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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 675

Los Angeles, Meyers Pictures headquarters.

Ivanka is in Martin’s office.

She placed her laptop in front of Martin, and she sat on Martin’s lap without any reservation. While operating the computer, she said:

“The response online was explosive”

“In Google’s search rankings, the top five hot search keywords are all related to the shooting the day before yesterday. Your name is ranked first, and the second is the murderer. Many people are curious about this 16-year-old man. Why would a 20-year-old Asian boy do such a thing?”

“After learning about the Asian boy’s past, many netizens sympathized with him, and some even wrote to the court to plead for mercy.”

“This Asian boy had been bullied by the three people who were killed for many years, and he only killed a few of the people who bullied him and did not implicate others. This made many people think that this was a just revenge. After all,——”

“Throughout the United States, countless students endure bullying every year. This group of people can empathize with the Asian shooter.”


A week after the shooting.

The news hasn’t faded yet.

With the help of some caring people, it has become worse.

Three major newspapers in North America,”Los Angeles Times”》、《The New York Times and the Washington Post are still reporting at length on the aftermath of the incident— for example, the family of the deceased is preparing to sue the murderer.

For example, analyze why Martin’s kicking action is so beautiful.

For example, interview those survivor families.

The most prominent positions in the newspaper were full of large photos recording Martin’s heroic posture of kicking his legs in the air!

This is not over yet.

As the incident unfolded, public discussion even began to spread to the issue of gun bans.

The two factions were divided into two camps, arguing non-stop in newspapers, on television, and on the Internet

“Why is it so difficult to ban guns?”

《On the crew of”Wanted Order”, Jessica put down the newspaper in her hand, a little confused

“Don’t those who say they want to use guns to protect themselves know that if private individuals don’t have the right to own guns, wouldn’t it make themselves safer and save money on hiring bodyguards? Why should they object! ? Martin smiled and said:”Jesse, you have to know that the National Rifle Association (NRA) is one of the most influential interest groups in American politics.” This organization has 5 million members, and its potential members are estimated to be in the tens of millions. The main members are from the middle class. Their activities in American society are very powerful. Eight American presidents in history were members of the NRA, including the well-known Nixon and Lee Gen…”

“In addition, there is another big force that is unlikely to agree to ban guns, and that is the arms group”

“When these people unite, what a huge force they are! This is why every year someone proposes a gun ban, but Congress never passes it.”

“Although shootings occur frequently in this country, and there are many victims of shootings and people who hold gun ban views, how can the power of these people be compared with the Rifle Association and arms interest groups. The United States is not a society where the minority obeys the majority, but a society where interests and capital are subordinated. It is impossible to harm the interests of big capital because of the wishes of this group of people.”

“What about these arguments?”

“It was only stirred up by someone with deliberate intentions, just to cover up another part of the matter. Anyway, the argument is just an argument, and it is impossible to change anything.”

Martin shook his head and changed the subject,”I’ve been quite popular recently, so I can use it to promote”Wanted”.》”


Saugus High School, front entrance.

The LAPD’s alert has long since been lifted.

Since the day after the shooting, local citizens have come to lay flowers and mourn the victims.

Although the three dead teenagers were exposed by the media as school bullies, there were still people who sympathized with them, and there were more mourners. They were not mourning the dead, but the disaster itself!

The ninth day of the shooting.

A black Mercedes-Benz sedan was parked on the roadside of the campus.

Martin, wearing a black suit, got out of the car holding a bouquet of flowers.

He placed flowers in the memorial area.

They held a pretentious moment of silence and then walked back to the campus.

To mourn is incidental, seeing Elizabeth is the real purpose.

Director Penny was also very interesting. Martin originally wanted to change the filming location for the crew, but was stopped by the female director.

Penny believes that the crew’s continued filming at Saugus High School will help increase the buzz about the crew, thereby allowing the film to gain more attention.

It seems that this woman is very ambitious about the movie’s box office!

It wasn’t a big deal, so Martin left her alone. He just sent a few more bodyguards to the crew. It was unclear whether they were used to protect the crew or Elizabeth. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After staying in the crew for an hour and finding a chance to be affectionate with the little beauty for a while, Martin left.

When he arrived outside the campus, he was immediately surrounded by reporters who came after hearing the news.

Reporter:”Martin, are you here to mourn the deceased today?”

Martin:”Yes, may the deceased rest in peace.”

Reporter:”Mr. Meyers, do you know that the deceased was actually a bully? Did Nathaniel’s long-term bullying lead to this shooting?”

Martin:”I heard that school bullying has become an important issue facing the American education sector and must be paid attention to by relevant departments.”

“Johnny and the other three made mistakes, but they are not worthy of death. If the relevant departments could stop such bullying early, would this tragedy happen again?”

“I mourn the loss of life, and I am disgusted with bullying. I sympathize with that classmate Nathaniel, but I still want to tell him that he used the wrong method.”

“Is it really worth taking revenge at the cost of your own future life?”

“But I also know that maybe in Nathaniel’s heart, he has no other choice.”

“This is contradictory, but it is true”

“Every person who is bullied is like a lonely goose, unable to obtain psychological security and belonging, and will inevitably have extreme thoughts easily – there are family factors, educational factors, and social factors.”

“If parents can communicate with their children in time, if schools can severely punish bullies, and if society does not take this kind of bullying for granted, I think this matter should have a better ending.”

“But there is no such thing as if in reality. We always indignantly mention this bad phenomenon in society and education only after a tragedy occurs, but most of the time everyone remains silent.——”

“In schools, workplaces, and in every corner of society, bullies and bullied people seem to be accustomed to this kind of behavior. Making fun of, calling names, insulting, spreading rumors, and causing physical harm. Everyone can be a bully. Those who are bullied may also be the ones being bullied.”[](Denuo Zhao)”From a deeper level, bullying is a social ecological system composed of multiple roles, with characteristics such as dynamic evolution and complexity. Only by treating it as a system for overall prevention and intervention can we to achieve the desired effect”

“If the silent majority of bystanders in bullying can come forward, I think this phenomenon will be greatly reduced, and the tragedy that is inspired will be reduced.”

“The silent majority I am talking about include parents, teachers, schools, education departments, judicial departments, and all ordinary people. Only by taking action can we effectively intervene, rather than waiting for feelings to arise before shouting about social injustice.”

“Too many bloody lessons, I really don’t want it to happen again”

“By the way, in the new movie”Wanted” that I am currently filming, the protagonist has also been bullied in the workplace, but his fight back should make everyone feel happy.”

Yes, the first paragraph of Martin’s sentence is to pave the way for the following sentence.

(Brothers, please take care of me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you. C).


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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