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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 218

Filming on Spider-Man went smoothly.

Martin’s version of Spider-Man is more charming than Tobey Maguire’s

“Martin, this scene requires you to show the feeling of hanging from the Twin Towers (the World Trade Center Towers) with spider silk. Remember, there is an abyss under your feet, and on the opposite side is the helicopter flying from the robbers.”

Sam Raimi is narrating the scene, and Martin seems to be impressed, but he is a little confused in his heart.

This scene seems not to be in the original movie?

Because he did not write the script of Spider-Man, so Martin does not understand all the plots in the script.

Out of curiosity, he searched the memory of Huaxia Martin and remembered that a major event was going to happen in New York this year.

This scene was probably cut because of that event.

Martin did not make a sound to remind him because he could not explain the reason. , besides, it’s just an unimportant scene cut out.


It’s July

《The filming of”Spider-Man” has come to an end.

Martin finished today’s shooting and planned to take Gordon to the area near Central Park to pick up Jessica, Lindsay, and Dorothy. The three girls came to visit during the summer vacation.

Scarlett was waiting in the hotel in advance


Move forward two and a half months.

4, 2001, Cincinnati, Ohio.

The 19-year-old black youth-Timothy Thomas is an unemployed vagrant.

In the evening of that day, he drank some wine and drove his car to go to his girlfriend’s house to spend the night.

20At this moment, the sound of a police siren suddenly came from behind the car, approaching from far away.

Timothy glanced in the rearview mirror and cursed”Fake” secretly. Is this coming at me? These black sons of bitches!

He was about to pull over when he suddenly remembered that he had just drunk some wine and had some leaves flying…

No, we can’t let the police catch him.

I don’t know if it was the numbness of alcohol or the anesthesia of leaves. Anyway, Timothy Thomas made a wrong decision. He stepped on the accelerator.

“The white car in front of you, please stop for inspection. The white car in front of you, please stop for inspection.……”

In the police car, Officer Stephen Roach frowned and looked at the white car that was accelerating in front of him. It was just a routine inspection. Why was the car in front of him accelerating?

Suspicion arose.

So, while ordering the car in front to pull over, he stepped on the accelerator and accelerated to catch up.


After more than 20 minutes of chasing, Timothy Thomas’ car crashed into a stone pier on the side of the road. He opened the door in a panic and ran into the wild fields on the side of the road.

Officer Stephen Roach also got out of the car and gave chase.

“stop, get checked; stop, get checked……”

Stephen Roach drew his pistol and kept warning.

Timothy Thomas was panting. Although he had only run twenty meters, he could no longer run.

He is a fat man weighing nearly 400 pounds (180 kilograms), and a distance of twenty meters is a”marathon” for him.

So he stopped, turned around, and staggered towards Officer Stephen. This was the second mistake he made today.

Just imagine, when it is dark, a giant man weighing 400 pounds walks towards you in the night. Will you feel nervous or oppressed?

The third mistake Timothy Thomas made today was that, as a black man, when facing the police officer, he did not raise his hands above his head, but put his hands on his waist.

Maybe it’s because you’re too tired? This should be a subconscious action.

But Officer Stephen Roach didn’t know that.

Seeing the big black man in front of him walking towards him with his hands on his hips, his first reaction was that this guy was going to pull out a gun! ?

In the United States, the police profession is mainly divided into three levels: federal, state and city and county. In addition to the federal police, state police, city police, county police and private security have no subordinate relationship with the federal government. They are directly managed by local governments. led by the government.

Since there is no unified central police agency, the federal police agencies in the United States mainly fall under the federal government’s Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the United States Postal Service.

The main function of the federal police agency is to enforce various federal laws and combat major national crimes. The federal police agency has no leadership authority over state, city and county police.

The police law enforcement agencies in American cities are all under the jurisdiction of city administrative agencies, but the federal government does not have unified regulations on the specific management form. In cities that adopt a single-mayor system, the city police agency is under the responsibility of the mayor. In cities with a parliamentary system, the police agency is headed by a police commission.

In short, the police in the United States are divided, like private armies of states, cities and counties. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Cincinnati’s urban police law enforcement agency is in charge of the mayor, and the police chief is also appointed by the mayor.

The white mayor of Cincinnati, Mr. Charlie Luken, is a hidden white supremacist with tough tactics.

What’s even more interesting is that the number of black people in Cincinnati accounts for 47% of the total population.

Therefore, since Mr. Charlie Luken took office, there have been constant conflicts between the police and black people in Cincinnati.

On November 30 last year, two white police officers, Barron Osterman and James Peck, beat a black suspect to death with a baton, almost triggering a local black riot.

Although the riot was eventually suppressed by several prominent local black celebrities, the conflict between black people and the police became increasingly acute.

After that, there were many incidents of police officers being attacked by black people.

In such a social atmosphere, Officer Stephen Roach was naturally very nervous when he saw Timothy Thomas’ actions.

For him, the police is just a profession that makes money. There is no such thing as belief or responsibility.

The first creed of the American police is to protect your own life!

So he pulled out his pistol without hesitation and shot Timothy Thomas several times as he stumbled over.

Timothy Thomas fell to the ground in utter consternation and soon lost his breath.

Officer Stephen Roach immediately stepped forward to check him, but unexpectedly discovered that the big black man was not carrying a weapon.

At this time, Officer Stephen Roach’s partner, Officer Terry Barrs, who was searching Timothy Thomas’ vehicle, heard the gunfire and immediately came to support.

Seeing Timothy Thomas fall to the ground, he was shocked, and then said:”This guy pulled out a gun.”

Stephen Roach raised his head depressedly,”No, he didn’t have a weapon on him, but when he ran towards me, he did He made a move like drawing a gun, that’s why I shot. Believe me Terry, I didn’t mean it.”

“I know, I know, but things are not going right these days”

“Will I be the scapegoat?”

“And I, we are partners, if you are unlucky, I can’t run away, just like Barron Osterman and the four of them.”

“Suspension? Hell, I still have two kids to raise.”

“let me think, let me think……”Tribals walked around the body and suddenly asked in a low voice:”Do you have a spare gun on you, one that has not been registered with the bureau or association?”

“There is a revolver.”Stephen lifted up his left trouser leg.

“Put it in his hand, hurry up, before there is anyone. Damn it, it’s a pity that we didn’t bring any powder or pills with us today, otherwise we wouldn’t have had to go to such trouble!”

In the United States, police officers generally carry two guns, one primary weapon and one secondary weapon.

But there are also some police officers who carry three guns. Such police officers are usually in cities with poor security or in charge of black communities..

This third gun is basically unregistered – that is, a black gun, in order to deal with some emergencies.

And this time, it can be regarded as a kind of emergency!

But what the two people don’t know is that their The behavior was recorded by two black youths lying in the bushes not far away on their mobile phones.

The next day, the contents of the mobile phones were exposed by the media.

This video once again pushed Cincinnati into the embarrassing issue of racial confrontation.

Jesse Jackson, a well-known national civil rights leader, issued a statement on the fifth day of the incident, requesting federal and state law enforcement agencies to intervene in the investigation.

Jorge Martinez, spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice, said:”We are collecting information to determine whether the FBI can intervention.”

There are also calls for the resignation of Thomas Streicher Jr., the Cincinnati police chief and a close confidant of Mayor Charlie Luken.

“How many people have to die before the city decides to do something?”

Nathaniel Livingston Jr., a member of the local civil rights organization”Justice Cincinnati Alliance” publicly questioned in the newspaper.

However, Cincinnati Mayor Charlie Luken said:”What I know is that a 400-pound (180 kilogram) giant Han violently attacked an officer, threatening the lives of the officers. However, according to the video on the police body camera, the police did not do anything wrong. Of course, this does not include subsequent frame-ups.”

Mayor Charlie Luken’s remarks completely ignited the anger of the local black community, and a riot began.

(Brothers, please protect me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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