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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 556

“”Kingdom of Heaven” was born with a golden key, but it failed to achieve its dominance in the summer season. After the film was released, word-of-mouth and box office showed a sharp decline. Director Ridley Scott was also disgraced, and the screenwriter of the film, William Monahan, was blacklisted by many film companies.”

“However, according to information provided by an entertainment industry insider, Martin raised objections to the film when”Kingdom of Heaven” was first proposed. His good friends Leonardo

DiCaprio and Orlando Bloom successively gave up the audition”

“It turns out that Martin’s vision is as accurate as a laser guide, and he helped his friends escape the disaster”

“However, director Ridley Scott does not think that the failure of the film is his director’s problem. Yesterday, he said in front of the media that because the length of the film was too short, many plots felt fragmented, and many clues and backgrounds were omitted. Got it”

“At the same time, 20th Century Fox also stated that the failure of the film was related to the editing time. They will release the 192-minute director’s cut version on the video tape market, hoping that everyone can see the real”Kingdom of Heaven”》”

Putting down the newspaper in her hand, Miranda Kerr asked in surprise:”What does 20th Century Fox mean by slapping themselves in the face?”

Martin took the newspaper, glanced at it a few times, and smiled:”They just want to cut it again 933 A wave of leeks, just to reduce investment losses.”

Martin watched the 192-minute version of”Kingdom of Heaven” in the memory of Martin China. In that way, it was slightly better than the theater version, and some details were added –

For example, the background of Balian’s character and the story of Sibella killing her leprosy son.

But it still can’t cover up the film’s procrastinating plot and confusing narrative.

(PS: After watching the 192-minute director’s version of”Kingdom of Heaven”, the only two things that left a deep impression on the author are the actress Eva Green playing Princess Sibylla of Jerusalem, and the masked king played by Edward Norton. Others Everything feels mediocre. As for the composition level of the director, which is touted by many people, it is only at the normal level of Ridley Scott, it is difficult to say that it is amazing!)

With the curtain of the summer season opening, the failure of”Kingdom of Heaven”, Naturally, those teenagers who want to watch movies spend more of their pocket money on”Batman.”

As a result, after”Batman Begins” was screened for two weeks, the box office actually increased slightly.

Benjamin Imre is a high school student who was sent (daff) to a private middle school by his father who opened a dental clinic – this school has strict management and heavy courses, which fills his daily schedule to the fullest, including parties. , What about picking up girls, there is no time at all!

And his only way to relieve stress is to count the days, waiting for the arrival of summer vacation and the release of”Batman Begins”.

He is a comic book fan, and his favorite comic character is Batman from DC Comics.

At the same time, he is also a fan of Martin. When he was still a primary school student, he started watching Martin’s movie”The Perfect Match”.》、《”The Sixth Sense”, and in middle school I watched Martin’s”The Lord of the Rings”》、《The Matrix》、《Pirates of the Caribbean,” and he also enjoyed Martin’s books, such as”Harry Potter》、《ready player》……

All in all, he grew up watching Martin’s movies and novels.

It’s finally summer break, and”Batman Begins” that I’ve been looking forward to for months is finally released.

Benjamin Imre couldn’t wait to make an appointment with some of his better friends from school, and together they went to the AMC chain theater in the Santa Monica Business Center to watch the film.

When the three of them entered the theater, they were stunned by the crowded crowd in front of them.


“so many people!”

It can be seen that there is a long queue at the ticket office of the theater, and everyone is happily talking about Batman, Martin, and Nolan.

Obviously, they all come to”Batman”.

Then Benjamin Yi Muley showed a proud smile, pointed at the long queue, and said to his two friends:

“Well, luckily I told you to book the tickets in advance, otherwise our trip today would have been in vain.”

The three of them squeezed towards the ticket window together.

Benjamin specially booked the show at nine in the morning, because he was afraid that there would be too many people and he would not be able to find a good seat.

But he did not expect that it was just half past eight, and there was already a long queue in the cinema. And at the entrance of the theater behind you, there are still crowds of people coming.

“Hello, we have booked Batman 3 for the nine o’clock show. My name is Benjamin Imre, and the booking number is.”

The conductor skillfully opened the ticketing system, found the reservation number, and matched Benjamin’s name.

After some operations, the machine spit out three movie tickets, and the conductor handed them to Benjamin and the three of them.

The three of them left the ticket gate before leaving. Far away, I heard a tall, thin, brown-haired white young man behind me say:

“Hello, give me two movie tickets for”Batman”. I also want the 9 a.m. show.”

Unexpectedly, after taking a look at the ticketing system, the conductor did not take the Franklin he handed over.

Instead, he said with an embarrassed look:”Sorry sir, all the tickets for the”Batman” movie at 9 a.m. have been sold out.”

“Walter? Then give me a show at half past nine or ten. The ticket seller said:”Sorry sir, all the”Batman” movie tickets in the morning are sold out, and the earliest one now is at 1:30 in the afternoon. If you want, you can buy”Batman” at 1:30 or later》”

The lanky white young man swore:”Walterfak, are you sure? Look again, are there really no tickets left in the morning?!”

After the conductor repeatedly confirmed that there were indeed no tickets left in the morning, the tall and lanky white young man finally I still purchased the 1:30 pm session in advance.

After getting the ticket, she still muttered:”Now Annie is nagging me again – why didn’t you make a reservation? Why didn’t you make a reservation?”……”

Benjamin Imre and the other three couldn’t help laughing as they listened to the tall, thin white young man’s complaints.

The conductor also muttered in his heart:”Batman” is too popular, and”Kingdom of Heaven” is so deserted, so we might as well give up the performance of”Kingdom of Heaven” to”Batman” to avoid wasting it.……”

In fact, several theater chains in North America are already preparing to do this

“What, reduce the number of scenes in”Kingdom of Heaven”?”When he received the call from the theater, the head of distribution department of Twentieth World Fox was confused.

“You can’t do this!”He said immediately

“Sorry, Curt, this is not a query but a notification. We have made a decision. You know the attendance rate of”Kingdom of Heaven” and we cannot waste the theater.”

An hour later, Tom Cruise also received the message.


Another mobile phone was smashed!

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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