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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 403

“Martin, do you want it?……”

Martin could tell David Scott was moved.

But after thinking about it for a while, he still rejected the plan to replace the American workers on the drilling platform with Chinese workers.

After all, he is an American. If he goes too far, he may be targeted by domestic labor unions and some people with ulterior motives.

So, although he wanted to, he couldn’t.

Not only could he not replace these people, he also had to show that he cared about these workers.

During the lunch break, Martin said to the two union leaders:”I found that the daily necessities on the drilling platform were not rich enough. I will have people deliver better coffee and food, and I will also install air conditioners in the workers’ rest rooms. Well, there is too little entertainment. If we get a few game consoles, we can also create a billiards room in the rest area of ​​the drilling platform.……”

Soon, cheers erupted from the rig as the two union leaders relayed Martin’s words to the workers.

“You are such a kind boss!” Photographed by David Scottfart


End of January.

Martin returned to Los Angeles and came to the CAA department, Jeff’s office

“Martin, look at this script.”

Martin took it casually and looked at the cover of the script first.


This is a name that is not in his memory. Martin opened the first page casually, and after a few glances, he suddenly became attentive.

Taylor is a rebellious young man from the lower class of Baltimore, and Nora is an outstanding student studying at an aristocratic art school. A ballet student.

The senior dance competition Nora was going to participate in required a dance partner with superior dancing skills, and Taylor happened to break into Nora’s field of vision because he was fined for community service at the art school.

Taylor’s casual street dancing attracted Nora , the repeated collaborations on the stage allowed these two children who are also obsessed with art to create rhythmic sparks.

The script is not long, and it contains a long description of hip-hop performances, but the plot is very simple.

“Who is the screenwriter? asked Martin.

Jeff had been working with Martin for nearly five years and immediately saw that Martin was interested.

So he smiled and said:”Anne Fletcher is a newcomer. She has been active in Hollywood as a choreographer. Still in”Titanic”》、《Danced in”Charmed” and was a part of”My Fair Lady”》、《The choreography of”Beautiful Girls Cheerleaders”. What, you think the script is pretty good? Martin nodded and said:”The plot is very ordinary, just a simple love story, but the creativity of the script is very good. Since”Break Dance”, there have been few Hollywood movies that put hip-hop on the big screen. I think it can be done.” invest. Jeff smiled,”The other party not only wants to invest, this Anne Fletcher is very ambitious. She wants to be the director of this movie. At the same time,——”

Jeff looked at Martin,”She still hopes you can star in it!”

Martin touched his bald chin and recalled the box office of this movie in the original timeline. It seemed to be 120 million, and the investment was very small, only 12 million.

If he acted it himself, even if the remuneration was a friendly price, the investment would not be less than 30 million, but Martin was confident.

He believes that the name”Martin Meyers” alone can increase the box office of this movie by more than 30 million.

And if Meyers Pictures had invested in this movie, the extra salary would be nothing more than the left hand and the right hand.


“Oh, are you really going to act?”

Jeff thought that Martin was no longer interested in these low-budget movies.

“I will act, but I will choose the heroine.”

The heroine of this movie is very suitable for Jessica. This girl has good dancing skills and is pretty enough. At least she is prettier than the heroine in the original timeline!

The next day.

Anne Fletcher, who was dressed up carefully, was extremely excited arrived at the cafe they had arranged for.

When Anne Fletcher sat down opposite Martin, she still couldn’t hide the excitement in her heart, which was reflected in her eyebrows.

“Hello, Martin, I am a fan, can you sign your autograph for me?”

Yes, Anne Fletcher is Martin’s favorite, especially his”Leglas”.

Martin did not expect that the other party’s first sentence would be this, so he couldn’t help laughing and nodded in agreement.

After Martin agreed, Anne Fletcher Letcher excitedly took out a beautiful palm-sized photo from his bag, which was a still of Legolas.

Seeing Martin signing the photo, Anne Fletcher had already decided to look for it later. The local government sealed the photos and kept them permanently.

Afterwards, the two chatted about serious matters.

“……What I want to highlight in this movie are two key points. One is that street hip-hop and noble and elegant ballet can perfectly match each other on the stage; and the other is the romantic love between the hero and the heroine… In the movie, I think Telling stories with a lot of dance and body language, and running through the main axis of HipHop street dance style……”

At this point, Anne Fletcher looked at Martin and asked,”Martin, how much do you know about street dancing?”

Martin smiled and said,”Not very much, but I learn things very quickly!”

Soon, Anne Fletcher Letcher knew how quickly Martin learned.

In early January, the crew was formed.

Three days later, casting ended.

In addition to the male and female protagonists Martin and Jessica, Anne Fletcher has found a large number of professional dancers and is also planning to invite several RB superstars to make guest appearances in the film.

Then it’s time for dance training for the male and female protagonists.

Originally, Anne Fletcher had set a time limit of one month, which was considered relatively fast in her opinion. After all, Martin and Jessica both had dancing skills.

But – three days later.

The black dancer who was responsible for teaching Martin street dance was so shocked that his mouth opened.

He looked at Anne Fletcher who was also shocked and said:

“Walter Falk, he is simply a monster. I have nothing left to teach him. This guy’s body is simply made for dancing—(Zhao Nuozhao)—whether it’s coordination, rhythm, flexibility, or strength. All top notch!”

Anne Fletcher put her hands on her hips and looked at Jessica, who was still sweating profusely but making average progress not far away, and then at Martin, who wasn’t sweating much. She finally knew that his so-called”learning things quickly” was true. How fast!

“Martin, your training is over. If you are free, I hope you can help Jessica. Martin shrugged,”No problem, but I have to fly to China first, sign a contract, and come back in about half a month.””

“By the way,” before Martin left, he suddenly turned around and said to Anne Fletcher:”The name”Music High” is too common and is not good for publicity. Why not change it?

Anne Fletcher said in astonishment:”What’s the blame?””

“It’s better to call……《Dance My Life”!”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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