ling Feng sighed in his heart.

At this time, a mournful hiss came from the branches of the undead mother tree and among the countless green ghost flames.

The next moment, thousands of strange ghosts were born from those flames!

It turned out that those strange ghosts just now were all conceived by this undead mother tree.

“So much! And these ghosts have become stronger! ”

Bai Yuekui’s pupils trembled slightly, she could feel that the aura emitted by these ghosts was much more powerful than the group just now!

In the group just now, each strange ghost was roughly equivalent to the water level of a third-order demon beast.

And each of these ghosts is equivalent to the level of the fifth order!

The gap between the third and fifth orders is not very large.

But if the number is increased by thousands of times, it is not a gap at all!


As soon as the strange ghost group was born, they attacked in the direction of Bai Yuekui!

And Bai Yuekui could only lead the Cangxue Wolf King and the Ice Emperor Scorpion at this moment, and rushed forward with a hard head.

Her Tang Dao had just split the body of a strange ghost, and the two halves of the strange ghost’s body actually began to slowly close!

“Sure enough, these ghosts are hard to kill… My life source, the damage caused has been weakened! ”

But after all, there is hierarchical suppression.

Although the fifth-order ghosts were stronger, she was still able to dance constantly among these weird ghosts.

Xiao Xi looked at the master’s attentive eyes and pouted, “Master, let’s make a move, right?” The old woman is gone. ”

“No hurry, enjoy it for a while.”

Lingfeng’s kaleidoscope clearly reflected Bai Yuekui’s dancing posture.



The ghost fire on the undead mother tree actually became vigorous again, and a new batch of ghost ghosts were immediately bred!

The aura of these strange ghosts is even more powerful, and it has reached the seventh order!

However, the number is a little smaller, but there are still hundreds of them.

“Hundreds of seventh-order weird ghosts!”

Bai Yuekui’s face became extremely difficult to look at again.

There are still a large number of fifth-order strange ghosts that have not been killed, and now hundreds of seventh-order ghosts have been born!

“It seems… Are you going to be buried here today? ”

Bai Yuekui knew that if she killed these ghosts, she would not be able to retreat with her whole body.

What’s more, no one knows if the thirteenth-order undead mother tree will give birth to higher-level ghosts!

Ling Feng muttered:

“Although in terms of ontology strength, this undead mother tree may not be comparable to the Sky Pterodactyl King.

“But it can give birth to thousands of low-level ghosts and use wheel battles to crush opponents!”

“But this king-rank creature, it seems, the biggest role is not to fight… From it, I felt the breath of the seal. ”

Surrounded by the undead mother tree, Ling Feng was also attacked by strange ghosts.

However, he didn’t have to make a move at all, and directly opened the eternal kaleidoscope.


Suddenly, black flames appeared from the focus of the kaleidoscope’s line of sight!

“[Add earth life]!”

Using this technique, you can manipulate the form of Melanomy.

Ling Feng manipulated Hei Yan and formed an encirclement around several people.

All the ghosts that touch the black flame will be burned to ashes in an instant!

Bai Yuekui also noticed what was happening here.

“What kind of flame is that? These ghosts can’t get close at all, otherwise they will be directly burned into soot! ”

“Sister Yuekui, do you want to come in?”

Ling Feng shouted towards Bai Yuekui while manipulating Hei Yan to form a passage through which he could pass.

So Bai Yuekui did not hesitate and directly led his troops into Amaterasu’s protection range.

At this time, all the undead finally began to gather fire, and all attacked towards Ling Feng’s position!


It doesn’t matter how many there are, it doesn’t matter if the level is fifth or seventh.

Any ghost, as long as it touches the black flame, will be instantly burned into a wisp of black smoke!

These ghosts are not afraid of death at all, and they are still pouring towards them.

As a result, all the ghosts were burned dry by the black flame in less than a minute!

“I didn’t think you were quite powerful, this black flame, is it your ability?”

Bai Yuekui saw that he had survived the catastrophe, and breathed a sigh of relief.


Ling Feng nodded and said, “This is one of my abilities. ”

Hearing this, Bai Yuekui was a little surprised, but did not ask deeper.

Each lord has his own secrets and hole cards that he does not want to reveal.

Moreover, the other party may not be as naïve as he seems…

After all, age is such a thing, it is impossible to see accurately, and Bai Yuekui knows this more deeply than others.

“Looks like you’re quite strong.” I thought you were hungry and came out to find food.” Now it seems that you should have come out to find the treasure intentionally, right? By the way, I haven’t asked what your name is. ”

Ling Feng nodded with a smile and said, “My name is Ling Feng. Sister Yuekui, where is your territory? ”

“Endless snow. What about you? ”

“I’m in the Star Sea Great Forest.” Ling Feng analyzed while replying:

“It seems that there is more than one entrance to the same alien space on the Battle for Domination Continent.”

He was a little sorry that Bai Yuekui’s territory was not near him.

Otherwise, it won’t be long before you can border each other and see if it’s possible to pursue some common [hobbies].

“That’s true. Alien space, it’s really wonderful. ”

Bai Yuekui nodded and said.

However, the danger at this moment has not been lifted.

Although all the undead have been killed, the undead mother tree is still alive.

The undead mother tree also felt everything that happened, and finally, its body began to act.

Countless intertwined root systems flew through the earth, attacking towards Ling Feng and the others!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Ask for subscription, ask for data~!!) )


Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Status: Ongoing Author:


The era of national lords has begun, and billions of people have crossed the continent to compete for hegemony.

As an orphan, Ling Feng got 300 billion world tree seeds at the beginning!

Dragon World Tree, planted with ancient candle dragon, mysterious frost dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon…

The blood follows the bounded world tree, planting the eye of reincarnation, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, tense eye, dust escape, wood escape…

The cultivation method world tree, planting the idols to suppress the prison, the evil spirits, he transforms the free method, the idea of ​​​​chaotic gods and demons!

The bloodline world tree of all worlds, planted with supreme bones, heavy pupils, invincible body, and ancient sacred body!

When all the lords were still struggling with hunger and monsters, Ling Feng had already become a supreme god, leading the army of dragons, the army of demons, and the army of angels to conquer the endless planes!


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