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After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband — Chapter 1

March 2017.

Xia Guo, Zhonghai City, inside a café.

Zhang Zhe was sitting in the corner, trying to calm his mood.

As a fresh graduate this year, seeing that there are still the last few months to graduate, after returning to school this semester, Zhang Zhe also began to look for a job.

But now there are many college students graduating every year, and Zhang Zhe is only in two colleges, and it is not easy to find a suitable job.

Today, when I came out for the first interview, I met a leather bag company, and when Zhang Zhe lamented his bad luck, he suddenly obtained the ‘Perfect Life System’!

Taking a sip of coffee, Zhang Zhe said silently in his heart:

System Panel. “

At the same time, an interface similar to a game panel appeared in Zhang Zhe’s mind.

Host: Zhang Zhe

Level: Lv1

Level privilege: 1 yuan/second

Experience: 0/1 million (1 experience for every 1 yuan spent).

Item: Starter Pack.

Looking at the system panel, the balance increased at a rate of 1 yuan per second, and Zhang Zhe’s heart was also a little uncalm.

You must know that a student like Zhang Zhe who has not yet graduated, even if he finds a job, the internship period is generally about two thousand yuan.

Now you don’t have to do anything, in an hour, you can get 3600 yuan!

One day is 86400 yuan, a month of 2.59 million, a year of 31 million!

How many people will not earn 30 million in a lifetime?

However, Zhang Zhe did not swell because of this, although the annual income of 30 million yuan is a lot, but it is nothing for the real rich, it may just be a house money.

But now the system is only Lv1, and with the upgrade of the system in the future, Zhang Zhe’s income will definitely be higher!

Without continuing to think about this question, Zhang Zhe focused on the newbie gift bag and opened it silently in his heart.

“Ding, the newbie pack is on. “

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining: 10 million yuan in cash!”

“Congratulations to the host for obtaining: a piece of the Vacheron Constantin Heritage watch!”

As soon as the system prompt sounded, Zhang Zhe’s mobile phone received a text message from the bank.

“Xia Guo Bank: Your debit card with tail number 1234 earns 10,000,000.00 yuan and balances 10,001,842.57 yuan!”

Looking at the arrival text message on his mobile phone, Zhang Zhe couldn’t help laughing.

“It is worthy of a perfect life system, this start is perfect!”

With 10 million cash, you can upgrade faster and quickly pass the ‘novice period’.

And Vacheron Constantin watches are not cheap, not to mention that they are given away for nothing!

When he came out today, because he had to bring interview materials, Zhang Zhe carried a backpack, and now his watch has appeared in his backpack.

As soon as the watch box was taken out, Zhang Zhe had a feeling of brightening in front of him.

The exterior is visibly polished and smoked, with a woodwork sheen, while the box is flanked by Vacheron Constantin’s logo ‘Malta Iron Cross’.

However, Zhang Zhe did not have the heart to appreciate the watch box now, and quickly opened it and finally saw the appearance of the watch.

The fully skeletonized model can directly see that under the dial, countless precision gears of different sizes are rotating in an orderly manner.

The beauty of machinery, on this small watch, is vividly displayed, and it is no exaggeration to call it the art of precision!

At the same time, there is also a shopping receipt and a watch maintenance manual in the watch box.

Zhang Zhe picked up the receipt and looked at it:

“Vacheron Constantin Heritage Series 30030/000P-8200, priced at 6,765,000 RMB!”

6.765 million!

That’s almost enough to buy a big cow!

After putting the watch on, Zhang Zhe raised his wrist to admire it, and Meizhi thought:

“Good, it matches my temperament!”

At this moment, a shrill sound suddenly came from the side, breaking the quiet atmosphere in the café.

“What are you doing to eat, can’t you do this little thing?”

Zhang Zhe frowned and looked over, only to see a middle-aged man with the appearance of a supervisor, reprimanding a waitress in her early twenties.

“Sorry manager, I’ll just wipe it clean!”

The girl quickly apologized and let Zhang Zhe understand the general situation.

It was nothing more than that after the guests left, the girl came to clean up the table, but accidentally spilled the leftover coffee that the guests drank.

After taking a look, Zhang Zhe withdrew his gaze, after all, this is a matter in the store, and it has nothing to do with himself.

“I’m sorry? I’m sorry and it’s over?”

Hearing the girl’s apology, the man not only did not lose his anger, but asked in an even worse tone:

“You’ve been at work for more than a week, haven’t you been able to do even the little thing of cleaning up for such a long time!”

“You are now taking your own stuff and fuck off, the store doesn’t need waste like you!”

At this time, there were four or five tables of customers sitting scattered in the café, and the movement here immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the store.

But there was no one to help, and it was not easy to say anything as a customer.

“The manager is really sorry, you just spare me this time, I will definitely pay attention in the future!”

When she heard that she was going to be fired, the little girl cried directly and begged:

“Manager, I really need this job…”

“You need this job, what does it have to do with me?”

Seeing the girl crying, the middle-aged manager said with a look of disgust:

When I first recruited you, I was very dissatisfied, and now I look exactly like I thought. “

“What is said on the Internet is really true, is it that the people over there are the same as you, their abilities are not good, and their personalities are not good?”

Hearing these words, Zhang Zhe’s face gradually darkened.

From the beginning, he was very annoyed by the quarrel on this side, and his originally good mood was seriously affected.

In addition, he could hear it before, this waitress spoke with some Zhongzhou accent, and she should be a fellow countryman with herself.

Now that the other party is directly black, this is to scold himself, how can Zhang Zhe still sit still?

Just as Zhang Zhe was about to speak, a system prompt suddenly sounded in his mind:

“Trigger a random task: the road is uneven. “

“Option 1: Speak up and reward a Lamborghini AventadorS with [professional level] driving skills. “

“Option 2: Hang up high and reward the title of [melon-eating masses]. “

Not to mention that you were ready to shoot, just look at the rewards of the two options, do you need to think again?


After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

In a cafe, a social investigation program is being conducted.

The mean store manager said all kinds of nasty things to the young waitress, mixed with personal attacks.

Zhang Zhe, who was sitting aside, frowned. At this moment, the system task was released:

"Choice 1: Speak up and be rewarded with a Lamborghini*AventadorS, along with [professional-level] driving skills."

"Choice 2: It doesn't matter to you, just hang up and be rewarded with the title of [Melon-eating ** Crowd]."

Is this still a choice?Just fuck him and that's it!

I thought it was just an episode in life, but unexpectedly after the video was posted online, netizens discovered that in addition to being handsome and having a good outlook on life, Zhang Zhe also had more than 100 million yuan in wealth and a double virtue... In the end, he was Countless girls have become national husbands!

Zhang Zhe:???


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