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Chapter 41: The game officials are so conscientious!

Chapter 41: The game officials are so conscientious!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 41 The game officials are so conscientious!

  In the evening.

  The players returned to the sanatorium one after another. Brother Scrambled Eggs, who was in charge of cooking, set up a big pot in the open space and began to cook the last meal of the day.

  Tonight’s recipe is salt-cooked lamb horn potatoes with bacon jerky.

  Thanks to the discovery of the new NPC base, the players in the shelter finally had a meal other than fish soup.

  This kind of lamb horn potatoes tastes pretty good. After boiling it in salt water and pouring some soy sauce on it, it tastes a bit like KFC mashed potatoes.

  However, it is a bit wasteful of soy sauce.

  Just to make these 28 servings of mashed potatoes, almost one-fifth of a bottle of soy sauce was used, and that was in the case of saving.

  On the other hand, the salt in the shelter seemed to be insufficient, with only half a bag left.

  At this rate of consumption, everyone will have to live on plain soup in a few days.

  ”Woo woo woo! This mashed potato is too good! Uncle Scrambled Eggs, can I have another bowl?” Teng Teng, who was squatting on the ground with a bowl in his hand, looked satisfied.

  ”No more, just one bowl per person.” Chaodan rolled his eyes and said unhappily, not satisfied with the word “uncle”.

  ”Then are we going to eat mashed potatoes tomorrow?” Teng Teng said pitifully.

  ”I can’t afford it. There’s not much soy sauce left. I have to save it. If you want to eat mashed potatoes, get up and order takeout.” As he said this, Chaodan sighed in his heart.

  Cooking for these guys every day is really a headache.

  He has been a chef for so many years, but he has never been so frugal for his boss. He almost wants to sprinkle one grain of salt as two.

  On the other side, Ye Shi, who was sitting in the middle of the players, held a bowl and talked about what happened during the day in a vivid voice, even forgetting to eat.

  Especially when he talked about the encounter with the creeper on the way back, he excitedly put down the bowl in his hand, picked up a branch and scratched on the ground.

  ”I was walking on the street when I felt a chill on my back and my whole body was suddenly filled with alarm! In a flash, I picked up my rifle and

  fired a burst of bullets at him—” Fang Chang, who was sitting next to him, couldn’t stand it anymore and couldn’t help but make fun of him.

  ”A burst of bullets, someone who didn’t know would think you were holding a Gatling gun.”

  Ye Shi coughed dryly.

  ”That’s not important!”

  ”And then? And then? Keep talking, how did you guys screw that thing over?”

  ”That’s right, don’t interrupt!”

  The players next to him didn’t care much about these details. They were just listening to the food, and didn’t care whether he was bragging or not, and they all started to clamor and continue.

  ”Don’t panic, listen to me. It was so quick that I slid and tackled the creeper the moment it pounced on me…”

  Seeing that everyone was so interested, Ye Shi quickly adjusted his state and started again, describing how he supported the manager who was entangled by the alien, how he looted on the battlefield, including how he was ambushed by the bitch later, and how he tactically dropped offline and cooperated with his teammates to kill the enemy…

  Fang Chang rolled his eyes and couldn’t listen any more. He simply took the bowl and moved to another place to eat. Out of sight, out of mind.

  The meal was over

  . The sun was about to set.

  After carrying Xiao Qi down from the upstairs, Chu Guang led the players back to the shelter in batches and watched them lie in the incubator and log off safely.

  Except for Garbage Jun who was still playing outside, everyone was back.

  However, Chu Guang was not very worried about it.

  Through the player list, Chu Guang could confirm that this guy was still alive, but he had been offline two hours ago.

  No matter how hard you work, you can’t be on the game for 24 hours. You have to get up to eat and stretch your limbs.

  Besides, the clones in the game also need to rest. No one can stay awake for 24 hours, not even the lizard man.

  According to the information published on the official website.

  There are more ways to log off than just lying back in the incubator and hibernating. Any behavior that causes loss of consciousness can disconnect.

  This includes but is not limited to hitting yourself on the back of the head with a club, or finding a place to lie down and take a nap.

  However, this way of logging out is not very reliable.

  First, it cannot be “saved”, and second, it is not safe.

  The clones quickly synthesized by the incubator do not have any mind.

  In other words, without the connection of a conscious body, these clones will hardly react to external stimuli except for conditioned reflexes. At

  this time, if a mutant rat or cockroach happens to pass by, it can eat people up one bite at a time.

  However, Garbage Jun should have found a safe place to hide, at least it is quite safe for now.

  Let’s put Garbage Jun’s matter aside for now.

  Chu Guang sat down in front of the computer in the resident hall and, as usual, first summarized the results of today’s work.

  ”The construction of the east wall is complete.”

  ”In terms of resources, the building material inventory has 110 logs, one ton of charcoal, one ton of silicate cement, two piles of yellow mud bricks, and several hardened cement blocks. As for consumption, there are 240 logs and 800 kilograms of cement… The wood inventory has been declining for two consecutive days, but the cement is actually starting to be in surplus.”

  It seems that we need to arrange a few lumberjacks.

  Or, increase the logging requirements of players’ daily tasks.

  ”The food inventory has 350 kilograms of green wheat and sheep’s horn potatoes, 5 catties of bacon, and a small amount of berries and mushrooms. The consumption is about 5 kilograms of bacon jerky, 10 kilograms of sheep’s horn potatoes, and 50 kilograms of bacon and 20 kilograms of smoked fish for trading… I have to start hunting again tomorrow.”

  ”Then there is the fur inventory… In addition to the trading consumption, the raw material consumption is 5 pieces of fur. Today, Teng Teng actually made 5 pieces of clothing? Not bad… Let me think, it should be 250 contribution points.”

  ”Oh, and there is also an increase in the weapon inventory… I have to plan an arsenal in the future.”

  Finally, today’s daily tasks earn 7 reward points.

  I can happily open the blind box again.

  After summarizing the data, Chu Guang leaned back in his chair and stretched.

  While he was finishing these tasks, the thirty activated culture chambers in the next room also completed the scanning of the clones in the chambers and the archiving of somatic cell samples, and summarized the players’ gene sequence development progress and panel data in a table.

  Chu Guang took a quick look.

  Perhaps because the jobs at the outpost at the current stage are mainly physical labor, players with strength obviously upgrade faster in general.

  For example, Lao Bai is now level 3.

  In addition, Ye Shi, who had been following him out, also upgraded his gene sequence from LV1 to LV2, and his main attribute perception reached 9, becoming the player with the highest perception attribute in the entire outpost.


  Chu Guang looked away from the computer as he watched Xiao Qi rolling to the side of the table.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”Why did you pick up a strange woman from outside?”

  Chu Guang almost choked on this sentence.

  Although there is nothing wrong with saying this, it always feels wrong.

  ”What are you talking about.”

  ”Xiao Qi saw it on the roof, and he carried it back.”

  Chu Guang said impatiently.

  ”So what?”

  Xiao Qi said aggrievedly in a flat electronic voice.

  ”Nothing, I just want to remind you that compared to clones who can restrict their actions at any time, the natives in the wasteland are more difficult to control, so you’d better not trust them too easily.”

  ”You think too much, I have never completely trusted anyone, whether it is a player or a native here.” Chu Guang said lightly.

  ”Yeah, then I’m relieved!”

  The camera on Xiao Qi’s head shook up and down, indicating a nod.

  ”By the way, you can always trust Xiaoqi. No matter what happens, Xiaoqi will be your most loyal assistant!”

  ”Okay, got it.”

  ”So perfunctory!”

  Can’t this guy be quiet for a while while charging?

  Chu Guang suppressed the urge to complain and continued to stare at the computer screen.

  It has been more than ten minutes since the players went offline. As expected, it is now the busiest time for the official website forum.

  It’s time for a happy screen peek again.

  Humming a little tune for his own amusement, Chu Guang opened the official website backend and first checked the number of reservations. The number

  of little leeks with bowls has doubled from just over 100 to just under 300.

  Nowadays, the threshold for game reservations has changed from filling in a form to filling in a form + answering questions.

  Although they are all common sense questions, those who can read the questions patiently and fill in the blanks can at least screen out serious players.

  Those who can pass can be said to be of high quality.

  At the same time, the number of visits to the official website has also increased significantly compared to before, with an average daily visit of 1,000 people.

  Although not everyone has registered an account, and not everyone has clicked on the reservation, it at least shows that Wasteland OL is becoming more and more well-known in the gaming community. It is

  obviously just a three-no website without even any registration information. In addition to a lot of text settings, there are only a few photos of the construction site. I didn’t expect that it could gather so many people.

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

  ”There are still many bored people.”

  Just right.

  Anyway, I’m idle, so I might as well come to the “game” to work for him.

  Close the backend page and enter the forum.

  Just as Chu Guang expected, all the offline players came here to report, and the forum is very lively at this moment.

  Including Garbage Jun, who went offline two hours ago, is also hanging out on the forum.

  Picking up garbage level 99: [Damn, I’m really exhausted today, but fortunately I still have some gains! There is a tire processing factory about 2 kilometers north of the abandoned construction site. There are people patrolling with dogs nearby. It seems to be a predator camp, but I’m not sure yet! I plan to get closer to take a look after it gets dark, and then show off on the forum after I confirm it. ]

  {Kuangfeng: 666! }

  {Lao Bai: Damn, I was wondering why I didn’t see you when I was offline! Also, why can you go online during the day? ? ?}

  {Garbage Picker Level 99: If you are an alien, you can do it too! No more bullshit, I’ll go online after a break. (grin)}

  {Ye Shi: You guys are here for Versailles! }

  {Quit Smoking: Let alone being able to go online during the day, I’d die without regrets if I could just go online and take a look! TT}

  {Ya Ya: I’m still on resurrection CD, crying. }

  {Garbage Picker Level 99: (grin)}

  Except for Garbage Jun who was pretending to be cool, most of the players on the forum were enthusiastically discussing the new NPCs brought back by the administrator and the newly discovered survivor settlements.

  Especially the latter.

  The players were particularly interested.

  At the top of a long list of posts, Chu Guang quickly found the analysis post written by “Lairifangchang”.

  This guy is good at summarizing as always. His posts are the most popular in the forum. If conditions did not allow, Chu Guang would have wanted to invite him to be the planner of this game.

  […I have to praise this Alpha 0.2 version update! It can be seen that the game officials are still quite sincere, and they are really conscientious! ]

  [The content of this update is far more than just the optimization projects listed on the official website. It includes new camps, new monster models, larger maps, etc. The content is much richer than I imagined before! ]

  [For example, the Brown Farm where we traded this time, as soon as I walked under the concrete wall, I was shocked by the art design of the game officials. The immersive feeling is hard to describe in words. Whether it is the post-apocalyptic architectural style or the detailed texture of the clothes on different NPCs, you can see the traces of careful carving everywhere! Instead of using the original materials to cover the skin! ]

  [In addition, there is also a test of the combat system. On the way back, we were attacked by creepers and had a close call. Before this, I always thought that this kind of alien with ridiculous combat power only existed in the setting, but I didn’t expect that it has been implemented in the current version! 】

  【Here I have to say that our manager is worthy of being a novice guide, and his combat power is simply ridiculous! The moment the crawler pounced, Ye Shi and I didn’t react, and we were almost OB. It was all thanks to him who was outputting, and he relied on a small water pipe to defeat the two-meter-high gnawer! It made my blood boil! 】

  【In addition, for me personally, the most surprising thing is that a new NPC has joined our outpost! Her special identity may bring us more new gameplay, such as weapon modification, or even more side plots, etc. I think it’s worth looking forward to! 】

  【For more information about the Alpha0.2 version update, I will continue to update in the post, and interested friends can click to follow! 】

  Conscience is okay.

  Ah, how embarrassed.

  After reading the post from beginning to end, Chu Guang was so happy that his mouth didn’t close.

  But to be honest, Chu Guang felt that he was indeed conscientious enough. At least he did not cheat the players’ wallets.

  This next-generation game that can liberate dreams and sleep, if Tencent or NetEase are the ones to endorse it, and they don’t charge you a thousand or eight hundred yuan, do you still want to play it?

  Forget about playing, I’m afraid you have to become a member first if you want to do any work!


  No money?

  That’s easy, you should have no objection to using your hands to plaster, right?

  After all, if not, how can the dignity of a RMB warrior who uses a plastering knife to build a wall be reflected? Of course, you can also choose to watch two hours of ads to unlock a membership discount coupon.

  At least Chu Guang would not do such an immoral thing.

  For the sake of praising himself for having a conscience, Chu Guang added a featured post to Brother Fang Chang.

  Chu Guang closed the post casually, and just when he was thinking about what to do to kill the long night, Xiao Qi’s resentful voice came from the side.


  ”The woman you picked up has woken up.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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