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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 507

As time goes by, 2004 is coming to an end, and the box office results of several movies released in the second half of the year invested by Meyers Films have also come out.

《”The Hangover” has a North American box office of 298 million and a global box office of 479 million US dollars.

《”The Matrix 3″ has a North American box office of 452 million and a global box office of 647 million.

《”Harry Potter 3″ has a North American box office of 272 million and a global box office of 793 million.

《”Saw” grossed 93 million at the North American box office and 186 million at the global box office.

Such results would make even the”Sixth National Congress” cry when they see it!

《The New York Times made a concluding report:

“If you want to find a word to describe Hollywood movies in 2004, storm seems to be the most suitable.

On March 10, 2004, Martin Meyers stepped onto the Oscar awards stage to accept public praise for the”Lord of the Rings” trilogy, but those applause actually belonged to 2003.

However, without the support of The Hobbit (the”Lord of the Rings” series), the total box office of Hollywood in 2004 was still amazing, even if”Little Magician” is not included”(《Harry Potter series), Hollywood is still glamorous.

This year, in addition to trying to find ways to combat the illegal behavior of downloading movies online, Hollywood has also produced a variety of movies and classics.——《Harry Potter 2》、《The Bourne Supremacy 2》、《The Matrix 3》、《Not to mention the four series of movies”Spider-Man 2″,”Ready Player One”》、《high school musical》、《the Hangover》、《”Saw” all received huge box office returns.

But have you noticed a problem, that is, these outstanding movies are all invested by Meyers Pictures, or participated in the investment.

Well, except for Shrek 2.

After excluding these movies, Hollywood’s main weapon for conquering the world becomes single, and it seems that they are all blockbusters focusing on stunts, especially superhero-type action movies.

In 2004, Hollywood relied more and more on the”superhero” formula and adapted a large number of comics and games. Such movies include”Spider-Man 2″》、《Van Helsing》、《catwoman》、《”Alien War” and”Resident Evil 2: Annihilation of the Survivors”.

However, except for”Spider-Man 2″ starring Martin and co-invested by Meyers Pictures, which was rated as”fair” and was the only superhero blockbuster in 2004 that could meet the audience’s expectations, the rest were inferior. Rave reviews.

Among the twenty highest-grossing movies, we still exclude those movies invested by Meyers Pictures. Then”Shrek 2″ topped the list with more than $430 million, followed by three More than 70 million”The Passion of Jesus”.

It is worth noting that among the twenty highest-grossing movies, six are sequels, namely”Harry Potter 2″》、《The Matrix 3》、《Shrek 2》、《spider man 2》、《”The Bourne Supremacy” and”The Princess Diaries 2″, and the first four films ranked first, second, fifth and seventh in the box office list respectively, proving that sequel movies have a certain appeal to audiences.

But at the same time, people are worried that Hollywood’s future strategy is to continue to rest on its laurels. In addition to making sequels, remakes of old and overseas films may become a major trend.

The performance of the two epic blockbusters”Troy” and”Alexander” can definitely be described as disappointing. The latter only took in more than 33 million US dollars at the box office.

《”The Passion of the Christ” and”Fahrenheit 9 (1) 1″ caused great controversy before and after their release, which added a lot of new topics to Hollywood in 2004.

《”The Passion of Jesus” describes the last twelve hours of Jesus’ life in an extremely bloody and realistic way. Many people believe that the film exaggerates violence in the name of religion, and some people criticize the film for being anti-Semitic.

Even when the movie was released, many religious groups held banners to protest and demonstrate on the opening day of the movie. However, this seemed to have the effect of”reverse propaganda”.”The Passion of the Jesus” set a record for pre-sale tickets before the opening. The record for the most”R-rated” movies with the highest box office in history, with box office revenue in the United States reaching more than 370 million US dollars, ranking third in the year

《The controversy caused by”Fahrenheit 9 (1) 1″ was not surprising. After the film won Cannes in May and became the second documentary in film history to win the Palme d’Or, the highest honor at the Cannes Film Festival, director Michael Moore immediately announced , Disney refused to release the film.

However, Disney’s withdrawal did not have much impact on the film. The documentary, which criticized President George W. Bush, opened in June and set multiple records: it was the first documentary to gross more than $100 million at the box office. , is the documentary that has been shown in the most theaters and has the highest DVD sales.

Judging from the popularity of this documentary, President George W. Bush’s support rate among the people is not high, and we don’t know how John Corey lost.

From the above analysis, we can see that Meyers Pictures has a strong development momentum and is gradually replacing DreamWorks.

This can be seen from last year

《mean girls》、《The Matrix 2》、《Dance my life》、《Pirates of the Caribbean》、《Fake god》、《”Lord of the Rings 3″ all ranked in the top ten box office in 2003.

This year,”Harry Potter 2″ ranked first at the box office,”The Matrix 3″ ranked second, and”Ready Player One” ranked third. In 2004, the top three box office spots were all occupied by Meyers Pictures.

This is not over yet.”High School Musical” ranked fourth at the box office,”Spider-Man 2″ ranked seventh,”The Hangover” ranked eighth, and”The Bourne Supremacy” ranked tenth.

Among the top ten global box office grosses in 2004, films invested by Meyers Films accounted for seven, which is a terrifying result.

If Meyers Pictures continues to grow like this, it may really have a chance to become the seventh giant in Hollywood.

Let’s wait and see!”

《This New York Times report shocked the United States.

Only then did people discover that without even realizing it, Meyers Pictures’ movies (Known’s movies) accounted for half of Hollywood, or even more, and were even stronger than the six giants.

Of course, this was also the case when DreamWorks first started.

Therefore, most people are still not optimistic about whether Meyers Pictures can become the seventh largest company in Hollywood.

Martin has no obsession with whether Meyers Pictures will become the”Hollywood Seven”. After all, movies are just a way for him to obtain magic, and gaining benefits and power is just incidental.

But Drew was very interested in it.

“Getting involved in distribution? Martin looked at Drew and said,”I’m afraid it won’t be that simple. Look at the fate of DreamWorks. Hollywood only has so many resources, and they have been almost divided up by the six major companies. They can’t let others come in to share the cake.” of!”

“Neither can you?”Drew said.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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