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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 983

It’s mid-May

《Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is released.

Martin also brought Sophia to the premiere.

A high-spirited Zack Snyder welcomed Martin’s arrival.

Sitting in the screening room, Sophia joked to Martin before the movie was played:”Are you here to spy on the enemy?”

Martin smiled:”No, I’m just here to show my care to the losers.”.

The screen lights up and the movie begins.

Different from the three-act structure of traditional movies,”Dawn of Justice” adopts the five-act structure of revenge tragedy that emerged in the 16th century, among which”The Spanish Tragedy”》、《Hamlet” is a typical example.

Zack Snyder’s shots are as good as ever, with a texture like an oil painting, coupled with a gloomy dark style, which immediately makes the audience feel heavy ~.

After watching it for a few minutes, Martin felt relieved.

This movie is no different from the original timeline, and I guess there won’t be any difference in the movie’s box office results.

The opening scene shows Batman’s parents being killed, and the scene of Young Wayne running after the funeral.

“There was a time when good things existed, like diamonds. But everything in the world will fall, and what falls is gone (fallen).”

The prologue fully demonstrates the element of”fall”: as the leaves continue to fall at the Waynes’ funeral, Bruce escapes from the funeral and runs Entering the forest. The reverse shot after falling in the forest, and Bruce falling into the abyss from the entrance of the Batcave all foreshadow Bruce’s inner depravity.

At the same time, at the end of this scene, Bruce rushes into the forest, which also implies Bruce at the traditional literary level. We are about to embark on a spiritual journey of no return.

To be honest, the opening scene was shot very delicately and touchingly by Zack Snyder, which reflects his profound camera skills. Coupled with the implicit meaning, it is obvious that the scene will be lost. Some professionals (film critics, filmmakers) watched it with gusto.

For example, Sofia next to Martin showed appreciation and thinking in her eyes.

When the two old movies”The Mask of Zorro” and”Dark Times” appeared on the screen, When looking at the poster, Sophia even whispered excitedly

“Oh, this scene is really great.”The Mask of Zorro” tells the story of Don Diego, who transforms into the masked hero Zorro to punish rape and eliminate evil after his best friend is assassinated.”Dark Ages” tells the legendary and mysterious story of King Arthur’s life”

“Obviously, the fact that”The Mask of Zorro” is being released should imply that the deaths of the Waynes will lead to the birth of the ‘Masked Hero’.”Dark Ages” is about to be released. Is it hinting at the connection between the second half of the film and the legend of King Arthur? Well, the director probably wanted to metaphorize Superman and Doomsday as King Arthur and Mordred, and Batman, Lois Lane, and Lex Luthor as Lancelot, the Lady of the Lake, and Morgana respectively.……”

“I understand that the director’s concept is to shape Superman’s character arc through Batman’s perspective, from his initial hatred of Superman to his final awakening, and to regain his dehumanized self by discovering Superman’s humanity.”

With the analysis, Sophia became more and more excited, and the eyes of the professionals in the theater also shone with excitement.

But for most ordinary audiences, this lengthy opening seemed a bit boring.

Are you kidding? We come to the movie to relax, not to think.

Then there is another symbolic overhead shot.

Bruce looks up at the dead Robin’s suit sealed in the glass.

《”Dawn of Justice” does not directly show the impact of Robin’s death on Bruce, but hints at it through Bruce’s pause and gaze.

At this point, the shadow on the wall appears in the shape of a giant bat.

And many bats flocked this”giant bat” towards the light through spiral flight

“I understand,” Sophia said to herself,”The death of his parents led to Bruce’s inner corruption, that is, Bruce fell into the Batcave in the forest during his parents’ funeral; and the identity of Batman allowed Bruce to regain his life, that is, the bats surrounded him. bring to light……”

Then I heard Martin on the side say:”Dante was lost in the forest of sin, and gained new life after drinking the water of Lethe. Beatrice guided Dante to travel to the nine heavens of heaven. On the nine heavens, Dante met God. , but the image of God disappeared as quickly as a flash of lightning.”

What does that mean?

Sophia was stunned for a moment.

Martin turned to her and said:”The identity of Batman has never allowed Bruce to gain redemption. I think Zach wanted to express that Bruce, who became Batman, still cannot avoid the same tragedy – the death of his family, not only Robin’——Dick Grayson, there should be others who come after him”

·· ······Asking for flowers··· ··

There was no time to think about it carefully, and the plot finally got to the point.

The scene turned, and Mr. Bruce was driving, and then he watched helplessly as his building was smashed into rubble by the fighting Superman. The Wayne Group staff in the building also suffered heavy casualties.

Different from the battle of Metropolis from the perspective of gods in”Man of Steel”,”Dawn of Justice” recreates this terrorist attack from aliens-the Black Zero incident from the perspective of mortals.

Bruce frantically rushes to the building to rescue Jack O’Dwyer.

The camera came to the building that was about to collapse. Jack O’Dwyer was praying to God:”Supreme God, Creator of heaven and earth, forgive my soul.”


Then it was overwhelmed by explosions, flames, and collapses.

“”God” responded to him with death.

Sophia’s eyes widened.

“So that’s it. Director Snyder compared Superman to God. That’s what you said before, Martin, right? Sure enough, there are still latecomers, and another person Batman wanted to save died, indirectly at the hands of Superman.”

“Feelings of fanaticism, anger, and powerlessness can turn good people into ruthless people. Next, Batman should be paranoid that Superman is the biggest threat to the human world because of this incident. Well, this plot is still alluding to 9·11.’”Martin continues to be a mastermind.

Sophia showed a look of sudden realization, and then frowned,”Martin, don’t you think Director Zack Snyder wants to express too many things? There are so many metaphors in just less than five minutes. , hint, can the audience understand it?”

“Did you find it too? Martin chuckled and said,”Zach is very ambitious, but unfortunately he forgot that this is a commercial movie, not an award-winning movie. The plot is the most important thing.”

Sofia, who has made many commercial films with Martin, has also made some progress. She nodded and said:”The plot is obviously too long. The ideological aspect does not serve the plot, but the other way around. It’s like……”

“Mysterious for the sake of obscurity.”Martin said

“Yes, that’s what it means.”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.) Next.


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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