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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 321

Beach side.

The cool sea breeze blew away the darkness of dawn and stirred up layers of waves on the sea.

The early morning sun spreads from the horizon and spreads onto the golden beach, reflecting brilliant light.

In front of the beach is a flat rocky land, on which a large temporary camp has been set up.

At this time, the temporary camp turned from silence to noisy. One by one, the crew members emerged from the tents and began a busy day under the command of the assistant director.

The crew is organizing the set and preparing props.

Two members of an environmental protection organization from Nairobi kept shouting reminders beside them to prevent these guys from Hollywood from damaging or polluting the natural environment on this beach.

“They are so annoying!”Kaila said in Martin’s ear.

Since that night, the little girl seemed to have developed some kind of attachment to Martin and would stick to him all the time.

Martin didn’t have much objection to the two environmental members. , as a succubus, he is also close to nature, but he is not as perverted as the elves.

Moreover, the environmental protection members in Nairobi are affiliated with the United Nations, which is relatively formal, not the kind of private environmental protection organizations with various purposes.

Someone on the beach A huge tent was set up in an open space, which would serve as a temporary dressing room for the actors.

Martin’s makeup was relatively complicated, and it took more than an hour for him to come out of it.

“”Handsome boy” has become a”charming pirate” again!

Martin, dressed in a pirate costume, stood on a rock and looked at the blue sea in front of him, with three parts loneliness, three parts melancholy, three parts relief and one part indifference in his eyes.. (Haha)

For a moment, he actually gave people a detached and independent temperament.

He was looking for a feeling, constantly”playing” the scenes about Captain Jack from the original film in his mind, and from time to time he would refer to some scenes in the Continent of Gods and Demons. The temperament of a sea tribe.

Jerry Bruckheimer pulled the cameraman and pointed at Martin and said:”Shoot it immediately. This scene is amazing. It can be used as a bonus in promotions, or even put in a movie.”

Keira, who had put on makeup long ago, stood not far away, looking obsessively at Martin standing on the rock pretending to be cool. The scene of that night appeared in her mind again, and two blushes appeared on her face.

“Keira, go practice your sword soon.”A staff member urged the little girl without any discernment.

Keira pouted, turned around and left depressed, and was going to practice sword practice with the guy with a long name again – his sword skills were not good at all. Not as good as Martin.

Robert James Gilbert Anderson – he is the”guy with a long name” in Keira’s mouth, and he is also the swordsmanship instructor of the”Pirates of the Caribbean” crew. Among the three protagonists of the crew, Martin has superb swordsmanship, and Orlando is also She learned swordsmanship during the filming of”Lord of the Rings”, only she had to practice it from scratch.

This is what makes Keira depressed.

Robert James Gilbert Anderson is not a simple figure. The former Olympic fencer for England, although his athlete His career has not attracted much attention from the world, but his roles in movies in another field are well-known.

He has contributed to the film industry for more than 50 years and served as the director of”007″.》、《Star Wars》、《The swordsman in many films such as”Pirates of the Caribbean” and even acted as Darth Vader as a stand-in in”Star Wars”!

What’s interesting is that this person personally taught Martin’s swordsmanship after coming to the crew. While he was resigned to being defeated, he also personally admitted that Martin has a master-level swordsmanship.

If Martin didn’t have to focus on acting, he even felt that Martin was more suitable for the job of swordsmanship instructor than him – because this guy is not only superb with swordsmanship, but he can also design very exciting and beautiful fighting moves anytime and anywhere.

For example, the fight between Jack Sparrow and Will Turner in the swordsmith’s workshop.

Martin even only asked Robert Anderson to design Will Turner’s movements and movements, while he himself designed his own movements and movements on the spot based on Will Turner’s movements and movements. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At that time, Robert Anderson didn’t know Martin very well. When his persuasion failed, he looked at it as a joke, and even secretly reminded the producer Jerry Bruckheimer, asked him to prepare an ambulance in advance.

Director Gore Verbinski also felt that it was unreliable, but who made Martin an investor? He could only obey, but Jerry Bruckheimer shook his head and agreed to Martin’s request.

However, when the real shooting began, everyone was taken aback by Martin’s live performance. so perfect!

In the small sword-making workshop, Martin responded to Wiltner’s attack with ease, using the tools and terrain in the sword-making workshop to engage in sword fighting.

The attic, blacksmithing platform, pressure windmill, sword forest, etc. have all become his props, presenting a clever and ever-changing battle to everyone.

Not only the action is exciting and beautiful, but it also has a sense of humor. It has a fighting style similar to that of Hong Kong star Jack Cheng, but it is definitely not the same.

Jerry Bruckheimer once watched Jack Cheng’s moves designed by the crew of”Rush Hour” on the spot. The action star’s fighting moves were all shot after repeated attempts and failures.

In addition, action doubles were injured many times. Even Jack Cheng himself was injured several times due to mistakes, which shocked the people at the insurance company. In the end, Jack Cheng was strictly ordered not to participate in some dangerous actions himself.

As for Martin, who made up his own moves based on his opponent’s moves, it was obviously countless times more difficult, but he actually completed it in one go, and Martin seemed relaxed. However, Orlando almost sprained his foot during a jump.

Is this guy a fighting genius?

It was also after this time that Robert Anderson, driven by curiosity (Zhao’s), wanted to learn Martin’s swordsmanship on the spot.

Martin did not bully the old man. After all, the opponent was already in his sixties. He slowed down his speed and reduced his strength, and conquered Robert Anderson with only his skills.

After this competition, Robert excitedly said that Martin’s swordsmanship is not only beautiful to look at, but also practical – when he dances with the sword, he is so charming that people can’t take their eyes away.

Robert even believed that if Martin lived in Europe in the Middle Ages, he would definitely become the king of the duel world, and those ladies and ladies would be fascinated by him.[]

Martin accepted the old man’s compliments calmly, and even smiled and said to Keira Knightley, who was watching on the sidelines:”Are you fascinated by me?”

The little girl nodded hurriedly, with a blush on her face.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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