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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 754

“Martin, our shooting progress has exceeded expectations, and post-production can be put on the schedule in advance.”

“Well, I already contacted Richard from Weta Digital and their guy came in very quickly.”

Martin and Todd Phillips were chatting casually.

Because Martin’s explosive performance seemed to have inspired other supporting actors to perform better, the filming of”Joker” progressed faster than expected.

“Has the madhouse been renovated?”

“Soon, the day after tomorrow at most. However, the security situation in the Bronx is not very good, even worse than that in Brooklyn. It is best for us to complete the shooting during the day.”


In a dark room.

On both sides of a rectangular table sat”Arthur” and”Psychiatrist””

“I just think it would be better to be locked up in the hospital, maybe I was born to belong here!”

Followed by a burst of uncontrollable shrill laughter.

The photographer controlled the camera and advanced the lens layer by layer, focusing on Martin’s face.

The panic, inferiority, and helplessness caused by his desperate attempts to restrain but could not. , which made Todd Phillips amazed.

The female psychiatrist was indifferent to Arthur’s state, and said expressionlessly amidst his suppressed laughter:”Have you ever thought about why you were locked up?”

Arthur raised his slightly lowered head, still laughing intermittently:”Isn’t it, hey hey, isn’t this the reason? Hehe hey haha, I am sick, hey hey, I am sick!”

“The performance was so good, it was really scary!”Chris Pratt said with a look of admiration,”This is the best performance I have ever seen. Daniel

Kaluuya nodded in agreement and said:”It was like watching some kind of evil grow from Arthur’s body. It was so nerve-wracking. This experience on the set of”Joker” gave me a better understanding of acting. A new understanding.”

The two of them were not flattering, but were truly impressed by Martin’s performance.

Especially Daniel Kaluuya, when he saw Martin’s expressive performance for the first time, the unparalleled shock made him so excited. My heart is trembling

“Martin said that the ultimate in acting is to become – to become the character, to become the person you want to play, but how many people can do that?.?”Chris Pratt shook his head and sighed.

The show goes on.

Psychologist:”Why are you laughing?”

Arthur:”I don’t know. People laugh when they are happy, and they laugh when they are sad, and I just laugh!”

With a simple line, Martin will make Arthur the kind of person who is loved by the crowd. The feeling of rejection and loneliness was so vivid and exquisite that even in his own eyes, he was an alien.

After saying that, Arthur started laughing uncontrollably again, but compared to the previous moment, this time he seemed to no longer control his sick laughter.

Harsh laughter echoed wantonly in the room.

The actor who played the female psychiatrist could not maintain her indifferent expression, because in her eyes, the body hidden in the shadows in front of her seemed to be increasingly coincident with the image of the devil in her mind.……

“ah~!”The female psychiatrist screamed and stood up

“What’s wrong?”Chris Pratt and other staff members looked over in shock.

“It was a performance accident. It was a pity that Mr. Meyers’ previous wonderful performance was too amateurish.”Daniel Kaluuya complained.

If the female psychiatrist heard Daniel Kaluuya’s words, I’m afraid she would say to him: If you have the ability, sit opposite Martin and try to act this part with him. If you don’t sit in front of him, you won’t understand it at all. The endless gloomy and cold negative emotions emanating from the other party can destroy the soul!

Surprisingly, Todd Phillips did not stop and stared at him unblinkingly. Looking at the monitor, as if he was petrified.

Since he did not stop, Martin continued his performance.

The harsh, desperate, painful, and complicated laugh continued.

And the female psychiatrist screamed It is also continuing.

One sitting, one standing, one laughing crazily, one screaming in fear, one person is in the shadow, the other is enveloped by a dark light coming from the window… For a moment, the lens actually shows It created a strange and harmonious scene that amazed Todd Phillips.

In the history of film performance, many classic shots were achieved unintentionally, which gave people a more natural feeling than deliberate performance.

For example , The laugh scene in”The Secret Agent”, such as the forgotten line in”Infernal Affairs”, such as DiCaprio’s hand being cut in”Django Unchained”, or DiCaprio’s scene in”Titan” The wrong line he said because of nervousness when he was painting a portrait of Rose in”The Nick”…

(PS: When filming”Titanic”, Jack, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, drew a (nude) portrait of Rose. DiCaprio was still too young at the time. , so nervous that he said the wrong line. Originally, the script said: Over.on.the.couch, but DiCaprio accidentally said: Over.on.the.bed.The.couch. But the mistake was just right, Kamei Long liked this mistake very much and kept it in the film.)

At this time, Martin’s performance and the passive cooperation of the female psychologist also achieved this effect.

“`CUT, simply perfect! Martin, come over and take a look. This is a really good performance, even better than originally thought.”

Martin quickly came out of the scene and walked towards the monitor.

But the actress who played the female psychiatrist didn’t seem to come out so quickly. She went back to the chair and sat down in a daze, sweating all over her head.

After a while, she hit He was so excited that he seemed to finally come to his senses. He jumped up from the chair and trotted back to the rest area to soothe his injured soul.

“She seemed really frightened, it wasn’t like she was acting.”Chris Pratt said. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“I really want to try what it would be like to play opposite Martin.”Daniel Kaluuya looked fascinated.


《New York Times》:”The latest poll released by the Gallup Poll Center on the 9th showed that Democratic presidential candidate Ou Guanhai continued to lead Republican opponent McCain by 52% to 41% (Noble Zhao). One percentage point. This is the second consecutive day that Ao Guanhai has led McCain by double digits, and also set a record for the thirteenth consecutive day in which he has been in the lead.”

《Washington post》:”After McCain’s running mate Sarah Palin attacked Ouguan Hai on the 4th for being friends with terrorists, McCain’s wife Cindy McCain took over the offensive banner on the 8th and accused Ouguanhai of being cold. Cindy said that when her son was serving in Iraq, Oguanhai opposed the bill to increase funding for U.S. troops in Iraq. Senator Oguan Hai’s decision to vote against funding my son who is serving in the military sent a chill that froze me from head to toe.”

《Los Angeles Times》:”Martin Meyers, a well-known Hollywood figure, is still canvassing votes for Ao Guanhai while filming the movie”Joker”. Ao Guanhai’s approval rating now reaches 52

, and Martin Meyers has contributed a lot to it.”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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