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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 744


Warner Building, in the Grand Conference Hall.

Several executives present looked at each other, and then began to argue with Drew about shares and amounts.

They have a tacit understanding that Warner will definitely invest in this project. The main consideration is how much share it can occupy.

The previous executive’s remarks were just to facilitate bargaining.

One plays the red face and the other plays the bad face. This routine is familiar to Martin. He and Drew often do it too.

Seeing the heated bargaining between his executives and Drew, Alan Horn walked up to Martin with a smile and started talking about politics.

In the United States, the relationship between capital and politics is too close. No capitalist is apolitical.

“Martin, how is the situation in Aoguanhai recently?”

“Not bad. The latest poll shows that the support rate has exceeded 60%.”

“Debating is not a difficult level. Let O Guanhai be careful. McCain is a master of debating.”

“It doesn’t matter, Barack told me, he only speaks and doesn’t debate.”

“Hahaha! Alan

Horn couldn’t help laughing.

This was a joke about McCain.

When McCain competed with George W. Bush for the position of Republican presidential candidate in 2000, George W. Bush said before the final debate. He said this sentence, and then talked about it in the debate. 06 McCain had a mixed-race illegitimate daughter with a black woman – actually a black daughter adopted from Bangladesh.

In the end, McCain’s popularity plummeted because of this. Bush successfully became the Republican presidential candidate.

(PS: Bush particularly likes to use this kind of smear argument during the campaign. In the words of a famous CNN host: He likes to tell all kinds of lies to smear others in a joking tone, and afterwards he Not responsible)

“I heard that McCain will put forward more radical views in the first debate, such as expelling Ross from the G8? Regarding this, Alan Horn was a little curious, because few candidates would be so radical during the election campaign.

Martin said:”I also received the news. It should be released by the McCain camp itself. If it is true, then If it is not a smoke bomb, then the McCain camp is obviously preparing to make a desperate move and wants to use this more radical rhetoric to gain the support of certain specific groups.”

At this point, Martin shook his head,”This is a desperate struggle, it’s useless.”

During the chat between Martin and Alan Horn, Warner executives and Drew Barrymore also basically finalized the specific details of project allocation and submitted the final results to the two deciders.

Warner invested US$25 million+”Joker” character authorization and obtained 30% ownership of the project.

Meyers Pictures invested US$20 million + Martin’s director and actor’s salary (that is, the salary is converted into investment), and obtained 70% ownership of the project.

However, the share distribution of later peripheral products is exactly the opposite. Warner and DC take the lead with 75%, and Meyers Pictures gets 2.5%.


Exit the Warner Building.

Martin goes to pick up the car

“Want to find a place to eat and celebrate the new project?” Drew suggested

“OK, I know a good steakhouse nearby.”Martin agreed.

On the way to the steakhouse, a series of sirens suddenly sounded from behind.

Then, several police cars roared past Martin’s car.

After driving about two kilometers further, Martin and Drew He saw a group of people gathered in front of an eight-story building. The police, who had just arrived, were cordoning off the crowd.

Martin slowed down the car and glanced through the cracks in the crowd as he passed by. There was a body on the ground. The corpse of a middle-aged man sighed:”Another person committed suicide by jumping off a building. Since the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis, more and more people have committed suicide every day. Drew withdrew his gaze and nodded:”Yes, let alone the ordinary midfielder class suffered heavy losses in the crisis, even many rich people had their assets wiped out.” From the beginning of the year to now, more than ten rich people have committed suicide – Steven Goode, Adolf Merkler, and Dravelle Chet. In the past, these were the people that the people needed to look up to, and they are also in this economic crisis. Unable to bear the pressure, he chose to die. Martin said:”

You need to be cautious when investing. These are all due to investment failures and the financial crisis, which resulted in the huge wealth they once owned being emptied. Therefore, they could not accept the huge gap and chose to commit suicide.” In particular, Dravelleichte, a once famous figure on Wall Street, lost billions of dollars of client funds by investing in Bernard Madoff’s company.”

“Madoff fraud? That guy (Bernard Madoff) has fallen into the trap of many rich people! Drew exclaimed.

Then he said thankfully:”At the beginning, POPO (Cameron Diaz) and I almost invested money. Fortunately, you reminded us. Who would have thought that the former chairman of Nasdaq would commit fraud?!”

【PS: Bernard Madoff: He was the chairman of Nasdaq and later founded Bernard Madoff Investment Securities Company (Bernard Madoff). Rich people fall into the trap】

“When will this financial crisis end? More and more people have become unemployed recently. Drew was a little emotional.

Martin shook his head and said:”This storm may be more terrifying than imagined, and its impact may last more than twenty years!””

“What? Twenty years? But didn’t McCain and Ao Guanhai both promise that after taking office, they would spend at least US$700 billion to rescue the market?”

“Drew, you have to know that the amount of money that will evaporate in this huge global financial crisis will be astronomical. The losses in the United States alone will probably exceed tens of trillions. If 700 billion is invested, I am afraid that even a There is no water splash.”

But for Martin, who knew the historical process in advance, this economic crisis that has spread for nearly ten years and whose impact was not eliminated even when Martin died in China is his gluttonous feast.

Various overseas assets abandoned by the rich , was bought back by him at a scrap price. This time he chose industrial industries with higher added value 717.

For example, the Smederevo Steel Plant in Serbia. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

This steel plant founded in 1913 was originally the only state-owned steel plant in Serbia and was once known as the”Pride of Serbia.”

This steel plant has a high status in Serbia and contributed to the Smederevo region. 40% of the fiscal revenue, but gradually declined in the 1950s.

Later, a steel plant owned by the American Cleveland Consortium acquired it for US$33 million.

As a synonym for”old money” in the United States, the Cleveland Consortium has In the late 1990s, it began to decline rapidly.

When the financial crisis broke out, the consortium’s capital chain was in crisis and it had to sell off its assets to survive.

Martin took over the Smederevo Steel Plant and spent only $1. However, he had to bear a debt of 46 million euros.

After getting the steel plant, Martin immediately arranged for professionals to split it up and transferred a large number of professional workers and machines to his territory-Guinea.

At the same time, he traveled around the world They are all acquiring infrastructure factories such as steel, shipbuilding, car manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing, railway construction, etc., and recruiting a large number of unemployed workers from the United States and even Europe to go to Guinea to engage in industrial construction. To be honest, if it were not for the economic crisis, these would have It is impossible for experienced skilled workers to go to West Africa, a wild land in the eyes of Westerners.

So for Martin, this financial crisis is really awesome!!!

(Brothers, please protect me, comment, flowers, Please collect and reward. Thanks.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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