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After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband — Chapter 194

“Mr. Ding deserves the award. Compared with your achievements, there is still a big gap between my achievements. Zhang Zhe said politely

“If you want to say that, I don’t agree! If I remember correctly, Brother Zhang just celebrated his 22nd birthday, right?”

Ding Sanshi laughed and said:

“How did you say that? Putting aside dose to talk about toxicity is just hooliganism. In other words, putting aside age and comparing achievements has no meaning!”

“When I was 22 years old, I was still working at a telecommunications bureau, and my salary was only over 300 yuan a month….”

With just two words, Zhang Zhe felt that Ding Sanshi seemed to have a good impression of him and was interested in making friends with him.

Naturally, Zhang Zhe would not refuse such a truly top-level network in the domestic business world, and followed Ding Sanshi’s words and said:

“Hahaha, more than 300 yuan in the 1990s is not a small amount of money.”

“In fact, it’s just that. Two or three years’ salary is enough to buy a computer. How can it be like now?…”

The two of them really had a good temperament, and as they chatted, they started calling each other warmly.

Principal Wang watched the two chatting from the side, feeling a little confused.

Although Ding Sanshi didn’t have much contact with Lao Wang, he didn’t need to be called uncle.

But it is undeniable that Ding Sanshi is definitely of the same generation as Lao Wang, and he just called him Xiao Wang.

As a result, when we got to Zhang Zhe, he became a brother directly. Although it was the first time to meet him, he was extremely enthusiastic.

Of course, he also understood that the reason for the different treatment was the gap in strength.

Although his current net worth is estimated to be in the billions, most of it is the valuation brought by Panda TV, which was not convincing at all before it went public.

For these top bosses, they can enter the live broadcast platform at any time to get a piece of the pie, but some people don’t value this.

Regardless of his family background, his grades can really only be considered average, and Ding Sanshi completely regards him as a junior.

But Zhang Zhe is different from himself. Even if the value of the company and shares is not calculated, Zhang Zhe has billions or tens of billions in cash.

Even the current Lao Wang can’t come up with such a large sum of money, otherwise he wouldn’t be preparing to sell assets such as hotels to pay off debts recently.

But I understand, I understand. Listening to the names of the two, Principal Wang always felt a little weird, as if he was a generation behind Zhang Zhe….

Zhang Zhe and Ding Sanshi were chatting, and somehow the topic of pork came up. Ding Sanshi said:

“By the way, brother, have you ever tasted our company’s Weiyang pig? The next batch of Weiyang pigs will be released in half a month, and I will have two pigs delivered to you then!”

Zhang Zhe suddenly couldn’t help but laugh. It’s normal for friends to reciprocate politely, but Zhang Zhe has never heard of anyone delivering pork directly, and two ends at a time.

“Okay, thank you bro. Zhang

Zhe smiled and said:

“To be honest, bro, I’ve played a lot of your company’s games and I’ve always been a loyal player, but I’ve never tasted pork.”

“Then you really have to try it. Our company’s pigs are definitely the healthiest and highest quality pork on the market!”

Ding Sanshi said very confidently, and did not feel that raising pigs was a shameful thing at all.

Ever since Ding Sanshi said that he wanted to raise pigs across industries, he has been ridiculed on the Internet in recent years.

After all, he is a good Internet tycoon with a net worth of tens of billions. People with hundreds of billions suddenly wanted to raise pigs, and most people couldn’t understand it.

But after several years, Ding Sanshi handed in a perfect report card.

At the end of last year, the first batch of Weiyang pigs were auctioned. Each pig sells for 110,000 yuan, which is about more than 200 points per pound! Of course, a large part of the reason for reaching this price is that some wealthy people want to try something new. After all

, Weiyang pigs are said to have grown up listening to music.

In the past two months, Weiyang black pork was officially launched online, and the price reached more than 40 yuan per kilogram, and it was sold out in a minute.

Considering that the current price of ordinary pork is only about ten yuan per kilogram, Weiyang. Pigs are four times more expensive!

In fact, it is not surprising. After all, Weiyang pigs are raised very humanely. They eat grains, drink mountain spring water, listen to music and sleep without using any feed or medicine. They are very healthy and high-quality meat.

High-quality beef is expensive, and it is normal for Weiyang pigs to be more expensive. Even because of the popularity of Weiyang pigs, many companies have stated that they will start raising pigs. For example

, Jack Ma said that it will start an AI pig raising project.

Even Huawei expressed its intention to provide pig raising data support to these companies….

Even raising a pig can make such a big noise and achieve good success.

I have to say that Ding Sanshi is really a strange person!

“Mr. Ding, please do it for me too.”

Principal Wang was finally able to interject and said quickly:

“I am also a loyal player of NetEase games. I have been playing Fantasy Westward Journey and invested a lot of money….”


Ding Sanshi said seriously:

“Your money has been invested in equipment, and the equipment was purchased from other players. What does it have to do with me? If you want to eat pork, you have to pay for it.”

Hearing this, Zhang Zhe immediately became happy.

It is indeed Wangyi’s style. I just sold some cards and didn’t let you spend any money….

After getting in touch with him for a while, Zhang Zhe also roughly saw Ding Sanshi’s character.

Although he is worth a lot and famous, he is different from many rich people.

Ding Sanshi doesn’t have any airs about him, but has a strong business atmosphere, even a bit funny, with a smile on his face most of the time.

For those who don’t know him, they would never imagine that he is a billionaire.

Regardless of whether such a person is suitable as a business partner, it is really good to get along with him as a friend.

“Mr. Ding, are you a bit outrageous?”

Principal Wang pretended to be helpless and said:

“I won’t talk about different treatment. You are drinking my wine now. What you say is really chilling….”

“Hahaha, just kidding you.”

Ding Sanshi smiled and said:

“However, most of the pigs have been pre-sold, and there are not many left. I will give you one when the time comes.”

Although he is one head shorter than Zhang Zhe, Principal Wang is also very satisfied:

“Okay, just one pig, after all, it has been praised by the tip of the tongue. This time we also have a taste of Weiyang pig!”

While chatting, everyone drank some wine, and the venue was warmed up by the DJ. Ding Sanshi stood up and asked:

“Brother Zhang and Xiao Wang, are you going to have a party together?”

Principal Wang stood up and said,”Okay, let’s start walking.”

“I won’t go, brothers, you can go play, I’ll just watch from above. Zhang Zhe waved his hand and refused.

Ding Sanshi advised:

“It looks so boring, young people just want to have fun!”

“I really can’t.”Zhang Zhe said with a wry smile.

It’s okay to come to the nightclub to drink some wine occasionally, but if he really goes down to dance with everyone, Zhang Zhe feels embarrassed just thinking about it. He’s really not interested.

“Okay, then I’ll go down and play for a while, and we’ll continue drinking when I come back!”

Ding Sanshi didn’t try to persuade him. He held a paper fan in his hand and strode towards the dance floor below.


After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

In a cafe, a social investigation program is being conducted.

The mean store manager said all kinds of nasty things to the young waitress, mixed with personal attacks.

Zhang Zhe, who was sitting aside, frowned. At this moment, the system task was released:

"Choice 1: Speak up and be rewarded with a Lamborghini*AventadorS, along with [professional-level] driving skills."

"Choice 2: It doesn't matter to you, just hang up and be rewarded with the title of [Melon-eating ** Crowd]."

Is this still a choice?Just fuck him and that's it!

I thought it was just an episode in life, but unexpectedly after the video was posted online, netizens discovered that in addition to being handsome and having a good outlook on life, Zhang Zhe also had more than 100 million yuan in wealth and a double virtue... In the end, he was Countless girls have become national husbands!

Zhang Zhe:???


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