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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 606

Martin, Leonardo, and Will Smith stood together and chatted, and a group of people quickly gathered around them.

Anne Hatheway held Martin’s arm and looked at the vaguely envious eyes of the female stars around her, feeling extremely proud.

From time to time, he would laugh along with the chat content of the three of them, and from time to time, he would say a few words of affection in Martin’s ear to show that his relationship with Martin was extraordinary.

Many female stars around have thoughts like:”Bichi”、”bitch”、”Vixen”, such an idea.

As the most popular piece of”Tang Monk Meat” in Hollywood today, there are many female stars today just to get to know Martin.

In the thoughts of these female seductresses, if they can finish the premiere After that, it would be better to have a closer relationship with Martin.

But looking at Anne Hathaway’s protective attitude, they probably have little chance. It would be strange not to be angry.

How could Anne Hathaway not know what’s going on around her? That group of bitches thought, she did it on purpose, hum!

The time was about to reach seven o’clock.

Martin looked at his watch and ended the conversation.

A group of people walked toward the theater in a mighty manner.

Martin took the opportunity to take a look A glance at Jada Smith, who has been following Will Smith and trying to show her presence.

Don’t get me wrong, Martin is not attracted to Will Smith’s black wife, he is just curious-when did she become bald? ?Is the thick, beautiful 263 hair on my head now real, or is it a wig?

“Wow, the theater is completely full, and I’ve noticed that whenever it’s a premiere of a project that you’re involved in, Martin, it’s always packed. And don’t forget, there are nearly a thousand movie fans outside. Because they didn’t get tickets for the premiere, they had to wait in the cold wind.”

I have to say, Will Smith is really good at flattering people, and he is very annoying.

“Shit.”Martin laughed and cursed, and said,”There is no cold wind in the winter in Los Angeles, and this is not my fault alone. Nolan, Ben, and other crew members all spent their efforts on this movie, and you also I forgot to mention that Batman has always been the top three most popular comic book hero in the world. No one can deny this. Batman will never lack fans and movie fans who pay for it.”

“Unless Batman is turned into a male model and the movie is made into a fashion show. Will Smith spread his hands and said jokingly.

He was joking about the”Batman and Robin” filmed by Joe Schumacher.

“Well, I would pass that on to director Schumacher, oh, and George Clooney.”Martin made a joke

“Hey bro, don’t be so serious. I was just joking. Please keep it a secret.”

Will Smith cooperated very well and pretended to be scared.

(aifg) But in fact, with his current status, he doesn’t need to care about these two at all, otherwise he wouldn’t make fun of”Batman and Robin” in public.

While he was talking, a group of people had already walked to the front row of the screening hall.

Will Smith was in the third row. He said to Martin:”Man, Jada and I went over first. We will get together when we have the opportunity. My son Jaden is a fan of yours.” He is completely optimistic about Will Smith’s future. Martin doesn’t like his disabled eldest son, but he is still willing to accept Will Smith’s deliberate overtures.

Since he has vaguely thought about entering the political arena, he must win over the huge voting base of the black community.

As the”black light” who succeeded Michael Jackson, who is now semi-retired, Will Smith has a huge influence on the black community, and he can make some friends.

“Wait a minute, Will.”

He stopped Mr. and Mrs. Smith who were walking towards the third row of seats, thought for a moment, and said in a hurry:

“After the premiere, I will start a movie promotion tour with the crew. This process is expected to last about one month to one and a half months. After the promotion is over and I return to Los Angeles, I will hold a big party at home. You can take it with you. Come and have fun with your family, it’s a serious party.”

“No problem, I’ll definitely come, I love partying, especially serious partying, don’t you, Jada?! Will Smith suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, waved his hand, and agreed.

The home Martin mentioned was his mansion in Beverly Hills. In the end, that place was not kept secret and was dug out by the paparazzi..

He is already considering finding a new place near Los Angeles as a place for him and his collections to play.

After talking to Will Smith, Martin took Anne Hathaway to the center of the first row of the theater. Location.

Leonardo and his girlfriend were in the second row.

There was no way, there were a lot of industry leaders here today, and there was no room for them in the first row.

Before sitting down, Anne Hathaway deliberately She paused for a moment, looked around proudly, and was energetic.

She liked this, reflecting her identity and status in some details, even if it was the power of fake Martin.

Jada Smith, who sat down with Will Smith, looked at it deliberately The flamboyant Anne Hathaway glanced at her and said disdainfully:”I don’t like this woman. Will

Smith was startled. He looked around and saw that no one was paying attention. Then he calmed down and said in his wife’s ear:

“Shut up, don’t talk nonsense, and if possible, you should maintain a good relationship with Ms. Hathaway”

“I know, I know.”

Jada Smith said nonchalantly.

Jada Smith is famous for her low emotional intelligence in the circle. She has talked nonsense in public many times and caused trouble for her husband.

This woman is definitely a weirdo.

She once publicly said that the famous black director Si Parker Lee couldn’t film, and Will Smith had to apologize in person. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) He once publicly stated that he hated his skin color and didn’t like those poor black people, but he didn’t know that his husband His base is the black community, and Will Smith had to apologize in person.

He once publicly said that Kobe’s wife Vanessa didn’t know how to dress up. Fortunately, Vanessa was generous and forgave her, but Will Smith had to apologize in person..At the 2022 Oscars, host Chris Rock made inappropriate remarks about Jada’s bald head, sparking the ire of Will Smith. He didn’t hesitate to slap his former friend in a global live broadcast..

This incident also dealt a major blow to Will Smith’s career.

However, Jada Smith said in her autobiography: I don’t care about Chris Rock’s remarks, and I don’t need Will Smith to stand up for me.

1 On the other hand, she believed that Chris Rock’s jokes about her at the Oscars were just the work of comedians. She also revealed that she and Will Smith had separated since 2016 and no longer called each other husband and wife, so she was not interested in calling”Will Smith” at the Oscars. She was”shocked” by her wife.

Jada did not shy away from saying in a foreign media interview that her ex-boyfriend Tupac was her”soulmate”. Tupac was a famous American rapper who was shot dead in 1996.

Jada even It was revealed in the interview that Tupac also suffered from alopecia areata similar to hers and started losing his hair very early.

Jada’s explanation for why she and Will Smith kept their breakup secret was because she”wasn’t ready yet” and” Still trying to figure out how the two work together” and how to behave in public.

In any case, even after the breakup, Will Smith never said a bad word about Jada Smith, and said:”The 52-year-old The actress lives a more intense life than I imagined, and she’s more resilient, smart, and compassionate.”

Even the acting was very good, much better than Jada Smith’s performance.

(Brothers, please take care of me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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