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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 527

Just when Satan and his men rushed out of the bunker, one by one they shot at the gang members lying on the ground.

From the third-floor window of a small building ahead, a machine gun barrel was quietly stretched out and pointed downwards.

But before the machine gunner could fire, a bullet had already penetrated his head, splattering red and white.

A ram’s voice came from Satan’s headset:”Satan, pay attention. There is a machine gun upstairs. They might have been preparing to shoot indiscriminately, but I killed them.””

“Xie Te, these people don’t even spare their own people, they are so cruel!”

Satan spat, then rolled over, dodged the incoming bullets, pulled out his pistol, and fired three shots at the enemy who was sitting up on his knees. The enemy fell.

Satan’s men were all elite infantry, and every After a shot, they would make tactical evasive maneuvers to prevent the enemy from following the gun flames produced when they shot.

Big Dog and the others also cooperated and changed the cross fire to burst fire to cover the actions of the Satan team.

The Rams’ people He kept scanning the surroundings with the scope to see if there were any enemies who wanted to make a sneak attack. Every now and then, a gunshot would be heard, and an enemy would fall down. The three teams of people cooperated tacitly, and the Kurds who were originally lying on the ground and crawling forward were finally attacked. No more, many people jumped up from the ground and ran away to the rear.

However, most of these people became the targets of snipers, and only a few successfully rushed into the darkness. After a while, gunshots were heard from the other direction. Obviously

, gunshots were heard from the other direction.

, 253 The troops ambushing at the other exit also began to attack.

“GOAT, allowing precision shooter teams to enter the battlefield and move freely”

“Big dog, blow up the small building in front. I don’t want to waste time searching.”



After two responses, six rockets were fired, then six more, and six more.

Each floor of the three-story building was washed.

Hua la, I don’t know which rocket worked. , half of the small building that was suspected of hiding a machine gunner collapsed.

It was almost impossible for anyone to be alive. Even if someone was alive, they must have been stunned by the explosion and posed no threat.

Satan and his people took the opportunity to cross the small building and head toward the center of the town. Touch it.

At this time, the voice of the ram came from the earphone:”Satan, we have captured a man alive. This guy said that four days ago he saw the arrival of an army composed of white and black people, about thirty people They are surrounded by people and well-equipped. I suspect these people are also mercenaries.”

“Fake, can a fugitive gang afford mercenaries? No, it should be someone sent by the financial backer behind the Comala Gang.”

Satan’s voice was a little serious.

“Although the gang members of the”Comala Gang” can be regarded as relatively elite combatants, they are still not good compared with mercenaries like them (cefc). After all, gang combat and army combat are two different things – they are more proficient in assassinations, Ambushes and terrorist attacks, rather than confrontation between two armies.

But the other group of mercenaries is different. They are opponents of the same level.

Of course, there are also strengths and weaknesses between mercenaries, but I don’t know What level is the opponent this time?!

The unknown is the most worrying thing, isn’t it!?

At this moment, Martin’s voice sounded in Satan’s headset,”Satan, there is someone setting up a trap on the street thirty meters in front of you. An ambush was laid, and the other party also had night vision goggles. They were probably the mercenaries that Gongyang mentioned.”

Because we are on the same channel, the messages on the radio are all shared. Martin can also hear what Ram just said. Satan has no time to think about how Martin knows this?

There is no room for hesitation on the battlefield.

Well, it’s possible. It was also the”magic mechanism” that Martin buried in his head that worked.

Satan immediately ordered:”Everyone take off their night vision goggles and follow my orders to throw flash bombs.””

“One, two, three, throw it!”

Several flash bombs were thrown into the dark, empty street.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Bursts of dazzling white light flashed, illuminating the entire street into daylight.

There were screams from the houses on both sides of the street. came out.

What does it feel like to be burned by a flash bomb while wearing night vision goggles?

It’s painful anyway.

Satan’s team spread out in groups of three, searching room by room, and gunfire rang out from time to time.

After a while , Finally, two soldiers dragged a mercenary with red and swollen eyes towards Satan.

The team leader responsible for the cleanup reported to Satan:”There were ten people in ambush, and they were all cleaned up, and one person was captured alive.”

Satan asked a few questions:

“Who are you?”

“Who sent you here?”

“How many people are there among you?”

The captured white male mercenary said nothing.

Satan didn’t want to waste time, so he pulled out a gun and shot him in the head.


The male mercenary fell straight down.

Just as Satan stopped to interrogate the mercenary By that time, Big Dog had already led his men to the front.

There were two more small buildings ahead, both of which were made of masonry and had good defense.

Big Dog used the remaining rockets to blow up one of them, but was destroyed by Fire from another small building blocked the way.

“Satan, the enemy’s firepower is very fierce, I guess the remaining mercenaries are here. These guys are very capable in individual combat. I have organized two attacks and were beaten back both times.”

“Why not use rockets?”

“Run out!”

“Wait for me to come. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Soon, Satan and his men came up and hid behind a bungalow.

Satan took out his night vision binoculars and looked at the small building.

Look. After a while, he showed a look of surprise.

With such fierce firepower, it must not be a small mercenary group.

Generally speaking, the characteristics of those small mercenary groups are that they lack heavy firepower, but the quality of individual soldiers is very high.

And like EO and armored groups Only such a large mercenary company has the strength to possess heavy firepower equipment.

(PS: EO is headquartered in South Africa. In the heyday of EO, Blackwater was not even worthy of carrying his shoes. The group of South African mercenaries in the movie”Blood Diamond” The military is an allusion to EO. After South Africa signed the international anti-mercenary law in 1998, it forced EO to end its business. After the closure of EO, many former EO senior staff established many similar organizations in countries in Africa or other continents. Enterprises include private military companies and security companies.)

(PS: Armored Group is a mercenary company in England. Some information says that EO is the ancestor of modern PMC, but in fact EO was founded in 1989, while MPRI was founded in 1987 Established in 1981, the predecessor of Armor Group, Defense Systems Limited (DSL), began operations in 1981. As the true ancestor of modern PMC, Armor Group is more mysterious than EO. Their information can rarely be found online. It is said that Armor Group The group already has the prototype of a group army, with full combat capabilities of land, sea and air. Many of England’s overseas military operations are carried out by mercenaries of the Armored Group on their behalf.)

(PS: Existences such as EO and the Armored Group directly conduct operations in Africa. They are existences that can destroy countries.)

In addition, there are some small mercenary groups that are backed by big benefactors. For example, Satan and the others are backed by Martin, a big benefactor. They also have the money and channels to buy heavy firepower.

But in front of them The fighting style of the mercenaries in this small building does not look like they are from a large mercenary group, so they can only have big benefactors behind them.

And the big benefactors behind these people are probably inciting the Kurds to steal oil. The man behind

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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