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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 705

Martin’s words seemed to give Namor some inspiration.

The black scholar seemed to be explaining to Martin, or talking to himself:

“If this legend is true, then this hidden city should not be too far from present-day Timbuktu, but its location should be relatively hidden.……”

“But why didn’t any information come out later? Could it be that some kind of disaster happened? Like an earthquake?”

“Then this place must be in an earthquake zone”

“But it is impossible for no one alive to escape from the earthquake. As long as someone escapes, information will inevitably be spread. How come there is not even a little bit of location information retained?”

“Perhaps the roads in that place are already difficult and dangerous, and disasters such as earthquakes have caused geological changes, causing it to be completely isolated from the world.……”

“Hmm, if there really is such a place, would that batch of books be transported there?”

“If that place really was destroyed by disaster as I thought, then maybe the things inside could still be preserved, and that knowledge……”

Namor’s eyes grew brighter.

Martin sighed and fired a burst of magic power.

The old man’s eyes instantly became dull.

After a while, he regained his clarity and stood up to say goodbye to Martin.

“Mr. Meyers, I didn’t expect you to like the history of West Africa so much. If you are interested, I can give you a set of books I have written on the history of West Africa.”

“Well, Mr. Namor, thank you for your kindness. Well, then I will also donate a sum of money to the school where you work as a bursary for the school. Namor

‘s eyes lit up,”Thank you for your generosity. In this way, more children from poor families will be able to attend our university.”

Martin shook his head and said with a smile:”You’re welcome.””

After sending Namor away, Martin immediately summoned Satan

“Walt, treasure hunt?”Satan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said,”Okay, I will summon reliable people immediately.”


After a one-on-four poker battle

“Walter, how many more days do you want to stay here? Patrolling the industry? Let’s go back first?”

Three days later.

Martin, who had sent away the four girls, was ready to go.

There were twenty people traveling with him, a total of five off-road vehicles, all trustworthy young men transferred from Hellfire.

Oh, and there is also the geographical geek Didier.

This The guy can tell where there are swamps, lakes, and hills from the type of grass and terrain…

This skill is still very useful on the road.

To do this, Martin had to spend some magic to brainwash him.

Four days later , the location of the convoy is already close to Central Africa, the dense”green carpet” disappeared, replaced by sparsely dotted green semi-sand grassland. It is hard to imagine that the Dark Night Lion actually ran so far alone. Could this lion Or a traveler?

Inexplicable thoughts were spinning in Martin’s mind, while the little lion Arthur lay on top of his head and fell asleep, talking in his sleep from time to time. That’s right,”Ya

“”Se” is the name Martin gave the little guy. Maybe he hopes that when he grows up, he will have the aura of a king like his father!?

“We are entering no man’s land!”

Didier looked ahead, with a worried look on his face.

“No man’s land?”

Martin looked at the increasingly desolate scene ahead, and turned his eyes to the east, which is the direction of Timbuktu.

“Yes, no man’s land. It is a restricted area for humans and a place where modern civilization cannot set foot. It is also called the lost corner of West Africa.”

Didier’s voice was slightly trembling.

“Since childhood, the elders in the tribe have told us that we must never enter this place, not even get close, otherwise we will be swallowed by it.”

“Is there not even a primitive tribe here?”Satan in the co-pilot asked curiously,”Even in places like the Amazon jungle, where it is difficult for humans to survive, there are primitive tribes living there. I think the environment here seems to be much better than the Amazon jungle. Didier had also heard of the”Amazon Jungle” and shook his head and said:”I don’t know either. Anyway, the tribe has a long-standing tradition not to go near this place. Scholars from the West once took a plane to explore this place, but none of them came out.” ,not a single one.”

Didier’s voice became more and more frightened. He didn’t calm down until he turned around and saw Martin sitting next to him. In his heart, he completely regarded Martin as a god-like existence.

He thought with some comfort that there is a”boss god” Bless you, there shouldn’t be any problems on this trip, right?

A plane crash? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Martin thought of another thing.

He hurriedly asked:”Satan, what are the dimensions here? ?”

“32 degrees north latitude.”

Martin’s expression changed.

He remembered a legend he had read in a book.

It is said that there are many magical places on the planet along the 30 degrees north latitude – the Pyramids and the Sphinx: Thousands of Years Since then, these two buildings on the land of Egypt have puzzled modern people and they have always been a mystery. How were they built? Why can’t even modern people reach the construction technology of the pyramids? How did the ancient Egyptians accurately calculate pi and Integrated into the pyramid structure? Is there a curse or secret passage mechanism here?

Hanging Gardens of Babylon: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are listed as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. But is this wonder real or fictional? History books record it The Hanging Gardens of Babylon feature romance and lush greenery, as well as images of colorful flowers falling from the sky. However, not only do the Hanging Gardens of Babylon no longer exist today, their existence has also been debated as experts believe they could not have been built by humans at the time Such a magnificent building.

Atlantis: The Western Continent, also known as Atlantis, is the legendary eighth continent. It is said that in ancient times, this was a very prosperous world, and the Atlanteans The intelligence is also very high. However, one day, the continent suddenly disappeared like evaporation. According to scientists’ inference, the continent sank to the bottom of the sea for unknown reasons. Does this continent really exist? How advanced is their technology? Why did it disappear overnight? Disappeared? This is unknown!

Bermuda: This place can be said to be the most mysterious place on the planet. News of swallowing passing ships and planes continue to spread. Some people suspect that there is a mysterious whirlpool here, and some even say that this It is a wormhole leading to the unknown world.

Sanxingdui: About three or four kilometers away from Guanghan City, Sichuan and Chongqing Province, there are three loess hills on the Chengdu Plain, hence the name Sanxingdui. In the spring of 1929, local farmer Yan Daocheng dug a ditch next to his home and discovered An exquisite jade pit opened the prelude to the study of Sanxingdui civilization. In 1986, two large sacrificial pits were discovered in Sanxingdui in the Shang Dynasty. Thousands of treasures appeared in the world, which caused a sensation in the world and was known as the”ninth wonder of the world.””. Where did the Sanxingdui culture come from? The large number of bronze statues and animals here do not belong to any type of bronze in the Central Plains. Incredibly, there is not a word on the bronze medal.

Death Valley: In 1949, there was a gold mine in the United States The exploration team, being disoriented, was delighted to reach the”virgin land” and set foot on this land. However, in the end, almost the entire team was destroyed. Several people who managed to escape also died mysteriously soon after. From then on, almost the entire team was destroyed. Since then, many groups of explorers have begun to unravel the mystery. Except for most of the people buried in the valley, the survivors have not been able to unravel the mystery. Despite this, Death Valley remains fascinating. It is now a famous national park in the United States. Since people have almost lost the illusion of time and space, as well as the vicissitudes of the sea and stars, people can feel the magic of life and death in Death Valley!

Mayan Civilization: It is hard to imagine that the Mayans 4,500 years ago could possess such profound mathematics and astronomical knowledge, they built magnificent temples and pyramids (yes, pyramids again), and compiled accurate almanacs. The Mayan civilization is the most mysterious chapter in the entire history of civilization on earth. Archaeologists have discovered 13 crystal skulls at Mayan ruins, all of which are the same size as human skulls. The jaw can be flexibly rotated, and the teeth and eyes are embedded. According to people’s legends, the 13 crystal skulls hide various secrets of mankind’s past, present and future, and store information about the origin of mankind and the mysteries of life in the universe.[]

Stonehenge: On the vast plains of southern England, there is the famous Salisbury Stonehenge complex. These strange-shaped stone pillars are composed of countless huge stone pillars weighing 25-30 tons. They are cleverly arranged in concentric circles. On the top of the stone pillars, there are huge stone beams, and the 30 stone pillars in the center of the stone pillar group form a closed circle. According to research, this magnificent stone pillar group has a history of 5,000 years. The scientists were surprised. Whose masterpiece is this? How did these people lift the stone pillar? Where did these boulders come from?Some scientists believe this is an ancient observatory: some believe it is just a place of worship for ancient people.

Golden Kingdom: It is said that deep in the Amazon forest in South America, there is a colorful big city. It is made of gold and contains various treasures. Countless people are crazy about it. Since the 16th century, explorers and archaeologists have been exploring in hopes of finding remnants of the Golden Kingdom. The most famous of these was in 1925, when English Colonel Percy Fawcett led two expeditions. The first time he came back because he ran out of cargo, the second time he went into the jungle and never came out.

This legendary”no man’s land” in West Africa, where no one can survive, is also located at about 30 degrees north latitude.

Is this a coincidence, or…

(Brothers, please take care of me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you. Guang).


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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