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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 238

Enter the Steakhouse.

Martin looked at Anne Hathaway’s position.

It was a position against the glass window.

The transparent and clean glass windows cannot stop the paparazzi outside from taking photos and videos.

Martin smiled faintly and said to Anne Hathaway:”You’re smart, just this once!”

Anne Hathaway immediately scratched Martin’s palm with her fingers and whispered:”I know, but I want to treat you to dinner. is serious”

“Well, sit down!”

Martin doesn’t mind being used by Anne Hathaway once. This woman is powerful and loves money, but she is not smart enough and can easily be taken advantage of. It seems that she will need to be trained and trained in the future.


Not bad for a meal.

Martin was quite satisfied.

After eating and drinking, Martin sent Anne back to her new apartment.

This apartment is much more modern than the one I lived in before.

The surrounding area is also relatively prosperous.

Martin did not stay this time. After watching Anne Hathaway go upstairs, he asked Gordon to drive away.

From the rearview mirror, we could see several paparazzi staying near the apartment, obviously preparing to disappear for a long time.

This is the treatment of a star, this girl is indeed famous.

Martin touched his chin, lost in thought.

As he and the girls around him became more and more famous, dating in the United States became more and more inconvenient.

Maybe it’s time to consider setting up some playhouses abroad.

(PS: Playhouse: A house bought secretly by American celebrities, such as actors, politicians, athletes, etc., specifically for them to do things they do not want to be discovered. If conditions permit, they will be arranged abroad – such as in the Caribbean, Buy an island in Hawaii, or buy a farm in Australia or New Zealand.)

(PS: The most famous playhouse in the United States is probably billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s”Carnival Island”. This famous The playhouse of the world is not only for his own enjoyment, but also a place for him to make connections –

Bill Zipperton has been there, Bill Gates has been there, Trump has been there, and when Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for sexual assault, After being imprisoned, countless high-ranking officials, rich people, celebrities and powerful people were implicated, which can be said to have completely torn away the fig leaf of the so-called civilized society in the United States.

So this guy died before going to court – Jeffrey Epstein on July 6, 2019 Arrested and unable to obtain bail. On the evening of August 9, 2019, Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in a Lower Manhattan jail.

Prison officials said that the exact time of death and the specific circumstances were not very clear. Cell guard After being discovered in the early morning of the 10th, he was sent to a local hospital for resuscitation. Jeffrey Epstein was eventually confirmed dead.

After an autopsy, it was found that the American billionaire had multiple fractures in his neck, including his tongue. Bone fracture. Experts say that if an older person commits suicide, hyoid bone fracture is possible. But usually, hyoid bone fracture is more common in homicide cases.

So, is it suicide or to silence him? Murder, you guessed it!)

Martin doesn’t need to use women to make connections, he has his own way (magic), so his playhouse is just for himself.

Well, Australia is a nice place with a vast land and sparsely populated areas… Hmm, maybe I can buy another island in Hawaii…

Time flies away.

September is here.

Martin called his parents, relatives, and women respectively to confirm that they would not be coming to New York in the near future.

Then he settled in a luxury apartment in Manhattan.

This large flat-floor apartment with a usable area of ​​350 square meters is located in the north of Manhattan, close to Central Park. It is located at the top of the entire apartment building. It has a very good view, overlooking the entire Manhattan, and can clearly see the Twin Towers.

He rented this apartment just to witness history and satisfy the obsession left by Huaxia Martin.

However, after living there for a few days, he felt that this apartment was really good, and he might consider buying it after his ninth birthday.

Well, you can also buy a few shops on Fifth Avenue.

After September 1st, the entire United States fell into panic, and the economy of the Manhattan area that was attacked was also greatly affected – the most important symbol of which was the plummeting housing prices.

Many real estate owners frantically sold their properties and shops in Manhattan after the 91st anniversary, and the prices of many unsold properties also plummeted.

Many brave people purchased Manhattan real estate and real estate during that period and made a fortune.

Well, the representative figure is Trump.

This time, Martin also wanted to get involved.

How could I let such a good opportunity pass by?

The time has come to September 10th.

Martin called friends and family again to confirm their location. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then he asked Gordon to drive a car that was not commonly used, and invited Scarlett and Hathaway, who were still in New York, to live together in a rented luxury apartment.

“Wow, it’s so beautiful here”

“OMG, a sky pool!”

“Ah, this balcony is so beautiful.”

The two little girls who disliked each other along the way were shocked as soon as they came in.

Both of them had just become famous and didn’t have much money in their pockets. They had never seen such a luxurious flat floor.

Si. Carrie is better. After all, she once lived in Martin’s estate in Beverly Hills, and Anne Hathaway was really dazzled by it.

“Martin, did you rent or buy this place?”

“It’s rented, but I’m ready to buy it.”

Anne Hathaway was greatly envious. This mansion was worth a lot of money at first glance, but when Martin said he wanted to buy it, his indifferent tone was like buying a big cabbage.

Little did he know, this house was about to become The price is too high.

Scarlett is more interested in another thing,”Martin, you didn’t go back to the hotel that night, were you at Anne’s place?””

Martin didn’t deny it and nodded.

Anne Hathaway puffed up her chest slightly proudly. If you ask me to take my role, I will take your man.

“Wow, you are so lucky! If those two”News of the World” paparazzi weren’t crazy about being high, you might have been secretly photographed!”

Anne Hathaway was still frightened when talking about this incident, and she cursed angrily:”Sofia, that bitch, I didn’t provoke her, but she came to harm me.”

Then he became happy again,”I heard that she has no more scenes to shoot, and all her savings have been spent on bail. With no other way out, she is ready to accept the invitation from the penthouse to take a full set of (pornographic) photos, haha.”


Anne Hathaway, who was smiling happily, was hit by Martin,”Don’t grin like that, it’s too damaging to your image.””

“Oh well!”Anne Hathaway covered her head and leaned forward, saying with an aggrieved face,”It hurts.”~!”

Martin smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

Anne Hathaway gave Scarlett a proud look.

Scarlett couldn’t help but rolled her eyes, is this woman an idiot?

At this time, Martin asked about her situation again,”Scarlett, has”Lost in Translation” been filmed in New York all the time, without having to go to Tokyo for filming?”

When she mentioned the movie she was filming now, Scarlett suddenly became energetic.

“Not going to Tokyo for the time being, Sophia doesn’t plan to take too many big shots. She will create some Tokyo street scenes through the windows of a Starbucks. The rest of the scenes that must be shot in Tokyo will be re-shot in Tokyo later.”

“This can save a lot of money, and Sophia wants to spend more money on the plot.”

“Oh, she was so thoughtful, all the images were in her head, and the shooting was so fast, I don’t think the movie even took a month to complete.” (It actually only took 27 days)

“Martin, you are right, filming with her will make me improve.”

Anne Hathaway was disgusted when she heard the name”Sofia”,”Scarlett’s director has the same name as the woman who framed her, how disgusting!”

So I walked away impatiently and looked at the sea from the balcony.

I imagined in my heart that when would I be able to sell a big house like this!

(Brothers, please take care of me. Comments, flowers, collections, and rewards are all here. Click, thank you)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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