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After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband — Chapter 160

“Okay, just leave the company’s affairs to me!”Zhao He agreed immediately.

Seeing that the company’s anchors are developing so well, Zhao He felt so happy. Now he is full of energy.

He got the bonus of chicken for the first time. Now Orange Media can be said to be It’s really popular!

Judging from the current situation, it won’t take long for Orange Media to become the top MCN company in the country!

When he first invested, he chose to believe in Zhang Zhe’s vision and only took 10% of the investment. Shares.

Now it seems that this investment has really made a lot of money!

After a while, after the company’s anchors stabilize their popularity, there will be people rushing to buy these 10% shares.!

But Zhao He will definitely not sell his shares. He knows very well how big Zhang Zhe is.

Since Zhang Zhe chooses to enter the MCN field, he cannot be satisfied with the present. The company’s prospects will definitely be broader in the future!

Just hold on tight, do the company’s logistics work, and make money, and that’s it!

But thinking about the popularity of eating chicken, Zhao He couldn’t help but sigh:

“Judging from the current popularity, the sales of domestic chicken alone will not be low. When the performance report comes out in a while, Blue Hole’s stock price will definitely skyrocket, right?”

“Pretty much, the valuation should be able to double several times soon.” Zhang Zhe said with a smile

“Repeat several times…Then you made a lot of money this time!”

Zhao He said enviously:

“It’s a pity that I didn’t have much money in hand and didn’t invest in the fund some time ago. Alas, it’s too late to talk about this now….”

With the rise of Blue Hole, the value of Zhang Zhe’s 20% shares will become higher and higher.

Zhao He also knew that this investment was made through a private equity fund, and the investors in the fund really made money this time!

Of course, the biggest winner is definitely Zhang Zhe. You must know that he is now the second largest shareholder of Blue Hole, second only to the founders of Blue Hole, Jin Changhan and his wife!

“It’s not too late to invest money. Zhang

Zhe smiled and replied:

“I estimate that it won’t be long before I launch a new investment project. You can follow the second train”

“Um? Will there be a new project so soon?”Zhao He couldn’t help but be surprised.

Zhao He now has great trust in Zhang Zhe’s vision!

He missed it last time, and this time he said he couldn’t miss it again!

Zhao He immediately asked:

“How long does it take for a new project to start? I also want to invest some money, but it will take a few days to turn over the funds.”

“I don’t know yet, probably about a week.” Zhang Zhe replied

“One week is enough. I will also vote this time. Director Zhang has to guide me….”

“Hahaha, bring it or not, I will definitely welcome you to invest money in it”


After chatting with Zhao He about investment, Zhang Zhe did not stay in the company longer.

At around 6:30, Zhang Zhe returned to the hotel and heard movement from the kitchen as soon as he entered the room.

The presidential suite has a kitchen, and all kinds of kitchen supplies are also very complete, but Zhang Zhe has lived here for more than a month and has not used it even once.

When I walked to the kitchen, I saw that Chen Shuang was wearing an apron and handling ingredients. When she saw Zhang Zhe coming back, she greeted him:

“came back? I just prepared the side dishes. Let’s start cooking now. The meal will be ready in a while.”

“Hey, you are quite prepared. Zhang

Zhe said in surprise:

“With so many ingredients, how many dishes are you going to cook?”

“Just the two of us, there was too much and we couldn’t finish it.”

Chen Shuang replied with a smile:

“How about these four dishes: fish-flavored shredded pork, spicy beef, mapo tofu and spicy and sour cabbage? Zhang

Zhe praised:

“Yes, classmate Chen Shuang, I can cook so many dishes now, and they are all Sichuan dishes. I like it!”

“Hehe, I know you like spicy food, and Lele happens to be from Sichuan Province, so I learned some from her.”

After being praised, Chen Shuang raised a bright smile on his face and said:

“You go and wait outside first. I’ll call you when the meal is ready.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”Zhang Zhe asked

“No, just wait and eat!”

After saying that, Chen Shuang walked over directly and pushed Zhang Zhe into the living room.

Seeing that she wouldn’t let him help, Zhang Zhe was happy to be lazy and lay down on the sofa in the living room happily.

After a busy day at work, he came home with his beloved It feels very warm to prepare meals for yourself. After a while, Zhang Zhe was looking forward to today’s dinner when the smell came from the kitchen. After all, Shuang was a bit crafty. It took her more than half an hour to prepare the four dishes and shouted:

“dinner time!”

“I’m coming.”

Zhang Zhe responded and quickly came to the restaurant. At this time, four Sichuan dishes were already placed on the table. They looked pretty good.

“I’m going to serve you some rice. Please try what I cook.”Chen Shuang said


Zhang Zhe picked up the chopsticks and tasted Mapo tofu first.

When he and Yan Lele had dinner together last time, they both said that Chen Shuang’s cooking skills were not good, and Yan Lele usually cooked at home.

Because he had never tasted it before, Zhang Zhe I thought Chen Shuang was the type who cooks poorly, but the taste of this Mapo Tofu is a bit unexpected.

Although it is definitely not as good as other Sichuan restaurants, the taste is definitely not bad, and it can even be said to be quite good. Not bad.

Zhang Zhe praised:”It’s delicious and spicy, your cooking skills have improved a lot!”

“Hehe, is it okay? Seeing that

Zhang Zhe was very satisfied, Chen Shuang said happily:

“If you like it, can I cook it for you often in the future?”

After recently starting to learn cooking from Yan Lele, Chen Shuang found that she was quite talented in cooking, and she also enjoyed the process of cooking very much.

Especially now that she saw Zhang Zhe eating the food she cooked, Chen Shuang There was an indescribable sense of accomplishment in Shuang’s heart, she was extremely satisfied.

“I definitely like what you do, but if you do it often, I’m afraid you’ll be too tired. Zhang Zhe replied in a gentle tone:

“We’ll talk about this topic later. Let’s sit down and eat together. Otherwise, the food will be cold in a while.”

“Hehe, okay!”

Chen Shuang sat across from him. After eating a few bites, he started to pick up vegetables for Zhang Zhe.

“Husband, try this spicy and sour cabbage…”

“Spicy beef is also delicious. Husband, please eat more….”

From the hall to the kitchen, it was Chen Shuang who was right.

He is generous and generous outside, but very virtuous at home.

Being served by her like this, Zhang Zhe suddenly felt that the food tasted better.


After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

In a cafe, a social investigation program is being conducted.

The mean store manager said all kinds of nasty things to the young waitress, mixed with personal attacks.

Zhang Zhe, who was sitting aside, frowned. At this moment, the system task was released:

"Choice 1: Speak up and be rewarded with a Lamborghini*AventadorS, along with [professional-level] driving skills."

"Choice 2: It doesn't matter to you, just hang up and be rewarded with the title of [Melon-eating ** Crowd]."

Is this still a choice?Just fuck him and that's it!

I thought it was just an episode in life, but unexpectedly after the video was posted online, netizens discovered that in addition to being handsome and having a good outlook on life, Zhang Zhe also had more than 100 million yuan in wealth and a double virtue... In the end, he was Countless girls have become national husbands!

Zhang Zhe:???


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