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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 729

McCain’s choice of Palin was indeed a coup.

His public approval rating has increased visibly.

For Palin, she has made history. Palin is the first woman in the history of the Republican presidential campaign and the second woman in American history to be nominated for vice president.

Before Palin, only New York Congressman Jerodine Ferraro was nominated for vice president by the Democratic Party in 1984.

If she can help McCain win the White House, Palin will be the first woman to serve as vice president in American history.

The stunt certainly piqued the interest of voters.

Otherwise, the American presidential election is just a big show. How to attract attention is how to do it. Slogans and gimmicks come first, and ability comes second.

After Palin became McCain’s deputy, she immediately took action.

She delivered a 36-minute speech that night, proving that Republican presidential candidate John McCain made the right choice as his partner.

In her speech, she first portrayed the persona of an”ordinary mother”.

Palin first introduced the five children she had with her husband Todd Palin one by one, from her eldest son Traq, who is about to serve in Iraq, to ​​her youngest son Trigg, who has Down syndrome.

Referring to her husband Todd, Palin said,”We met in high school. After 20 years of marriage and five children, he is still my man.”

Palin said that she is an ordinary”hockey mother””

“”Hockey mother” is derived from the North American idiom”soccer mother”, which specifically refers to middle-class mothers who live in the suburbs of cities and often spend a lot of time driving their children to participate in after-school activities such as football.

“”Hockey Mom” ​​was a fitting match for the cold-weather state of Alaska (Palin is the governor of Alaska).

She then asked the audience:”You know what people say about the difference between a hockey mother and a pit bull?” Lipstick!”

After the speech, Palin took the infant Trigg and held him in her arms.

There was a burst of cheers and applause from the audience.

Ouguanhai and his campaign team were watching the NBC News Channel interview in their campaign office. The live broadcast of this speech.

Boyden was also there. He has not yet suffered from Alzheimer’s disease and is still a”spiritual old man.”

After listening to Palin’s speech, Boyden said:”This woman may be difficult to deal with.”

Ao Guanhai nodded and said nothing.

One of his staff said:”This woman mentioned in her speech that the responsibilities of the mayor’s work are just like those of a community organizer, but the difference is that there are some more specific responsibilities. Although she did not name her directly, Ms. Palin clearly wanted to use community organizers to insinuate you, Mr. Oguanhai.”

Ao Guanhai nodded again. Before entering the Illinois State Assembly, he worked as a”community organizer” in Chicago.

“Ms. Palin said she went to Washington to serve the American people, not to please the media and Washington elites. This also means something”

“Also, some candidates use change to advance their careers, while others, like McCain, use career to achieve change. This should be the campaign slogan for Mr. Ao Guanhai’s change.”

Ao Guanhai’s staff took out Palin’s speech and analyzed it word for word, especially those meaningful words, in order to refute them one by one when Ao Guanhai gave his speech in the future. At this time, a young man from Ao Guanhai The assistant came in, holding a fax in his hand.

After Ao Guanhai took the fax from the assistant, he glanced at it a few times and suddenly burst into laughter.

“I’m really lucky to have this little genius in my team, Martin, and look what he wrote?”

Ao Guanhai handed the fax in his hand to the staff, and Peng Deng also came to read it.

This is a speech on how to pay tribute to Pelin.

“It’s very sharp. Although it still needs polishing, every point of criticism is well found.”

Although a senior staff member was unwilling to admit it, he still had to say that Martin’s manuscript was well written. The key was that his response was quick. This manuscript was published almost as soon as Palin’s speech ended.

9th At a campaign rally in Virginia, Oguanhai delivered a speech to more than 2,400 Democratic supporters.

In his speech, Oguanhai sharply criticized the policies of his opponent McCain, saying that his ideas were in line with those of his predecessor, Jr. People have had enough of George W. Bush’s government, so why would they choose a politician like George W. Bush to come to power?

He shouted:”America needs change! After saying this

, Ao Guanhai used another metaphor to illustrate that the”change” McCain talked about was actually changing the soup without changing the medicine.

“You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.”

You know what people say about the difference between a hockey mother and a pit bull?” Lipstick!”The sarcastic words.

Such a sharp response made the supporters of the Democratic Party cheer and applaud loudly.

Ao Guanhai went on to say:”You can wrap a fish in paper and call it a change. But after 8 years, it still smells bad. We’ve had enough.”

This remark was spread by the media, and”lipstick” immediately became the Internet keyword of the day.

Many Americans who were paying attention to the election thought of Republican vice presidential candidate Palin from Oguanhai’s words. Palin mentioned it in her speech not long ago.”Lipstick.”

According to the latest poll released by NBC and the Wall Street Journal, Ouguanhai won the support of 47% of voters. McCain, who was once lagging behind, chose Palin as his partner. The increase is rapid.

A survey by Gallup, a well-known American polling company, showed that McCain surpassed Ou Guanhai by 1 percentage point. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And two months ago, Ao Guanhai also leads McCain by 6 percentage points.

In addition, a poll conducted by the Washington Post and ABC also showed that McCain has successfully attracted the support of many white women since partnering with Palin. votes.

On the contrary, Ao Guanhai gradually lost his appeal to this group of voters.

But after Ao Guanhai responded with”lipstick”, his public approval rating soared again. This part of the increased votes came from elite men.

This is the strategy that his staff team came up with for him. Since it is inevitable to lose white housewives, it is better to focus more on the male social elite. The speech text sent by Martin obviously also contains this meaning.

Using”lipstick” as a way to ridicule women’s products to gain support from men.

Obviously, the effect is good.

In just one week, Aoguanhai went from lagging behind by 5 percentage points to only lagging behind by 1 percentage point.

After learning that Aoguanhai After Guan Hai’s”rude remarks”, the McCain camp immediately responded. A popular online video became an effective counterattack for Republicans.

In this video advertisement, the words mocking Guan Hai appeared:” Are you ready to be a leader? No. So are you ready to put on lipstick? Yes.”

In addition, the McCain camp also issued a statement saying that Oguanhai’s statement about”pig wearing lipstick” was a malicious comparison of Palin to a pig, and demanded an immediate public apology from Oguanhai. The statement accused the Ouguanhai camp of doing this. Personal attack, shameful behavior.

The Republican Party also elevated Ao Guanhai’s statement to the level of”sexism”, believing that Ao Guanhai does not respect women.

(Brothers, please protect me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards) , thank you)[]


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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