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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 620

《”The Dark Knight” continues to surge at the box office, and it has received unanimously positive reviews.

The authoritative media”The New York Times” simply took out a page to sing praises for”The Dark Knight”. The following is the original text:

Title:”Batman”》——The most perfect darkness!

Perfect Dark: Showdown in Gotham City.

Something is already cold, and something is happening… The latest Batman movie co-produced by Christopher Nolan and Martin Meyers is as dark as midnight and as long as lightning.

Art and technology, poetry and entertainment, achieve a perfect balance.

It’s deeper and darker than all the Hollywood comic book adaptations combined (including”Batman Begins”).

At first glance, the two emotions, positive and negative, blend in the chest, with a hint of pessimism, but no film can reveal such a strong horror flavor in pure tragedy – until the emergence of this post-heroic epic :”The Dark Knight”.

Obviously, truth, justice and dreams still exist, and the Dark Knight’s flying wings clearly reflect the ambiguity and shallowness of other superheroes or super spies.

Director Nolan and screenwriter Martin used an extremely serious and very natural attitude to infuse real wisdom into the film. After watching”The Dark Knight”, people immediately understood why the last time Superman (2006″Superman Returns”) fell.

It erases the rigidity and roughness of other similar movies, gives superheroes a solemn and painful fate, and creates a Batman who seems to be tightly wrapped in spider webs. Even a forced smile will make Bruce Wayne laugh. His cheeks were etched with the fortitude of a Greek statue.

There’s no doubt that this helped Ben Affleck’s performance significantly.

Compared with all previous films in the Batman series,”The Dark Knight” is like a radical who holds the truth. His small step made the entire genre a giant step forward.

Like all pioneers, Christopher Nolan found the golden key to making movies right, films that are tightly integrated and strongly echoed in his time – or, rather, our time – when trouble comes openly and openly, we (with Batman’s choice is to finish it off in shades of black.

Maybe that’s not new, but few films follow through so thoroughly until the end. Batman and his villainous counterpart are more like brothers, just with different personalities.

Of course, the villain we are talking about is the Joker played by Martin Meyers. He used his writing and acting skills to create a demon with an inner atmosphere of evil and circus joy.

Martin once said modestly to the media that if his screenwriter had to lay a dark and death tone for the film, it was only because he gave his most successful performance. Without Nolan’s directorial skills, he Can’t do it either.

Martin’s version of the Joker has a zombie appearance and a dark heart. A performance that goes deep into your bones can immediately pull you into the darkness.

However, once he enters the carnival of killing and reveals that explosive evil and sick smile, all your emotions will immediately drown in your own uneasiness.

The Joker is an uninvited guest in Gotham City, and no one knows where he came from.

He soon controls the entire city’s criminal syndicate.

His bizarre and motiveless crimes also attracted Batman’s attention.

Martin’s performance successfully hides himself completely in the character’s white mask and evil eyes, and turns the character into a cynic who ridicules crime and even mocks the police. The world burns to ashes.

He is not fighting for any belief, nor for anyone. He is not a terrorist, he is terror itself.

Nolan is playing with fire, in part because he’s a show-off.

Before the Joker goes wild, Nolan transforms him into a mix of comical and terrifying.

This combination comes partly from Michael Mann’s”The Wire” and more from Cirque Du Solei1, a circus revolutionary who introduced narrative and artistry into circus.

And these are perfectly reflected in”The Dark Knight”.

This mixed tone quickly creates a tense and tortuous atmosphere for the film. With the support of this atmosphere, Nolan fills in the whimsical and mischievous crimes, the justice trials carried out and encountered by the city defenders. In a film that runs quickly for more than two hours, all the usual little decorations are put aside.

After a climactic last half hour of gunfire and explosions, the film finally comes to an end.

Those disjointed images remain in my mind, suggesting that there will still be a righteous side to the world, and although it sometimes seems incoherent in this regard, it is indeed touching.

You understand from this that Nolan likes to hang out in the darkness, but he doesn’t want to live there.

I have to say that Nolan did it, and he successfully showed off his skills.

But as Martin said, he couldn’t do it without Nolan, so without Martin’s wonderful performance, Nolan wouldn’t be able to do it so perfectly.

I think there is no one who has watched this movie who has not been fascinated by the clown.

The Joker is a total weirdo, and that’s how Martin plays it.

What’s most incredible about the way he performs is that he not only brings out the horror of the Joker, but also makes the character entertaining.

He created an iconic performance that also had a certain vulnerability, a certain… depth to it that just came through in the way he performed it, not the story itself.

He manages to make the character believable just by the way he performs it.

So I think that also makes the Joker scarier and more charismatic.

Because you believe him on some level, you believe that he can walk into the room at any time and make people uneasy, like he does from time to time.

The author believes that Martin’s Joker has surpassed Jack Nicholson and reached a height that is difficult for later comers to reach.

In addition to the Joker, the movie also features some new and impressive characters.

The compelling Harvey Dent, a prosecutor dedicated to justice and Bruce Wayne’s new love rival, will join Rachel Dawes in the emotional battle.

Like most of the other characters in the movie, including Bruce Wayne, Harvey and Rachel live and work in a”glass house.”

This glass house is Gotham.

The Gotham City they live in is much brighter and more dazzling than the outdated and terrible city in the previous”Batman Begins”.

In the comics, Gotham was originally modeled after a symbolic, densely populated modern metropolis (actually, a cleverly disguised Chicago city).

Soulless, nameless, a twisted city full of mirror fragments.

But in the movie, from certain angles, the city where the Joker is about to wreak havoc looks like New York City.

But this feeling will weaken when you look for the traces and symbols of 9(1)1 directly from the lens.

When a building collapses in a cloud of smoke or when firefighters rush into the flames to extinguish the raging fire, you may have a flashback of that day in your mind.

But the resemblance exists more in our memories than in the evolved image on the screen.

Like any small-screen or big-screen thriller, the film’s connection to 9(1)1 is in the air, more inferred and thought-provoking (from the film’s chaos, panic, death) rather than direct expression.

Still, even a glimpse of a scene like this is enough to prove that American movies have entered a new era of ambivalent emotions when the subjects are their heroes, or simply fictional superpowers.

With or without his black cape, Batman may not be that surprising, but rather a somewhat invisible, almost forgettable character.

This part has to do with costumes, and all actors who put on costumes are given certain complex factors.

His eyes were made dark and blurry, and his voice was processed to be dull and obscure through technical means. This is the image Ben Affleck was given from the beginning.

He doesn’t have the equipment that best impresses an audience as an actor.

Nolan told the story of Batman’s origin in the previous film and initially showed no intention of updating the character.

However, by giving Batman opponents to love and fight, he released the demons hidden in Batman’s mind into the outside world.

That emphasized twist filters Mr. Nolan’s original message but gives the story tension and interest beyond personal struggle.

This black Batman is not so much a human being as some other monster.

As he perches high on the edge of Gotham’s skyscrapers, he seems more like a monster than a savior.

There was something demonic in his furtive menace.

In a critical scene, a wise character in the film declares that this is not a heroic age.

In other words, this is the time for villains and madmen to have fun.

This can also explain why when Batman flies up in the film, his wings spread out like giant palms, which seems to mean that he is trying to control the world, just like saving it.


“..Wow, this comment is a bit interesting. Is this saying that Batman’s so-called saving of Gotham is actually toying with Gotham? Martin, this seems to coincide with some of your thoughts. Don’t you also think that Batman’s non-killing is just to keep those monsters, no, I should say the same kind, for him to play and have fun?!”

Natalie Portman put down the”New York Times” in her hand and looked amazed.

This review almost gave a new interpretation of”Batman”, even with a little bit of malice.

Martin laughed ( Li Hao) got up, and of course it coincided with his own. This review was originally written by him, but he just borrowed someone else’s name to publish it.

This kind of controversial review is just right for a film that has been screened for almost two weeks.”The Dark Knight” added to the fire.

This idea came from Nolan. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the script discussion meeting before the filming of the film, and during the filming process, I had I mentioned this unique perspective on Batman.

At that time, I felt that Nolan was thoughtful.

I didn’t expect it to be here.

This guy really knows how to market and never misses an opportunity.

《This movie review in the New York Times really caused a big discussion. There are too many fans of Batman, and many die-hard fans simply can’t stand their”idol” being slandered as a devil, so another war of words began.

“The Dark Knight”, which has just been quiet in the media, has become popular again.

Jonathan Nolan put down the newspaper in his hand and smiled at his brother:”Chris, it seems that your marketing has been successful again. They were all wrong. You are not a master of directing art, you are just a pure businessman. Strong!”

Christopher Nolan shook his head and said with a smile:”This is not my idea. I just learned from Martin’s previous use of black people to promote hype. Martin is the pure businessman.”

“Hehe, I want to convey your words to Martin.”Jonathan said with a bad smile.

“You name it, I think Martin would appreciate that comment.”Nolan said.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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