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After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband — Chapter 51

“This guy is like this, eat a few more times together and you will get used to it.”

Zhang Zhe explained with a smile

“By the way, what do you guess Liu Zheng took me with him when he first saw me?”

Li Chao: “Playing games? “

Lin Feng: “Go to pick up a girl?” “

Hearing the words of the two, Zhang Zhe shook his head and looked at Hou Sanjun.

Looking at Zhang Zhe’s eyes, Hou Sanjun suddenly had a guess in his heart, and said in an uncertain tone

“Wouldn’t it be to take you for a massage?”

“I knew you two were all the way, and you guessed it!”

Zhang Zhe laughed

“And he is even more outrageous than you, the first time we met, he was going to take me to a ‘massage’ at noon, and I was stupid at that time.”

“This is also too …” Li Chao and Lin Feng were also dumbfounded.

This is indeed a bit outrageous, when Hou Sanjun wanted to take them to massage, everyone had already lived in the same room for a few days, they were familiar with each other, and they also drank some wine.

But when Liu Zheng met for the first time, he would take someone to massage at noon, and it was really a cow batch!

And after Hou Sanjun heard Zhang Zhe’s words, he suddenly had the feeling that he had finally found his soulmate.

He had been ridiculed for three years because of this incident, and now he finally has someone more outrageous than himself!

Liu Zheng also finally knew who Zhang Zhe said he wanted to introduce to the friends he knew.

The two looked at each other, and Liu Zheng suddenly said:

“What I just said is not accurate enough, it seems that I and the brothers of the three armies are the ones who are the most related, let’s drink one?”

“So, just go one?” Hou Sanjun picked up the wine glass and touched him.

Because of this little episode, everyone quickly became familiar.

With these two living treasures there, the atmosphere really can’t be lowered at all.

If only one is okay, two people get together is almost like talking crosstalk, one amuses and one is funny, and everyone laughs out of tears several times.

A few buddies in the dormitory have not drunk and chatted like this for a long time, and Zhang Zhe also enjoys this relaxed and cheerful atmosphere.


Around eleven o’clock, seeing that everyone had drunk almost the same, Zhang Zhe suggested

“That’s it for today, is it over?”

“Okay, I’ll drink it again!” Lin Feng hurriedly said.

Lin Feng drank the least, but he also had the worst amount of alcohol in the bedroom, which would already be a little unstable.

“I’ll call a car, I’ll send you back later.”

Zhang Zhe was still relatively sober, and quickly made arrangements, Li Chao went back to the bedroom to rest, and he went back to the hotel to send Lin Feng by the way.

As for Liu Zheng and Hou Sanjun….

When the two of them drank halfway, they sat directly together, and the one who hooked up his shoulder and shoulder was sent to the handle.

And knowing that Hou Sanjun worked at a suburban construction site and did not return for almost a month, the two discussed where to go at night while drinking, and there was no need for Zhang Zhe to worry about it.

Everyone dispersed at the door, and Zhang Zhe asked the hotel to send a car over in advance, and directly took Lin Feng back in the car.

It also happened that his home was on the way to the hotel, and he also saved a special detour.

It was not early to return to the hotel, and after drinking a lot of alcohol, Zhang Zhe was already sleepy.

After taking a casual shower, lying on the bed and saying goodnight to Chen Shuang, he fell into a deep sleep.



Zhang Zhe slept until after eight o’clock before waking up, and his brain was a little groggy.

I wasn’t in good shape, and I didn’t plan to go to the gym in the morning, so I read a novel after breakfast, and then went to the college town to drive the car back.

Not long after returning to the hotel, Liu Zheng’s phone called, and Zhang Zhe was a little surprised after connecting

“Strange, it’s only ten o’clock before you get up?”

“Hey, I was also woken up by a phone call.”

Liu Zheng sighed and asked

“Brother Zhang, the group is going to run the track tomorrow, will you go?”

In recent days, Liu Zheng can be described as proud.

Since knowing his relationship with Zhang Zhe, many people have contacted him, and their attitudes are very good, and they want him to help pull a line in the middle.

Although Liu Zheng was grinning, he also knew that since Zhang Zhe did not agree to contact them, it naturally had his reason, so he never promised anyone.

Besides, even he doesn’t know, whether he can get on the ride next time, how can he help others match?

However, these people are also powerful, knowing that Zhang Zhe has just bought a car and has not yet gone to the track to play, so he thought of asking Zhang Zhe to run the track together.

Zhang Zhe did not see the news in the group, so someone called Liu Zheng.

He went to have fun with Hou Sanjun last night, and he rested very late, but Zhengxiang, who was sleeping, was woken up by the phone.

After chatting in confusion for a while, he understood that the other party wanted him to ask Zhang Zhe to run a few laps on the track.

And it was not a person who called, his cousin Liu Meng also called, and there was no way Liu Zheng had to come over and ask Zhang Zhe what he thought.

Zhang Zhe didn’t know about this situation and asked

“Which track to go to?”

Zhonghai has a total of two tracks, Zhonghai International Circuit and Tianma Mountain Circuit.

Among them, the Tianma Mountain Circuit is smaller, just two kilometers long.

The Zhonghai International Circuit is larger and the only F1 track in China, no matter how explosive your car performance is, you can be released on this track.

Liu Zheng hurriedly replied

“Go to Zhonghai International Circuit, let’s directly charter a day in the group, the cost is AA, and now there are more than 20 people who have registered…”

“Okay, sign me up too.” Zhang Zhe replied directly.

Ever since the system rewarded supercars and pro-level driving skills, Zhang Zhe has always wanted to go to the track to play.

However, these days, the group has not organized this kind of activity, and it is not interesting to play alone.

Now that someone has organized it, Zhang Zhe is also ready to run a few laps, run in the car and try his skills by the way!


After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

In a cafe, a social investigation program is being conducted.

The mean store manager said all kinds of nasty things to the young waitress, mixed with personal attacks.

Zhang Zhe, who was sitting aside, frowned. At this moment, the system task was released:

"Choice 1: Speak up and be rewarded with a Lamborghini*AventadorS, along with [professional-level] driving skills."

"Choice 2: It doesn't matter to you, just hang up and be rewarded with the title of [Melon-eating ** Crowd]."

Is this still a choice?Just fuck him and that's it!

I thought it was just an episode in life, but unexpectedly after the video was posted online, netizens discovered that in addition to being handsome and having a good outlook on life, Zhang Zhe also had more than 100 million yuan in wealth and a double virtue... In the end, he was Countless girls have become national husbands!

Zhang Zhe:???


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