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Chapter 705: The enemy not only refuses to surrender, but also wants to play a big trick

Chapter 705: The enemy not only refuses to surrender, but also wants to play a big trick


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 705 The enemy not only refused to surrender, but also wanted to play a big trick


  In the dark and broken house. The walls were covered with moisture and mold, and it seemed that even the air was polluted. The dim candlelight only illuminated a small part of the ground, and most of the space was filled with darkness.

  The environment here was just like a rat hole.

  The rotten and moldy smell penetrated into the tip of his nose, and Rajesh, who was tied to the chair with hemp rope, slowly opened his eyes.

  The memories before coma flooded into his mind like a tide, and he struggled subconsciously, but it didn’t work except for causing a creaking sound.

  He raised his head, squinted his eyes, and barely saw the young man standing in front of him through the dim light.

  This person was none other than the guy who found him before and said he would take him to see the boss of this street.

  Now it seems…

  I was probably sold out.

  He now only hopes that the other two teammates can be smarter and take the information about the residents near the Governor’s Mansion being bribed out of here.

  ”How much did you sell me for?”

  Asin said calmly.

  ”Gifts are free.”

  ”It seems that the Alliance has given you a lot of benefits,” Rajesh sneered at the calm young man, and looked around, “Where is this? Is this where you deal with corpses?”

  Asin said expressionlessly.

  ”My home.”

  Rajesh’s expression froze slightly.

  His first reaction was that this damn place could be inhabited?

  But soon, he narrowed his eyes and stared at this guy and said.

  ”You are a citizen of the Empire.”

  Asin said calmly.

  ”Yes, and you are the rat that you despise the most.”

  ”No one despises you, it’s you who despise yourselves… Isn’t it?”

  Rajesh panted lightly, glanced at the rope that bound his arms, and then looked at the young man, and said slowly.

  ”Look at what you have done? When the brave wolf tribe was fighting for the interests of the empire, a little mouse stabbed him in the back. No one likes a group of sneaky mice, but it’s not because they are called mice, but because they are shameless, mean, and vulgar, because they only care about interests. They can send their daughters and wives to be prostitutes. They don’t have even a little bit of justice in their hearts… If it were you, would you like such a person?”

  He thought that the young man would have an expression of shame on his face, or at least a little bit of shame.

  However, after listening to his words, Asin just smiled coldly, and even imitated his tone and spoke slowly.

  ”Is that all you want to say?”

  He had heard worse humiliations.

  This kind of roundabout curse was not even a tickle.

  ”It’s not too late for you to turn back now…Your intelligence should be used in the right way. His Majesty will forgive your momentary confusion. You don’t want to go on the road of reincarnation with sin and shame.” Rajesh still had a glimmer of hope in his eyes, hoping that the young man would turn back from his mistakes.

  Unfortunately, he was still expecting the wrong thing.


  It’s too late. I have already thought about what kind of animal I want to be in my next life.”

  With a hint of sarcasm in his voice, Asin said this coldly, then looked at the iron man wearing an exoskeleton behind him and said respectfully.

  ”Sir, it’s him…When we demolished the slums, he came in with two people and tried to find out about you. They thought they were hiding very carefully, but people who eat meat and rats who chew soil even exhale different air. Even if they put more dust and mud on their faces, we recognized them at a glance.”

  He nodded with satisfaction.

  ”Not bad.”

  Finally seeing the exoskeleton clearly, Rajesh’s face suddenly lost its color, and his trembling lips turned slightly pale.

  After all, he was a man of integrity. He stiffened his neck and said in a cold voice.

  ”…I won’t say anything.”

  However, the “Iron Man” just shrugged indifferently when he heard it.

  ”It doesn’t matter. We didn’t expect to get anything out of you. You are not an officer who makes combat plans. At best, you are just a scout. But it is a pleasant surprise to catch you. Our original expectation was just that the locals would not be a problem. We even assumed that we would fight a disadvantageous street battle with transparent intelligence, but we didn’t expect…they were so enthusiastic.”

  As he said that, he looked at Axin by accident and patted the young man’s shoulder with a smile.

  ”Well done, he is the person we are looking for. I am very satisfied with this gift. Next…can you please make him disappear? It’s not good for you to keep these three alive, right?” The

  words just now can already determine that he did not catch the wrong person.

  The reason why he came to take a look was just to prevent this guy from capturing some civilians as soldiers to make up the numbers in order to please him.

  Axin understood and nodded respectfully.

  ”Leave it to me.”

  Yinchao nodded with satisfaction, got up and left the house.

  He began to like this little brother a little. The

  worn door was closed, and as the moonlight that leaked through the crack of the door disappeared, a trace of despair gradually appeared on Rajesh’s face.

  He looked at Asin standing at the door, his Adam’s apple moved, and out of the instinct of survival, he couldn’t help begging for mercy.

  ”Don’t kill me, can you spare my life…”

  As if he felt that just saying this was not enough, he swallowed and continued.

  ”I still have five children to raise, Jatin is about your age, Tarun is only seven years old, and there is Amy… Please spare my life for their sake, I won’t tell General Alayan about you, just pretend we haven’t seen it.”

  In fact, he was not afraid of death.

  It’s just that if he must die, he would rather die on the battlefield, rather than in this stinking ditch, with his throat bitten by a disgusting rat.

  Asin just looked at him expressionlessly, and suddenly looked up at the ceiling that seemed to fall at any time.

  ”Are they living in this hellhole like my brothers and sisters?”

  Rajesh was stunned.

  When he came to his senses, the young man had already turned around and left the house…

  At the door of the dilapidated house, a group of people stood in a dark mass, blocking the path covered with broken bricks.

  Led by Kunal from the dog tribe, this group of poor people stood in a row and looked respectfully at Asin who followed the iron man out of the house.

  It was like looking at a king.

  Asin, standing in front of the door, stopped for a moment, first looking at the bare ruins around him, then looking back at the dilapidated house with red cloth hanging behind him.

  He had stopped living here a few days ago. Before the Grey Wolf Army came, he had moved his family to Tulip Street, which was close to the port.

  A Weilant who had lost a lot of money in business sold the property there. It was a three-story finely decorated house with an area of ​​200 to 300 square meters, and the offer price was only 50 two-headed cows or the equivalent of Xilan coins.

  He was the only one who made a bid, and he spent less than two million in total.

  Just over a week ago, a young rat man wanted to buy the house there with Xilan coins, which was simply a fantasy.

  The houses near the Governor’s Mansion had been demolished, and even the slag had been transported away by carts, leaving only his house alone.

  He originally planned to demolish this house after the other houses were demolished, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that this dilapidated house was an eyesore.

  It’s too ugly.

  Even a dead dog that fell into the sewer said that this is the place to dispose of corpses.

  ”Tear it down.”

  Hearing the indifferent voice, Kunar nodded respectfully.

  ”As you command!”


  Three full days have passed since the entire Gray Wolf Army went to Golden Gallon Port.

  During these three days, the soldiers of the Gray Wolf Army have also experienced what it means to be the people’s favorite and the people’s favorite.

  The residents of the suburbs of Golden Gallon Port, who welcomed the king’s army, only took three days to help these noble wolf warriors dig all the fortifications.

  And they didn’t charge a penny.

  The unfathomable trenches surrounded the port, like giant pythons entangled the entire settlement.


  those survivors who received the money were not very at ease with the money in their hands, for fear that these imperial soldiers would win.

  If these big-headed soldiers suffered a little loss at the hands of the alliance, they would have to settle accounts with them after they came to their senses about the trenches.

  Moreover, for some unknown reason, the price of beans has risen sharply recently. Originally, five or six Xilan coins could buy one kilogram, but now it has risen to seven or eight coins. If the price

  continues to rise like this, it will be more cost-effective to buy black bread than beans, and those who are poorer will have to eat two more meals of dirt.

  The suffocating atmosphere weighed on everyone’s head, except for the people in the settlement and the soldiers outside the settlement.

  The situation was very good, but General Alayyan, who was commanding the front line, couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

  His capable subordinate Rajesh had been missing for five days, and now the information in the city was a gray fog to him.

  Although his subordinates captured some survivors in the suburbs for questioning, most of them had never been to the port in their lives, and some of them didn’t know whether they had been there or not, but they were full of nonsense. It is

  a taboo to attack rashly without understanding the opponent. He at least needs to understand the troop deployment and firepower configuration of the Lowell camp before deciding how many troops and equipment to invest in the next battle.

  Even though the Grey Wolf Army is the empire’s trump card, their logistics are not unlimited. No matter how much they despise their opponents, they still have to be cautious when they really fight.

  In addition to the lack of intelligence, what is more troublesome for him is that the respected Majesty is beginning to get impatient…

  At noon on the third day, an off-road vehicle painted in desert color drove to the rear of the position.

  A man in military uniform pushed open the car door and walked straight into the command post with camouflage nets. He looked at General Alayan who was in a meeting and scolded him.

  ”General Alayan, what are you and your subordinates dawdling about!”

  Everyone in the account stopped talking.

  Alayan looked at the door in astonishment. Just as he was about to get angry, he recognized that the face was Prince Dilip and quickly suppressed the anger that had just ignited.

  In the Xilan Empire, the title of prince is only granted to the royal family with royal blood, and the status is far beyond that of a wolf general like him.

  There is no doubt that there is only one possibility for His Majesty to send him here-

  this guy came as a supervisor!

  Restraining his temper, Alayan took a deep breath and said,

  ”What…what are you dawdling for?”

  ”Three days! Your troops arrived here three days ago, but they didn’t fire a single shot! Are you planning to live here?” Prince Dilip stared at him and said aggressively.

  Alayan explained with a headache.

  ”We need sufficient intelligence to formulate a battle plan. The Lowell Camp has solid concrete fortifications, and there are artillery support from the Alliance in the rear. There is no point in rashly sending soldiers there except to cause casualties.”

  Prince Dilip cursed when he heard this.

  ”Intelligence? Jingallon Port is the territory of the Empire. Do you not know the way or the people there? Why don’t you grab someone and ask him?” Alayan

  looked at the prince with a headache.

  ”If only it were that simple… Some of the survivors living in the suburbs said that the Alliance had a monster with three heads and six arms, and some said that they could summon sea beasts. Do you think this information has any reference value?”

  Prince Dilip said angrily: “Then send a team of scouts to take a look! Do you need me to teach you how to do this?!”

  ”That’s equivalent to sending them in to die! The Alliance people are watching at the edge of the settlement, and I suspect that they have bribed the guards and some residents of the entire settlement. The scouts I sent in before have no news until now.”

  After a pause, Alayyang stared at him seriously and continued.

  ”Listen, our enemies are not stupid. We can only defeat them if we make a well-planned attack… By the way, where are the Legion’s people?”

  He heard that several Weilante officers had arrived in Tiandu, and they were officers who had fought against the Alliance in Luoxia Province.

  If he could find those people, he would also have a more accurate understanding of the strength of the Alliance.

  Unfortunately, however, the only guy standing here was the one he least wanted to see.

  Prince Dilip stared at him intently.

  ”Your Majesty hopes that you can solve this problem on your own. There is no need to trouble our allies for such a small matter.”

  The corner of Aryan’s mouth twitched.

  Before he could speak, Prince Dilip narrowed his eyes and examined him like an eagle sizing up its prey.

  ”General Aryan, are you scared?”

  ”Scared?” Aryan was stunned and looked at him with a smile, “Are you kidding? What should I be afraid of?”

  ”Then why haven’t you launched an attack against the Alliance yet?” Prince Dilip raised his chin slightly. “I told you clearly that His Majesty sent you here to see you crush those bugs stuck on our soles. However, the news sent to Tiandu for three consecutive days was ‘General Alayan is leading his gray wolves to dig trenches’. Are you planning to dig a canal here?”

  Alayan took a deep breath.

  ”I will plan an attack on Camp Lowell as soon as possible… Give me another day!”

  Prince Dilip snorted when he heard this.

  ”Camp Lowell? His Majesty asked you to plant the flag on the roof of the Governor’s Mansion! It seems that you really didn’t read His Majesty’s telegram carefully.”

  General Alayan looked at him blankly, and it took a long time for him to squeeze out a word.

  ”…Have you seen the map?”

  Prince Dilip said confidently.

  ”Of course I have seen it. That is the Alliance’s defense fulcrum in Jingallon Port. If you take it down, your men can advance to the port area and drive straight into the port until they are sent into the sea!”

  Alayan couldn’t help but say.

  ”That’s too idealistic! Even if we take over there, it’s meaningless except for premature street fighting with them near the port area. It’s better to take over the Lowell Camp first and force them to shrink their defense line step by step-”

  ”I think you are afraid,” Prince Dilip narrowed his eyes and stared at him, “A few grasshoppers make you shrink like this. Since you don’t dare to attack the Governor’s Mansion, just hand over the command to me, and I will do it for you.”

  Alaiyang suppressed the anger in his chest and took a deep breath.

  ”I can give you a 10,000-man team-”

  ”You don’t need that many, 5,000 people are enough.”

  Turning around and walking to the door of the tent, Prince Dilip stopped, turned his head and casually said, “Before dark, I hope you can count all the people, otherwise I can only reasonably doubt whether you can still take on this important task.”

  He is not stupid.

  If he is given a 10,000-man team, he will be connected to the captain of the 10,000 men, and can only pass orders down layer by layer through the captain of the 10,000 men, and these sly guys have ten thousand ways to perfunctory him.

  But if it is five direct thousand-man teams, it will be different.

  He is the leader of ten thousand men!

  He has the final say on how to fight, and there is no need to discuss with anyone!

  Looking at the “inscrutable” profile, even if Alaiyang was unwilling, he could only nod his head.



  The next day, there was finally new movement on the empire’s position. A large number of troops crossed the trenches that had just been dug with rolling dust and advanced towards the city of Kinggallon Port.

  The Yinchai and his group squatting near the city saw the group a long time ago and immediately reported the situation to the rear through the radio.

  The twelve 155mm artillery deployed at the port of Kinggallon Port immediately completed the adjustment of the firing parameters, and the thick and long gun barrels pointed to the sky.

  A soldier wearing an exoskeleton walked to the front of the position, turned on the speaker of the helmet and shouted loudly.

  ”Brothers! The wild dogs hiding outside the settlement finally crawled out of their dog holes! Beat them up hard and let them know what happens when they mess with the wrong guy!”


  With an order, the fuses were pulled together, and orange-yellow tracers rushed into the sky in the rolling dust.

  The shocking scene stunned countless sailors and merchants in the port.

  Before those onlookers could come to their senses, a humanoid loader wearing an exoskeleton had already finished loading the second shell in the dust that had not yet dispersed.


  Another round of volleys.

  The roaring gun barrels were like bagpipes, raining death on the enemy positions more than ten kilometers away.

  You can imagine

  what the scenery was like in the distant positions…

  The people in the port finally came to their senses and cast awe-inspiring eyes at the artillery positions that continued to fire.

  ”…Is that the legendary 155?”

  ”Spirit of the Sand Sea!”

  ”I feel the earth is shaking!”

  ”The emperor of the Xilan Empire must be crazy… Why did they provoke these plague gods?”

  ”If you ask me, they should pay some money and admit their mistakes. If they continue to fight like this, I’m afraid that even ten Gray Wolf armies will not be enough to send them off.”

  The sailors standing on the deck were talking about it, and some smart merchants were already thinking about placing orders in Dawn City.

  Seeing the alliance’s artillery showing off their power, several Willant people showed gloomy expressions on their faces and cursed.

  ”Damn it, we don’t only have 100mm!”

  ”The shameful things of the East Expansion Party dare to represent us!”

  ”A bunch of guys who have never seen the world!”

  However, no matter how they quibble, it is a fact that the borders of the countries in Luoxia Province have not moved at all, and even people have built a weird thing called Bicester Town on the edge of the Falcon Kingdom.

  A large group of young and strong people would rather stay there and work on sewing machines than go home, causing the entire Falcon Kingdom to be in decline. The streets were full of widows, and there were few young men to be seen. The

  Kingdom relied on the assistance of the Eastern Legion to survive and barely maintain the authority of the royal family. The Falcon Kingdom was probably suffocated for many years after that battle, and it was unknown why the Xilan Empire went to Triumph City to show its courtesy.

  The population of the Falcon Kingdom was not as large as that of the Golden Gallon Port, and it could still live well with the assistance of the Eastern Legion. With the size of the Boro Province, the Willant people would be crazy to save them.

  Perhaps –

  His Majesty the Emperor really likes those big noses.

  While the sailors at the port were eating melons and watching the fun, the advance troops of the Gray Wolf Army far away in the suburbs of Golden Gallon Port were in dire straits.

  The artillery positions in the rear launched a round of counterattacks, but there was no firepower guidance.

  The first correction shot went astray, and it was unknown whether the target was hit or not. Instead, it attracted the Alliance’s counterattack. Six 100mm howitzers were blown into a pile of scrap metal on the spot, and most of the gunners were killed or injured. There were wailing sounds in the anti-gun cave.

  Prince Dilip did not retreat after being bombarded. Instead, the roaring artillery fire aroused his bloodiness.

  Looking at the billowing black smoke in the distance and the soldiers who were shrinking in the trenches and dared not move forward, he no longer pinned his hopes on countering the artillery fire, and shouted at the top of his lungs while holding the walkie-talkie.

  ”Push forward!”

  ”Are you going to stay there and be targets for the Alliance to shoot? There are bunkers everywhere in the city! Push forward–!”

  The hoarse voice even broke, and it was obvious that he was really trying hard to command, but in the end he still couldn’t drown out the Alliance’s artillery fire.

  The centurion squatting in the trench ignored him, closed his eyes and counted the artillery fire around him, thinking that he was deafened by the shells. Even

  a pig would know that if he went out at this time, he would be bombed. Wouldn’t it be better to wait until the bombardment was over before continuing to move forward? Otherwise,

  why did they dig this trench!

  But then again, these damn engineers dug the pit deep enough… He just wanted to stick his head out to take a look, but he was afraid that it would be too difficult.

  Fortunately, Prince Dilip only shouted from behind and did not dare to rush to the front line to pull the soldiers out of the trench.

  After the shelling ended, a group of people left the trench sparsely under the guidance of the whistle and continued to advance towards the city.

  During this period, the Alliance’s shells flew intermittently, and from time to time there were soldiers who did not have time to hide in the bunkers.

  However, these people were well-trained elites, and they fell to the ground almost as soon as the cannon sounded. For Prince Dilip, this little casualty was still within an acceptable range.

  At this moment, General Alayyan, who was standing farther away, saw this scene, and his heart was bleeding.

  Although the soldiers assigned to Prince Dilip were not elite soldiers in the Gray Wolf Army, they were also soldiers under his command, not to mention his compatriots.

  ”This idiot!”

  He clenched his fists and cursed, and put the telescope down fiercely.

  At the same time, the four players who were squatting on the outskirts of Jinjialun Port were watching and were very excited when they saw the constant roar of artillery fire.

  ”Haha! Beautiful shot!”

  ”Our artillery brothers are getting more and more accurate.”

  Looking at the Yincha who was excitedly shaking his fists, the family laughed and said.

  ”By the way, did you find that the coffin pits we gave them are still useful.”

  Compared with those who were unfortunately killed by the explosion, he was more concerned about those who survived.

  The soldiers who jumped into the trenches could not even show their heads. When they climbed out, they had to throw their guns up first and then step hard on the wall.

  A group of people braved the roar of artillery fire and advanced towards the city in a panic, wave after wave. They did not dare to leave too many people at a time, but they did not dare to come too few.

  They knew it very well.

  The long-range firepower looked scary, but not many people were killed. As long as they did not stand too densely, it would work to move forward in a group.

  But if there were fewer people filling the city, with the individual combat capabilities demonstrated by the Alliance in the previous battle, it would be no different from sending heads.

  After leaving behind hundreds of corpses, five thousand-man teams gradually advanced into the settlement, using the narrow streets and houses on both sides of the streets as cover to advance forward.

  The artillery that completed a round of firepower delivery stopped firing and began to prepare for the next round of support.

  Prince Dilip saw that the alliance’s artillery fire had stopped and his men had advanced to the city outside the Golden Gallon Port with great momentum. He could not suppress his restlessness.

  Throwing the phone to the signalman carrying the radio, he looked at the captain of the personal guard holding a rifle and shouted excitedly.

  ”Quick! Let’s follow!”

  The captain of the personal guard hesitated a little, but he did not dare to disobey the lord, so he could only bite the bullet and lead his men to open the way.

  At the same time, the four players in the city were holding telescopes and eating melons, curiously looking at where the imperial soldiers entering the city were going.

  A few days ago, the big guys made a lot of analyses on the official website, and it seemed that they were sure that General Alayyan would definitely take the Lowell Camp as the main direction of attack, and one or two of them said it very clearly.

  As a result, they stood here and watched for most of the day, but did not see those people walking in the direction of the Lowell Camp, but walked farther and farther.

  ”…It seems to be heading towards the Governor’s Mansion.” The old man in the family turned around and looked at the ghost messenger, grinning, “Captain, your prediction failed!”

  Obviously aware of this, the ghost messenger still stared at it for a long time.

  He didn’t put down the telescope until the group of people completely disappeared from his sight. He stared with wide eyes.

  ”Fuck…Are they crazy?”

  The family laughed.

  ”Good guy, it seems that I, the director of the demolition office, will make a contribution.”

  Only 90 million was spent on the 100 million budget. A handful of money was spent to demolish all the houses near the Governor’s Mansion. There was no cover in the vacuum zone of nearly 600 meters, and the ground was full of rotten bricks that could not be dug. A machine gun could hold them dead. Without armor and artillery, they would really be beaten with their heads!

  Ban Sui wasted scratching the back of his head, and he couldn’t figure it out.

  ”It’s fucking unscientific.”

  Instead of attacking such an important strategic target as the Lowell Camp, they went directly to attack the Governor’s Mansion near the port city.

  What the hell is this?

  Nearly five thousand-man teams, this can’t be considered a feint, right?

  Yibu Dengtian nodded in confusion.


  His family urged.

  ”Don’t add 1, hurry up and follow.”

  The Governor’s Mansion is their position. They are not worried about the friendly forces there, but they are afraid that they will not even have a bowl of soup if they go too late.

  Bansui Cuotu looked at the Yinchai and pointed at his feet.


  The Yinchai pondered for a while, clicked on the VM screen to report the situation here, and then looked at the three teammates.

  ”Leave it to Brother Shabi and the others to keep an eye on it… By the way, leave the camera for them, and leave a drone.”

  At the same time, Fang Chang and Lao Bai, who were far away in the port area of ​​Jin Jialun Port, also received news about the movement of the Gray Wolf Army from the front line.

  Looking at Fang Chang, who was speechless, Lao Bai smiled and teased.

  ”It seems that our opponent did not play according to the routine this time.”

  Fang Chang made a helpless expression.

  ”I actually hate fighting with this kind of opponent. You can never use normal people’s logic to analyze what they will do next.”

  It’s like he still hasn’t figured out who gave these guys the courage to fight without declaring war. They were so smart that they thought they could do things secretly, but they got beaten up and couldn’t afford to lose, so they decided to flip the table and gamble.

  Of course, this is exactly what he wants.

  If the emperor of the Xilan Empire formally admits his mistakes to the alliance through diplomatic channels, the manager’s personality will probably allow a settlement agreement based on compensation and apology. In that case, the Burning Corps can only stop at the point, hastily end this self-defense counterattack, and return to French Fries Port with compensation.

  After all, the telegram sent by the manager before mentioned that they were asked to “not take the initiative to escalate the military conflict.”

  But now, the situation is completely different.

  Since the other party has taken the initiative to escalate the situation, they don’t have to hold back.

  If the “emperor” thinks that the most powerful firepower of the Burning Corps is only a few 88mm mortars, he is very wrong.

  Twelve 155mm artillery has been deployed at the port.

  In addition, six giant crabs with a height of four meters have also landed along the dock at Golden Gallon Port.

  Six sturdy legs carry a heavy curved steel shell, and two 20mm machine guns are hung above the two claws. The thick and long ammunition belt is poured into the turntable ammunition racks on the wings of the heavy carapace along the wrist joint, and the cockpit is located in the center of the carapace.

  Standing on the port, they are like monsters with bared fangs and claws, and the black metal shell emits a chilling light in the sun.

  This new weapon is code-named “King Crab”, and its full name is DWX-1 “King Crab” amphibious all-terrain infantry armor.

  Whether in terms of form or mechanical structure, this thing is carved out of the same mold as the “crab” engineering armor that was equipped to the French Fry Port submarine construction team some time ago.

  And this is indeed the case.

  This infantry armor named “King Crab” is a military model designed based on the “crab” engineering armor.

  The driver needs to enter from the crab’s buttocks and drive in the posture of riding a motorcycle, and can switch freely between joystick control and neural connection operation. The

  battlefield positioning of this equipment is a general equipment designed for complex terrain, underwater combat and beach landing combat environments, and it also assumes the function of performing armed transportation tasks in roadless conditions.

  Originally welded to the crab’s claws were two grenade launchers with grenade launchers. Considering that there are no targets in Golden Gallon Port that need grenade launchers, they were replaced with 20mm machine guns.

  Like the “crab” engineering armor, this thing cannot be mass-produced for the time being. The core power components, transmission structure, frame and other components must be completed by the processing center on the B7 floor of Shelter No. 404, and then sent to the Dawn City Industrial Zone for secondary processing.

  That is why the cost of this thing even exceeds the “self-subsidized” Xiaguang power armor, reaching two million silver coins!

  If they hadn’t made a fortune by “robbing the bank”, if they hadn’t prepared for the future war with the Torch, they really wouldn’t have been willing to spend money on this thing.

  Looking at the six “King Crab” armors that were ready to go, Fang Chang couldn’t help but curl up a malicious smile.

  ”Since they don’t want to negotiate with us…”

  ”Then help us test the new equipment.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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