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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 220

“what happened?”

Martin sat in the car, watching the news vehicles, police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks whizzing by on both sides, and felt something was wrong.

He immediately made a phone call to his friends in the media.

“What? Black Parade? Heading towards Central Park?”


“Gordon, speed up and ignore the ticket.”


Gordon’s driving skills are very good. He can still nimbly shuttle, accelerate, and overtake in the heavy traffic. He cleverly uses the gaps created by ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars. Martin picked up the phone and opened the address book , found Jessica.

Well, it was just because the initials of Jessica’s name were at the front of the address book.

I dialed it.

“Du~du~du, du~du~du…Hello, Martin”

“Where are you?”

“Uh, we are on Yaoyaoling Street and your voice is urgent. What happened?”

(PS: 110th Street is an east-west street in upper Manhattan, New York City.)

Jessica heard the impatience in Martin’s tone very keenly. This kind of emotion rarely appeared in Martin.

“Something happened, there was a black march, there might be a riot. They are heading in your direction. Now the three of you immediately find a stronger building to take shelter. I’m on my way and will come as soon as possible”

“What? God, how could this happen?”

“Jessica, what’s wrong? You look so funny?”

“Is that Martin’s phone number? I also want to talk to him.”

Dorothy and Lindsay didn’t know the seriousness of the matter yet, so they were chatting happily with Jessica.

Jessica had hung up the phone at this time, and said seriously to the two girls:”Listen, I’m not Just kidding, Martin just called and said that the black people in New York are rioting and are coming in our direction. Now we need to find a place to hide until Martin comes to pick us up.”


Dorothy and Lindsay both exclaimed.

Then Dorothy said:”Can’t we run?”

“Where to run?”Jessica pointed to the north, south and east,”There are black parades there. Then he pointed to the west and said,”That’s the sea!” Moreover, there is no time!”

“Damn, we’re surrounded.”Lindsay said something ridiculous, but no one could laugh.

“I remember that there is a bank on this street – the Second Bank of Manhattan. The bank is relatively strong. Let’s hide there!”Dorothy could still remain calm, and after thinking about it, she said

“At this time, the bank is closed, right?”Jessica was a little hesitant.

“This is true for ordinary people, but for VIPs, any bank is open 24 hours a day. I happen to have a VIP card there!”

Dorothy took out a silver card from her pocket, and then said:”But I have to call my bank steward first.”

“Okay, then hide in the bank and we’ll leave quickly. You can contact your bank steward on the way!”

The three girls trotted along the street quickly, and there were still a lot of people hanging around. They didn’t know what was happening!

(ceci) Dorothy quickly made a phone call, then smiled and said:

“Done, we can go in and escape the commotion.”

The three girls quickly came to the door of the bank. Dorothy quickly sent the name and address of the bank to Martin.

Martin replied with a”OK”, said to Gordon:”Gordon, go to the Second Bank of Manhattan on Yaoyaoling Avenue.”

Ten minutes later

“Martin, we can’t pass in front and are blocked by the marchers.”

“Damn nigga!”

Martin immediately got out of the car and looked forward. The parade had blocked the road ahead. Not only his car, but also the news trucks and fire trucks could not pass.

A police car wanted to break through and disperse the parade, but failed. Somewhat overestimating his capabilities.

Soon the police car was surrounded by the crowd and was overturned to the ground.

Martin immediately took out his phone and called.

“Jessica, where are you? Have you entered the bank? I was blocked by marchers on the north side of Broadway and couldn’t get through.”

“Don’t worry, Martin, we’re all hiding in the bank. Don’t come here, it’s too dangerous”

“That’s right, Martin, don’t come over. We’re fine. They can’t get into the bank.”

“Martin, you have to protect yourself too!”

The three girls were talking on the phone.

Martin was slightly reassured. Although black people generally rioted and looted everywhere, they rarely touched banks.

Although most black people have no brains, they also know that banks There is big capital behind it and cannot be touched.

Once it is touched, it will be a fight to the death!

After hanging up the phone, Martin still did not give up his plan to find the three girls. These three are his core collections. It’s always hard to feel completely at ease when picking up the phone.

Beep beep beep… there was the sound of helicopter propellers overhead.

Martin looked up and saw that it was the Fox TV helicopter, which was descending to the roof of a ten-story building on the left..At the same time, the door of a news van with the Fox TV 1ogo printed on it on the side of the street was suddenly opened from the inside, and several people rushed out, some carrying cameras, some carrying microphones, and some carrying laptops. The computer is rushing towards the building quickly


“Guys, let me confirm the plan with you again”

“When the parade came to Yaoyaoling Avenue, we took the opportunity to create chaos and lured the parade guys into smashing and looting. Then we took advantage of the chaos to blow open the door of the Manhattan Bank, kill the security guards, and go straight to the vault.”

“Tonight is a huge opportunity. Even if the bank’s alarm bell rings, the police can’t rush over quickly. As long as we grab the money, we can blend into the parade crowd and leave.”

“Do you understand everything?”


“Ryan, stay in the car and watch your surroundings. Wait until the parade arrives and be responsible for causing chaos”

“Benjamin, you cooperate with Ryan”

“Amir, follow me to plant a bomb and blow up the bank door.”


In the Second Bank of Manhattan.

The girls were placed in the VIP room, and the staff on duty poured each of them a cup of coffee and left.

The VIP room of the Bank of Manhattan is located on the first floor of the bank. There is a window on the east side. The window is covered with a security net. Through the grid, you can see the Yaoyaoling Street outside.

“Oh my god, here they come, those marchers are here, there are so many people!”Lindsay exclaimed

“The parade seemed to be in good order!”Dorothy looked at it for a while and said.

On the street, tourists were hiding on both sides of the road in panic. The parade did not attack them.

In fact, the beating, smashing and looting had already started, but most black people could not bear their temper. Passing through so many places along the way, most of the black people with other thoughts were attracted by the supermarkets, shopping malls, and shops along the way. The ones who were able to persist all the way here were those who really wanted to fight for the rights of black people through demonstrations.

Of course, not all of them, there were more people who were brought here. They were brought here by the crowd before they had time to break away from the procession. At this moment, a Molotov cocktail was suddenly thrown from the side of the parade, and a The voice shouted loudly:”Guys, this is the richest place in New York, let’s start looting!”


The Molotov cocktail fell on the glass window of a luxury store, smashing the glass, and the flames instantly burst out and spread.

“Grab it, grab it quickly!”

Following the sound, a figure rushed out, smashed open the door of the store and rushed in. A moment later, he rushed in with a handful of jewelry, and the piercing alarm sounded.

“Everyone, go quickly, there are many more inside.”

The man shouted, then got into the crowd and disappeared.

Several black people in the team looked at each other with expressions of emotion.

After a while, more than a dozen black people left. They joined the team and rushed into the store, and then more people followed suit and rushed towards the teams on both sides of the street.

Several more Molotov cocktails were thrown by unknown parties, and fires shot into the sky.

More and more people began to join in the robbery. The team.

Even those who sincerely marched couldn’t help it. They felt that they had completed their mission by getting here. You must know that black people are very poor, at least these black people participating in the march were so. The streets became chaotic, and there were still people walking Rushing to a more prosperous part of Manhattan.

Now the New York PD really couldn’t sit still.

What kind of place is Manhattan? It’s a place where capital gathers. If it is destroyed on a large scale, the economy of New York, no, the economy of the United States will be greatly affected. Influence.

The Manhattan branch is also the most powerful force in the New York Police Department.

With the support of capital, the officers of the Manhattan Police Department are all carefully selected elites. They are equipped with weapons, cars, and various equipment. The best in New York, and they also have the highest salary in the New York Police Department.

To put it bluntly, these people are dogs raised by wealthy people in New York to look after their homes and homes!

(Brothers, please protect me, give me reviews, flowers, Please collect and reward. Thanks.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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