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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 957

On the way back, Martin and Dakota Fanning chatted.

This girl entered the entertainment industry when she was five years old.

She filmed a television commercial for the State Lottery with legendary musician Ray Charles.

He entered the industry much earlier than Martin.

As the chat progressed, Dakota Fanning gradually relaxed and started talking and laughing with Martin

“Martin, you know, I started performing around my house when I was a little bit older. My mom said I was a little too bubbly and I would tuck a blanket into my shirt and pretend to be pregnant, while my sister Elle, oh, and she’s an actress now, would pretend to be a baby. Hehe, there is no need to act, she was just a baby at that time”

“From the age of seven, I often went to a theater near my home where children performed for their parents every week. The owner of the theater at the time, Uncle Williams, took special notice of me. He said to my mother: Your Miss Fan Ning is very talented in acting. I suggest you find an agent for Miss Fan Ning.”

“Hee hee, that was the first time I heard someone call me ‘Miss Fanning’, and it left a deep impression on me.”

“Later, my mother took me to Los Angeles. We stayed in Los Angeles for a total of six weeks. I stood out among more than a dozen candidates and got my first job – starring in an American TV series. Tide ad, I’m awesome, right?”

“Then in 2001, when I was seven years old, I starred in my first movie”I Am Sam”. Sean Penn played the leading role – a mentally retarded patient who worked in a Starbucks coffee shop. plays his daughter lucy”.

“I’ve seen that movie. You were so cute when you were a kid!”Martin said.

He has indeed seen the movie”I Am Sam” and appreciates Sean Penn’s acting skills very much. The aura shown by Dakota Fanning in the movie is also impressive.

“Really? Thank you for your like. How many of my movies have you seen?”

After eliminating the strangeness, Dakota Fanning began to show her lively side.

Martin thought for a while and said:”It seems there are quite a few,”War of the Worlds”》、《charlotte’s web》、《nine lives》、《”Superpower”, oh, and you also collaborated with Charlize on”Step by Step”》”

“That’s a lot,” Dakota Fanning said with a happy smile,”So which character is your favorite?”

“Probably Finn from”Charlotte’s Web””

“Yeah, my favorite part was my performance in The Power, and when I saw the script, I thought, oh, predicting the future, that would be really cool! By the way, Kristen and I have also collaborated many times,”The Runaways”》、《”The Twilight Saga”, when I was on the set, I often heard her talking about you”

“Oh, what did she say about me? Martin asked with interest.

Dakota Fanning’s face suddenly turned red,”Uh, um, ah, I said you are very good, very powerful, smart, handsome and talented.””

In fact, he also talked about private topics such as Martin’s special strength. When girls talk about men together, they are no more elegant than when men talk about women. They are all just as nasty.

In fact, if it weren’t for Chris Ting Stewart’s description of Martin impressed her too much, and she would not think of Martin the first time she thought of finding someone who could give her a chance.

Although after many psychological constructions, Darko Ta Fanning finally decided to dedicate herself in exchange for more and better opportunities, but who doesn’t want the person she dedicates to be a young, handsome and talented person!

Dakota Fanning’s blushing face is charming and charming. This girl is a typical beauty embryo that grows from childhood to adulthood – cute when she is a child, sweet when she grows up, and her appearance is completely in Martin’s taste.

In fact, the reason why Martin is so enthusiastic about this little girl is because he has such a deep love in his heart. There was a faint trace of guilt, who allowed him to steal the most outstanding movie of this little girl’s life.

Yes, it was”Hide and Seek”.

In the original timeline, Dakota Fanning’s commercial route was never very successful. Although she played many roles in”The Twilight Saga”, none of them were outstanding. The movie with the highest achievement in her life was”Hide and Seek”, which was the pinnacle of her acting career in terms of box office and reputation.

In this timeline, after losing”Hide and Seek”, Dakota Fanning really had no bright spots in business.

During the chat, time passed unknowingly, and the car had arrived at Dakota Fanning’s apartment. Downstairs.

Martin parked the car and didn’t speak. He just looked at the girl quietly.

Dakota Fanning also stopped talking and looked at Martin with gray-blue eyes.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became ambiguous.

“Dakota, you can do it!”

“Dakota, be brave and kiss him!”

“Dakota, don’t back down, haven’t you already made your decision?”


At this moment, Dakota Fanning wanted to do something, but she didn’t dare. She kept encouraging herself in her heart.

Martin looked at the girl across from him quietly, her eyes sometimes resolute and then shrinking, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

How long is this girl going to be mentally building up?!


Martin took the initiative.

He tilted his body and leaned over.

His left hand passed under the girl’s armpit and hugged her back.

Then use a little force.

In the girl’s low exclamation, the two beautiful faces came together and kissed.

The atmosphere changed from ambiguous to charming.

After a while, the lips parted.

Dakota Fanning mustered up her courage and said,”Martin, would you like to come up and have a cup of coffee?”

It is impossible for a real man to refuse such an invitation, and Martin nodded happily.

When he got out of the car, he gestured towards the Rolls-Royce not far away, indicating that the bodyguards were waiting here.

Although the apartment that Dakota Fanning rents is not luxurious, it is located on the edge of Beverly Hills, with a safe community environment and complete facilities.

After entering the house, Martin looked around. The apartment was about 90 square meters, with three bedrooms and one living room. It was neither too big nor too small. The walls were painted light blue, and the furniture and decorations were mostly bright blue and green. The colors match very brightly

“You live by yourself? asked Martin

“Most of the time, but my sister Elle Fanning comes over occasionally, she’s studying nearby, and oh, she’s an actress too”

“I know her, she played your childhood in I Am Sam”

“Hehe, yes, she was only two years old at that time.”

Martin added:”But what impressed me most about your sister was the little girl Jimmy played in Eddie Murphy’s comedy movie”Dad Rangers”. Her screams were impressive.”

“Haha, scream girl, that’s what I’ve been calling her since that movie.”Dakota Fanning laughed.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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