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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 975

“So, what do you do with this idiot? Clinton asked Hillary.

Hillary was very surprised and said:”Do you think this big mouth will win the internal election of the Republican Party?”

Currington also showed a surprised expression:”Don’t you think he won’t win?””

Now his opinion of his wife has dropped a bit, and his political sensitivity is a bit poor. If he had been in his place, he would have regarded Trump as his ultimate enemy. It seems that her staff is not at the same level. How about…

After thinking for a moment, Clinton decided that he would reduce his participation in subsequent fundraising activities and could not waste his”charisma” and”credibility” on doomed failure.

As the smartest and most intelligent person in the history of the United States, One of the capable presidents, Clinton is very decisive. In the original timeline, he suddenly reduced his participation in Hillary’s campaign. He probably saw his wife’s decline and didn’t want to waste any more.””Time” and”Fame””

“Hillary’s political acumen and skills are far inferior to her husband’s.”

On the set, Martin and Sophia were also chatting about the election..

“Judging from her (Hillary’s) recent speeches, it seems that she cannot control the degree of participation in women’s rights. You must know that although her base is those ‘feminist supporters’, she cannot forget that, Today’s political ecology in North America is still male-dominated politics. You cannot ignore male voters just because you support women’s rights.”

“In my opinion, she is not well balanced in this regard, and not everyone in the female community supports her.”

“You know, most women in North America are dependent on men. After all, those female workplace elites and white-collar workers are in the minority, and most of them have sacrificed their marriages. Those housewives are not interested in Hillary.”

(PS: Anyone who knows Western countries knows that women there are not as independent and equal as some people”advocate” or”fantasy”, and their participation in social activities is much worse than that of men. The reason why the feminist movement broke out is probably because of the lack of Whatever you want is what you want. Looking at the whole world, the country with the highest status of women is China)

“I don’t believe Carrington didn’t remind her of this.”

Sofia said:”The financial tycoons behind Hillary did not support her enough. People like Buffett said they supported her, but they only provided financial help and were not deeply involved in helping Hillary. In canvassing activities.”

Martin laughed:”They like Hillary’s tax policy, but they will not support women’s rights organizations because of Hillary’s misunderstanding, so it is good to maintain this detached attitude.”

“Isn’t it wrong for women to demand more power and more equality?”Sofia was a little annoyed

“That’s not true. In fact, whether it’s women’s rights or men’s rights, it has nothing to do with whether it’s correct or not. It’s just the struggle between the two genders for social power. Now men have more power. If women want to take away more, then what men have will be Reduction, people like Baffert must be siding with their own gender!”Martin explained.

Sofia suddenly asked:”Martin, what about you? Do you support women? I see that many of your novels and movies feature women as protagonists.

Martin smiled:”I only support beautiful creatures, regardless of gender.””

“snort! cunning!”

Sofia thought Martin was changing the subject, but she didn’t know that the other party was telling the truth.

Martin continued:”Hillary will probably play the cards on issues of color and gun control next, which is why Clinton originally ran for the election.

A great trick of the time.

To be honest, in terms of political philosophy, I agree with some of Hillary’s policies, but the issue of gun control cannot be solved no matter who comes to power.

Clinton only raised this topic to attract the support of voters.

When he was in power During this period, I didn’t do anything in this regard.

Haha, it’s impossible for Hillary not to copy such good work.


Martin expected, on February 27, the results of the South Carolina Democratic primary were released. Presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary overwhelmingly defeated her party rival Sanders, winning the primary in four states. Lower 3 states, further widening the gap with Sanders.

Before the South Carolina election, Hillary had launched a targeted publicity campaign in South Carolina.

She won the victory of South Carolina Democratic Congressman Jim Clyburn (Jim Clyburn), and continues to emphasize gun control issues and other issues of concern to African-American voters in the state. This is in sharp contrast to Sanders, who only talks about”inequality in income distribution” in South Carolina.

Not who No one dares to touch on the sensitive issue of”gun control”, even just mention it.

Hillary’s confidence comes from the Clinton family behind her husband.

Speaking of the most powerful political family in the United States, many people will probably think of it. As for the Kennedy family and the Bush family, the Clinton family is actually not inferior to these two families.

Although before Clinton became the president of the United States, no one from this family had ever ascended to the stage of the highest governing power in the United States.

However, the Clinton family has been deeply involved in American politics for many years and has placed”people of their own” in many important functional departments in the United States.”——Such as FBI、CIA、The military, police department, and tax department are the real powers.

It was also the long-term continuous penetration of the backbone of the American establishment that laid a deep foundation for the Clinton family, which enabled Bill Clinton to rise to the top in one step.

And the Carringtons believe in physically destroying their enemies.

On July 10, 1993, White House Deputy Counsel, Clinton’s childhood friend, Hillary Clinton’s best friend, campaign finance manager, and long-term partner of the Little Rock law firm (owned by the Clintons), Wen Foster died of a gunshot wound to the head. His body was found in Fort Marcy Park. No bullet was found, but he was ruled a suicide.

An identification witness said there was no gun at the first scene, but later a gun suddenly appeared on him.

At that time, this person was under investigation for his involvement in huge amounts of money laundering.

Ron Brown, the former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, died in a plane crash. All passengers and crew members on board survived.

An autopsy revealed a gunshot hole in Ron’s skull.

He once publicly expressed his hope that the Clintons would bear legal consequences for the”Whitewater Case.”

A few days after the crash, the then air traffic controller committed suicide.

Also killed because of the”Whitewater Case” was James McDowell, who was an investment partner of the Clintons and later became an important breakthrough in the”Whitewater Case”. However, he suffered a heart attack while undergoing isolation examination alone. He died of a heart attack and had no history of heart disease before.

In November 1993, Ed Wiley, who raised campaign funds for Clinton, was shot in the head on the day his wife publicly accused Clinton of sexual harassment. The police still ruled it a suicide.

Mary Mahoney was a White House intern who worked for Clinton’s campaign and White House from 1992 to 1995.

She was a close friend of Levinsky and held important evidence of the Clinton sex scandal.

In July 1997, Mary and two of her colleagues were shot and killed in a Starbucks cafe. Mary was shot five times, fatally.

Previously, the investigation into the Clinton sex scandal had just begun.

In the future of the original timeline:

On June 22, 2016, former United Nations official John Ashe died from”hitting his throat with a heavy weight” at home.

He was being indicted on bribery charges and crushed himself to death with a barbell before being scheduled to testify against the Clintons.

On June 23, 2016, writer and news editor Mike Finn died suddenly of unknown cause at the age of 48. The last article published on the day of the murder was titled:”Cington’s Cash: Bill Clinton and Hillary established their own China Fund in 2014.” On

August 1, 2016, the famous reporter Vick Dosom died mysteriously at home. He was a long-time researcher and critic of the anti-Clinton family. His new book”Why Hillary Should Not Be in the White House” has just been published.

At 4 a.m. on July 11, 2016, in Northwest Washington, an upscale community with good security, Seth Rich, a senior staff member of the Democratic National Committee, was shot and killed just a block away from his home.

His girlfriend said:”During the struggle with the murderer, his hands and knees were injured, there were also scars on his face, and he was shot twice in the back.”

The police believed this was a”robbery and homicide case,” but Seth’s belongings were not lost and he was shot multiple times… He had previously worked for Kerrington’s partner Scott Kleeb, and the FBI was about to subpoena him at that time..

In 2010, Bill Kerrington”improperly” transferred $2 million in charitable funds from the Kerrington Foundation to Kleeb’s Energy Pioneer Solutions. This matter was just exposed in May 2016.

In 2017, Peter Smith, who independently investigated Hillary Clinton’s”email scandal”, was found to have committed suicide in a Minnesota hotel. His suicide note showed that he committed suicide due to deteriorating health and the expiration of his medical insurance.

But his method of suicide was very strange. He put a bag filled with helium over his head. As the oxygen continued to be consumed, he eventually suffocated to death.

On August 9, 2019, Epstein, the owner of”Loli Island”, a rich man, and a friend of Clinton’s, committed suicide in prison. Two days before his”suicide”, he also announced that he would never commit suicide.

At that time, he was being held in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan. All the facilities in the cell were strictly designed to prevent prisoners from committing suicide in prison.

In addition, 24-hour surveillance in the cell also ensures that prison guards can monitor Epstein’s movements at any time.

But on the day Epstein hanged himself, the surveillance was”broken.” The guard guarding him also”happened” to fall asleep.

In May 2022, Mark Middleton, Clinton’s former senior adviser,”committed suicide.”

Nine months later, Perry, Arkansas, released a report stating that on the day of the incident, Middleton set out from his home to a farm 30 miles away that he had never been to. He hanged himself in a tree and then shot him with a shotgun. Hit yourself in the chest.

Yes, that’s what the report says, hang yourself first, then shoot. It’s hard to imagine how such a difficult”suicide” action is accomplished…

“The Godfather” and”The Corleone Family” are all weak;”House of Cards” is just a joke, The darkness exposed by American film, television and literary works can never surpass the darkness of their reality.

The Clinton family has a nickname in American politics – the Bloody Family, which shows their methods.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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