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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 731

The general election in the United States not only affected the United States, but the craze also spread to England across the strait.

A few days ago, Ms. Diana, the former princess of England and now a charity celebrity, made remarks in an article that clearly supported the Democratic presidential candidate of the United States, Oguan Hai.

Dayna’s article appears in the London Observer magazine.

In the article, he mentioned the policies proposed by Ao Guanhai to help deal with economic difficulties.

She said:”Around the world, progressive politicians are addressing these challenges. In the U.S. presidential election campaign, it was Democrats who proposed ideas to help people survive more difficult times. To help people keep their homes, Oguan Hai proposes establishing default protection fund to help households facing recession……”

Although Dayna is from England, she has unparalleled popularity in the United States. God knows why a former princess of England is so popular in the United States.

Her speech caused Ao Guanhai’s approval rating to skyrocket again, surpassing McCain by 4 percentage points again.

Ao Guanhai called Martin excitedly,”Oh, my God, this is such a big surprise. I didn’t expect that you could really ask Ms. Dayna to speak for me. I owe you a favor.”

Martin smiled. After a few words of humility, he hung up the phone.

The fact that he spared no effort to help Ao Guanhai was also a preview for him to embark on this path in the future.

Although he already had the idea of ​​establishing his own country in Guinea, this did not prevent him from becoming the president of the United States first.

As the most powerful country in the world, as long as the United States can leak some resources from its fingers to Guinea, this backward African country can become a developed country.

If the United States can strongly support Guinea, then it is not impossible for Guinea to become an African hegemon.

Between taking over an”African overlord” and taking over an”old man”, Martin obviously prefers the former.

That’s right, he just wants to harvest the wool of America and lay a solid foundation for his future country.


Deanna’s article clearly angered the Republican Party.

Michelle Goldfarb, the senior official in charge of external relations for the McCain campaign, issued a statement on the official McCain campaign website on the 10th.

Michelle Goldfarb said in a statement that as a well-known person in England and a former princess in politics, it is inappropriate for Diana to publish such an article with an obvious stance. The American election campaign is the internal affairs of the United States. The interference of outsiders is obviously unnecessary…

Michelle Goldfarb said:”If the former princess is free to panic (acej), she can focus more on England’s internal economic affairs, especially in the current situation in England.” This is especially true under the economic conditions of other countries, rather than expressing inappropriate views on other country’s politicians.……”

At the same time, in order to counter Dyanna’s influence, Palin, who is also a woman, announced that she is about to publish a small autobiography.

Then, in less than a week, this mini-autobiography was published.

Short biography name——《How Sarah, a Hockey Mom Upended Alaska’s Political Structure” (Don’t laugh, this book really exists).

This thin biography of only 160 pages is a story about a”political Cinderella”, describing the mayor of a small town and his family’s hockey mom, who faced an almost impossible political environment. to pursue her hopes and dreams.

Since it is the only book about Palin’s life currently available, it is not surprising that it is a hit.

In less than a month, the hardcover version of this book ranked thirteenth on the national hardcover list of non-fiction prose books, and ranked sixth on the paperback list of non-fiction prose books.

Palin made a small profit.

However, what Palin didn’t expect was this.

Just when she was so proud of herself, and took advantage of the party’s efforts to suppress the negative influence brought about by Daina, to promote her own opportunity to become the leader, a fire broke out in her backyard.

The Olympic camp announced that they will form a team with Alaska officials of Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Palin to tell voters what kind of person Palin really is and to debunk Palin myths.

Former Alaska Governor Knowles and Katchigan Mayor Weinstein played the role of”Alaska Mythbusters” in the Democratic Party’s latest attack on Palin on the 10th.

Kachigan is at the heart of the”Bridge to Nowhere” controversy.

The two officials questioned Palin’s ethics and McCain’s judgment in selecting her as his running mate.

Knowles said in a telephone press conference:”The current governor of Alaska Palin is also the Republican vice presidential candidate. If she can be elected vice president, as long as McCain makes a mistake, she can become the president.”

He Said:”But I am very worried about her qualifications for this position, and the political views they promote under the banner of change are inconsistent with the reality.”

Another Weinstein who stood up to end Palin’s myth emphasized that Palin is increasingly The widening”credit gap.”

“For me and many Alaskans I know, there’s a credibility gap between what Palin said and the truth, between what she said she did and what the record shows she actually did,” he said. Getting bigger and bigger.”

He highlighted her performance in the so-called”Bridge to Nowhere” incident.

Palin claimed that she had blocked the construction of a bridge connecting the small town of Kachigan to the airport on the island of Gravina.

The population of Kachigan is only 7,600, and the federally funded bridge is expensive and not economically efficient.

Palin told cheering crowds at last week’s Republican National Convention, this week’s rally in Ohio and the rally in Virginia on the 10th:”I told Congress thank you, but let’s not build one in Alaska.Road and bridge. But

Weinstein said that was complete nonsense.

He said:”Palin never told Congress thank you, but we don’t want anything like that.” In fact, she never told Congress anything. The appropriation process for this bridge was completed long before she became governor. We did it all, and this woman shamelessly took the credit for herself.”


“Frank, how could this happen? Palin, tell me honestly, is the Bridge of Nowhere incident true?”

McCain was a little annoyed. He chose Palin as his running mate, not only because of the opponent’s female identity, but also because the opponent was a novice and would be easier to control when he became the vice president. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Fei Lu Novels Net!)

But if the other party starts to deceive him now…

McCain began to doubt this decision.

Palin was a little panicked, but said resolutely:”That is definitely my credit, no one can erase it.!”


Ao Guanhai excitedly called Martin.

“Damn it, how did you do it? The other party had obviously reached an agreement with Palin. How did you convince them to betray him? Oh my God, you are such a miracle boy. My team’s public relations efforts have been unsuccessful for a week. You just made a phone call and it’s all done. Now I regret not bringing you into my office.”

You can tell from Ao Guanhai’s tone that he is very excited.

He should be excited too.

If Palin is ruined, McCain will lose his biggest helper.

Martin’s voice is calm:”Calm down, Barack. , you know, I’m good at persuading people”

“Fake, you are so good at this, you are simply the god of confusion.”

Martin shuddered, and the face of the guy who fell in love and killed his brother Thor appeared in his mind.

Yes, it was Loki. In the Norse mythology system, this guy is both the god of mischief and lies, and the god of fire. , and he is also the god of bewitchment.

(Brothers, please take care of me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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