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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 883

For ordinary viewers, the handsome men and beautiful women in the film, the fierce fighting, the cool archery, and the environment where murderous intentions are hidden everywhere are all what attract them.

Film critics will focus more on the deeper aspects of the film, such as political metaphors, cultural metaphors, institutional discussions, etc.

For example, Kevin Thomas saw the film’s cultural metaphor.

His little notebook recorded this long passage:”The story takes place in Panem, and the word Panem comes from the Latin phrase Pan.”

“Also, we can see in the video that the capital of Panem has a large number of ancient Roman-style buildings.

The name of the capital Capitol1 is the ancient Roman Temple of Jupiter.

Even the contestants parade in ancient Roman-style chariots.

At the beginning of the game, grab The place for weapons and food is called the Corner of Zeus.

Obviously, the story created by Martin is deeply influenced by Greek and Roman mythology.

The rulers are more like emperors and gods, which are things that are contrary to modern society.

And his good friend James Blumen paid attention to the political metaphors in the film.

He recorded in his notebook:”Whether it is The Hunger Games, Katniss or Mockingjay, they are just tools for political propaganda. Every word spoken by the protagonist represents the political interests of a certain group……”

“In addition to the competition between various interest groups for the right to speak in political propaganda, the story of”The Hunger Games” also emphasizes the possibility of resistance in the public sphere. Just as the death of the little girl Lucy in District 11 awakened the people of District 11……”

“The story also hints at various problems caused by the polarization of the gap between rich and poor. Celebrities in the capital area need to deliberately vomit to enjoy more food, while children in other areas must participate in death games in exchange for food. This kind of injustice, There will be resistance……”

“It is worth noting that the residents of the capital area regard this killing as a game, just an annual entertainment program. Killing has become a game and entertainment without any discomfort. This reminds me of”Survivor,” a reality show broadcast by CBS in 2000. The intrigue, confrontation, lies and deception in the show, aren’t they just a weakened version of the Hunger Games?”

“The moral bottom line of modern society has been broken again and again, the scale of entertainment programs is getting bigger and bigger, and the scale of people’s hearts is getting bigger and bigger. Perhaps, this is what”The Hunger Games” wants to warn us.”

As the movie came to an end, there was warm applause in the theater.

During the interview, Jennifer Lawrence recited the lines she had prepared:

“This is not a simple commercial entertainment film. There are various elements in the story such as war, hunger, ideological propaganda agencies, a destroyed government, an authoritarian government, abuse of power, etc. I’m very aware that some people come here for the love story, and I don’t object to you coming to see the love story, but I hope you will eventually pay attention to the war in it.”

Donald Sutherland, who plays President Snow in the film, said:”When I got the script, I thought it was a story that could bring about change. Done right, it might be able to stimulate and encourage an entire generation of politically apathetic young people to take an interest in politics.”


《”The Hunger Games” was successful, more successful than its predecessor.

After premiering on Thursday night, it was released in 4,139 theaters across North America on Friday. After two rest days on Saturday and Sunday, this non-sequel, non-3D movie earned a box office of US$155 million in its first weekend, ranking first in the box office that week. , first of the month.

The box office of a single theater exceeds US$37,000.

A pretty astonishing number.

The production cost of this movie was only less than 80 million US dollars.

《The Hunger Games showed its prowess when it opened at midnight last Thursday.

The film made a whopping $1,974 at the midnight box office, setting a new midnight box office record for a non-sequel film.

Its opening weekend box office broke records.

First of all, the film surpassed the 2010 3D movie”Alice in Wonderland” (with a box office of US$116.1 million in its opening weekend), becoming the highest-grossing non-sequel film in its opening weekend.

Secondly, in film history,”The Hunger Games” defeated 2007’s”Spider-Man 3″ (with a box office of $151 million in its opening weekend) and became the third highest-grossing movie in its opening weekend. The top two were 2011’s” Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2)” and 2008’s”The Dark Knight.”

In the March opening weekend box office rankings,”The Hunger Games” defeated”Alice in Wonderland” and”300″ (opening weekend box office of $70.88 million) to become the king of March.

In the”Quickest box office climb to 100 million U.S. dollars list”,”The Hunger Games” ranked second, and”Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2)” ranked first, both took 2 days. On the list of”Fastest box office climbs to US$150 million”, the film ranked third, and the top two”Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” (Part 2))》、《The same as”The Dark Knight”, it took 3 days.

And Jennifer Lawrence’s performance has also been recognized by the public

《”The Hollywood Reporter” praised her as”like she stepped out of a novel, and her performance was very attractive from beginning to end.”

《Rolling Stone magazine even suggested that viewers”keep their eyes on her, Lawrence is the key to making this movie a success.”

Of course, as a”fan film” adapted from a best-selling book”,《”The Hunger Games” also has a common problem with fan movies – the box office is extremely high in the first weekend, and then it plummets in the second week.

For example,”Harry Potter”》,《Among the eight films in the”Harry Potter” series, only the first”Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” (total box office in North America was US$408 million) and the last”Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” (Part 2))》(The total box office in North America is US$381 million) and the box office can exceed US$350 million.

In the massive”Twilight” series, no movie has ever made more than $300 million at the box office, even if its original author is Martin Meyers.

Will”The Hunger Games”, which is also adapted from a best-selling novel, also fail to break the”curse” of $300 million?

《The Hollywood Reporter and BoxOfficeMojo both agree, no!

First of all, the biggest difference between”The Hunger Games” and”The Twilight Zone” is the composition of the audience. Although both are dominated by female audiences, the proportion of female audiences in the opening weekend of”The Hunger Games” was 61%, while that of”The Hunger Games” was 61%. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn’s opening weekend audience was 80% female.

Moreover, the audience of”The Hunger Games” is older than that of”The Twilight Saga”. 56% of the audience is over 25 years old, and these are more sensible than the little girl audiences of”The Twilight Saga” Many viewers gave”The Hunger Games” an A rating on CinemaScore, which proves that the film’s quality is recognized.

In addition, a big data company carefully analyzed the box office trend of”The Hunger Games” in the four days since its release. The box office in the four days was US$19.74 million (midnight show), US$68 million, US$51 million, and US$36 million. Excluding Thursday, the declines in the other three days were 25% and 29.4% respectively. This is a very stable downward curve, completely unlike the”Twilight” movie that only relies on the box office on the opening day.

The second-day revenue of 51 million U.S. dollars also made”The Hunger Games” rank second in the”Single-Day Box Office Rankings for the Second Day of Premiere”, second only to”Spider-Man 3″ with 51.33 million U.S. dollars, and ranked 2nd. 3’s”The Dark Knight” had a single-day box office of $47.65 million on its second day of premiere.

These are all signs that The Hunger Games shouldn’t be just a flash in the pan at the box office

《The Hollywood Reporter is even optimistic that the film’s total North American box office can exceed $4.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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