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Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees! — Chapter 131

“ZhenTM is a flying city!”

“Awesome! Awesome! ”

“Horror! Could this city be a flying tool of some god? ”

“What level of local force is this to have a flying city?!”

“Nima, if there is a war, a steel giant city sniping in the air, isn’t it like playing and playing?”

“Haven’t you all noticed? This is in the Star Sea Great Forest! You guys say… Is it possible that this is the flying tool of the Heaven-Sealing God? ”

“Impossible, impossible… If you want to build such a huge sky city, you need a lot of manpower, material resources and time! ”

“Even if the Heaven Sealing God is strong, the time to become a lord is the same as ours, only a few days. How is it possible to create such a magnificent city? ”

“That’s what I said…”

Most of the lords who were in the water group were speculating about the origin of this flying giant city.

But after discussing for a long time, there was no reason for the discussion.


An hour later.

Under the full speed flight of the floating battle city, through layers of clouds and fog, at this moment, it has reached the edge of the Xinghai Great Forest.

Since the surrounding area of the floating battle city is wrapped by the city wall, the outside scene cannot be seen.

Therefore, Ling Feng manipulated the city lord’s order in his mind.

The 100% holographic projection mode of the floating battle city has been turned on!

In a split second.

All the buildings in the city lord’s mansion gradually disappeared.

Ling Feng and his core soldiers seemed to be standing thousands of miles in the sky, overlooking the vast forest below.


They had already reached the sky above the edge of the Great Forest of the Star Sea, and Ling Feng’s gaze looked towards a short distance.

Immediately I saw that huge golden kingdom built on the edge of the forest!

Kingdom of Rune!

The entire kingdom covers an area of about 500,000 square kilometers.

Backed by the Xinghai Great Forest, it occupies a vast plain land.

In the kingdom, all kinds of buildings are extraordinarily huge.

“Is that the Kingdom of Rune…”

Ling Feng muttered.

This war, his purpose.

It is to destroy all military power in the Kingdom of Rune!

Then, encompass the entire kingdom as his territory.

All the people inside must submit to Him, or there will be no mercy for killing!

He would then build hundreds of shrines of faith in the kingdom of Rune.

Let the people of the kingdom pray for him every day in the church of God and contribute the power of faith.

This way, quickly.

His belief value can reach 100 million points, thus igniting the divine fire, creating the kingdom of God, achieving the Godhead, and turning into a god!


Kingdom of Rune, imperial capital.

Huge palace in the midst of a huge palace.

The golden goblin priest, who was sitting cross-kneeled, suddenly opened his eyes in surprise.

“The invaders of the xenoplane … Came so soon? ”

“He really dares to come and clash with the Rune Kingdom?”

In the divination of goblin sacrifices.

I can only divine some general information about Ling Feng.

However, the specific strength of the other party, the victory or defeat of the war, these causes and effects, with the current rank of goblin sacrifice, cannot be divination.

So the goblin priest reported to King Beamon Gold:

“Your Majesty, the invaders have reached the border of the Rune Kingdom!”

“Oh? So fast? ”

King Beamon, the golden king on the throne, is closing his eyes at this moment.

Hearing the report of the goblin sacrifice, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a cruel light flashed inside.

“Humph… It’s also good. ”

“It’s been a long time since I opened a big killing!”

Around him, an unparalleled coercion suddenly erupted!

In the palace, all the items turned into powder in this coercion, constantly annihilated!

The goblin priest stood aside, his heart trembling with excitement and excitement.

“The Supreme King is finally about to show his true strength again!”

King Beamon’s voice, trembling with excitement, asked:

“Have my top ten gold generals and one hundred silver generals arrived?”

“Your Majesty, they are all waiting outside the main hall!”

“Just wait for your order, you can take a million Beamon army and attack the whole army!”


King Golden Beamon stood up from his throne and walked out step by step.

With each step, a part of the entire palace completely dissipated into dust!

From now on.

He was no longer the ideal emperor Seqing who talked to palace maids all day.

But the real lower true god, the golden Beamon King with the “violent” godhead,

St. Peter Rune!

When he walked out of the Golden Hall, the entire hall was already under strong divine pressure, turning into golden dust in the air!


What was displayed in front of King Beamon was the ten golden generals and a hundred silver generals on standby in the huge square outside the main hall!

The strength of every Golden Beamon General has reached the nineteenth rank, demigod level!

The strength of every silver general is above the fourteenth rank, above the holy rank!

This is the highest combat power in the Kingdom of Rune!

“My generals, the foreign enemy is about to invade, are you all ready to fight with me?”

“Your Majesty!”

“We have put in order the army of one million Beamons, and we are ready to obey His Majesty’s will!”


“Now, go on the march!”

“Head west of the Empire and face those abominable plane invaders!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


Ten gold generals and one hundred silver generals led by King Golden Beamon.

His subordinates led an army of one million Beamons, mighty and mighty, and began to march quickly towards the west!


Ling Feng looked at the great kingdom in the holographic projection, as if looking at something in his palm.

“Did you see that?”

“That’s the land we’re about to conquer!”

At this moment, Angel Yan and Cold Ice have changed into angel armor.

Yan wore golden divine light armor, which wrapped her delicate body incompletely, and it particularly looked heroic and cool.

And Leng Bing, on the other hand, wore the defensive god costume in the [God-level Arsenal]: the Black God Feather Armor!

On top of the black armor shining with countless arcane patterns, there are pieces of black divine feathers decorated with pieces, making her look evil, cold and enchanting.

“Master, as your loyal angel, as long as you give an order, we should level this land and return it to you!”

“Go to the soup for the master, do not give up!”

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Ask for customization, ask for data~!) )


Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Lord of the People: Start with 300 billion World Trees!

Status: Ongoing Author:


The era of national lords has begun, and billions of people have crossed the continent to compete for hegemony.

As an orphan, Ling Feng got 300 billion world tree seeds at the beginning!

Dragon World Tree, planted with ancient candle dragon, mysterious frost dragon, blue-eyed white dragon, true red-eyed black dragon…

The blood follows the bounded world tree, planting the eye of reincarnation, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, tense eye, dust escape, wood escape…

The cultivation method world tree, planting the idols to suppress the prison, the evil spirits, he transforms the free method, the idea of ​​​​chaotic gods and demons!

The bloodline world tree of all worlds, planted with supreme bones, heavy pupils, invincible body, and ancient sacred body!

When all the lords were still struggling with hunger and monsters, Ling Feng had already become a supreme god, leading the army of dragons, the army of demons, and the army of angels to conquer the endless planes!


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