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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 977

《The filming of”The Return of the Clown” went very smoothly, although several of the main characters in the crew were”children”, and underage actors are the most difficult to deal with in Hollywood.

But under the influence of Martin’s magic, these”kid brothers””、””Little Sisters” are all very obedient.

And Anya, although this girl is already nineteen years old, her naturally innocent face allows her to play the role of a junior high school student without any pressure.

In the whole of Hollywood, that kind of”one glance” There are many actresses in”Wannian”.

But few of them look like Anya.

She does not belong to the gentle and sweet category.

Nor does she belong to the cool and elegant category.

Sometimes she looks like an angel who has fallen into the mortal world..

Dancing with a pair of clear big eyes, shining brightly.

Sometimes she looks like a seductive little goblin.

Every frown and smile reveals a cunning flavor.

Sometimes, her beauty seems to reveal a dangerous danger. Smell, this naturally mysterious temperament, is why horror film directors always found her in the original timeline.

《The murderous intention hidden under the weak body in”Morgan”; the desperate courage that broke out in fear and despair in”Split”; and the unusually calm and wise genius in”The Gambit” – easily Take control of the chess game, defeat your opponents, play with 737 men while applauding, then smoke a cigarette afterwards and turn your back on them.

To be honest, Anya is really suitable for playing such a contrasting role.

Martin also felt that the role in”The Return of the Clown” was a bit overkill for Anya.

The acting was too relaxed, and she managed the scene easily without letting the opponent notice. From the feeling in the camera, it can be seen that whenever Anya appears on the stage, the protagonist’s presence will weaken.

At the same time, Anya is also the target of several boys in the crew.

Jaden Martell, Finn Wolfhard, Jonson Jacobs and other boys aged 13 or 14 are obsessed with Anya. It’s not good enough, and at a young age, he has been courteous in all kinds of ways – giving snacks, toys, and even love letters.

Then Anya broke all the boys’ hearts.

Even the male protagonist Jaeden Martell, when Anya publicly stated that the person she liked was Martin, took a prop sword found from nowhere and wanted to duel with Martin.

Martin was dumbfounded. Sure enough, all the kids in Hollywood are precocious!

Then Pishou snatched the prop sword away and maliciously asked the tutor who was following the crew to give the little guy a lot of homework.

The little guy cried. He sobbed while doing his homework and vowed that when he grows up, he must defeat Martin, the nasty dragon, and rescue his princess (Anya).

Sofia, who was watching the whole process, laughed loudly and said to Martin:”Are you going too far? He is just a child!”

Martin said matter-of-factly:”If he dares to hit my woman’s attention, of course I will give him some points. Look, kids should do their homework, shouldn’t they? If they follow the example of adults chasing women, that means they have too little homework.”

Sofia:”Hahaha, you are so bad.”

With Jaden Martell as a lesson learned from the past, , the other children withered, succumbed to Martin’s lust, and no longer dared to express anything to Anya.

As the filming progressed, Sofia became more and more familiar with the movie”The Return of the Clown” and admired Martin’s brain more and more.

“This is not a simple horror film, it contains deep meaning.”

She said to Martin while carefully considering the script in her mind:

“The story is very simple, adapted from the novel by horror master Stephen King, but the background you give to each character brings a unique meaning to the story.”

“On the one hand, the clown’s ferocity leads to the horror nature of this movie; on the other hand, the plight of the film’s protagonists, Bill, Ricky, Mike, Stanley, Eddie, Beverly and others, is succinctly and comprehensively explained – they all suffer With violence from campus or family, no matter from which aspect, they are the kind of recognized losers.’”

“And when they unite to defeat the clown, the clown is not only a clown, but also represents the humiliation and bullying they have suffered for a long time.”

“What they want to defeat is not only the murderous clown, but also the clown who lives deep in their hearts and taunts them all the time.”

“Friendship and encouragement, courage and persistence are the real themes of this movie!”

“This journey to conquer the clowns is also their journey of growth!

Speaking of this, Sofia Coppola couldn’t help but sigh,”Martin, how can you have so many wonderful inspirations in your mind? It seems that you can always make something different out of a type of movie.”——《ninth District》、《Escape from Death Town》、《This is true for”The Return of the Clown”. Sometimes, I’m really jealous of you!

Martin smiled and hugged Sophia, patted her back gently and said,”I am such a wonderful and talented person. I am also your man. So, you are the most powerful!”

Sophia chuckled and said coquettishly:”You are not mine alone.”

Martin said roguely:”Don’t be so stingy. Things that are too great cannot be enjoyed exclusively by others.””

“Oh, God!”Sofia said in an amazed and teasing tone,”Why do you always say such arrogant things in such a natural tone?”

“You said it, I’m a genius!”Martin laughed.


After”Super Tuesday”, Trump’s huge lead surprised many mainstream media.

Even in a country like the United States, where political showmanship is prevalent, Republican candidate Trump, who just took a large lead on Super Tuesday, still seems too different.

This guy has no political experience. He has always been a businessman, and he is a businessman with a strong sense of entertainment. He is especially good at making shocking remarks.

He once released a senator’s private phone number directly to voters, blatantly exposing other people’s privacy.

He once publicly questioned whether Ao Guanhai was born in the United States, forcing Ao Guanhai to find his birth certificate.

Even so, he still insists that he still cannot fully believe that Ao Guanhai was born in the United States. After all, birth certificates can be faked.

One of Trump’s campaign platforms is to build a thousand-mile wall along the border between the United States and Mexico to prevent illegal immigrants from entering – and he has repeatedly emphasized that the wall must be funded by the Mexican government.

When the President of Mexico stated that he would not fund the construction of this thing, Trump’s first reaction was that because you said this, the wall will now be increased by 10 feet.

Trump said that the Mexican government was sending rapists to the United States and that all Muslims would be banned from entering the United States.

And this guy also has an ambiguous relationship with the Ku Klux Klan.

No wonder America’s mainstream media, elites, and high-level intellectuals don’t like this guy.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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