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After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband — Chapter 68

Seeing that the car was driven by Zhang Zhe, Yu Haoxuan was a little skeptical.

Just now, he was still thinking, which big guy should also like to eat this gang of dishes, just came to eat in this private restaurant, how could he not expect it to be Zhang Zhe!

I didn’t see it clearly before, but Zhang Zhe stopped this time, and he already recognized that this was Hongqi L9.

What does Hongqi L9 represent, Yu Haoxuan is clear in his heart.

Although the elder in his family has a good status, his level is not to mention L9, even if he is equipped with L5!

Yu Haoxuan also had a hot eye for a while, although he also had some money in his hand, but he didn’t even dare to buy the second-hand of this car.

Because of his background, buying this car is to make trouble for the elders, and the one at home can’t cover it at all!

Yu Haoxuan also knows that Zhang Zhe is by no means the kind of person who likes to borrow cars for comparison, and this kind of car will not be borrowed by ordinary people.

So after seeing Zhang Zhe get a Hongqi L9, Yu Haoxuan’s first reaction was that Zhang Zhe was definitely not from an ordinary family.

This car should belong to one of his elders, or his elders helped to get it!

As for why I used to say that I was an ‘ordinary family’, it must be because everyone did not have a deep friendship at that time, after all, no one would start to make friends just after they met.

Now that everyone is in place, some things naturally do not need to be hidden!

“Brother Xuan, you misunderstood me.”

Zhang Zhe replied with a smile:

“I was lucky enough to get a car, but it’s not what you think.”

“Okay, okay, can I believe it?”

Yu Haoxuan nodded and introduced Zhang Zhe:

“Let me introduce you, these two are the shareholders of our bar, this is Du Wei, this is Yang Shixian…”

“Brother Zhang!” Du Wei hurriedly greeted.

“Brother Zhang, I have long wanted to meet you, but I haven’t come back from a foreign country before…” Yang Shixian also said quickly.

The first time they met, both of them were very polite to Zhang Zhe.

If before today, the two of them wanted to make friends because they saw that Yu Haoxuan and Zhang Zhe had made money, and see if they could also take a ride.

But as soon as they met today, Zhang Zhe directly brought them a great shock!

Both of them are famous second-generation in Zhonghai, and they know very well what Hongqi L9 is.

Especially Du Wei, he also thought about buying a Hongqi L5 before, and even tried to apply, but he couldn’t qualify at all, and finally retreated to get a Phantom.

Although this series of cars has been gradually opened to the civilian market, after all, it is a former review car, and the review is still very strict.

First of all, the political trial has stuck most people, and those who can buy this car are either with a deep background or a truly influential entrepreneur!

It is true that you can get this car through ordinary channels, but then again, will the person who can spend tens of millions to buy a car be an ordinary person?

Like Yu Haoxuan, they didn’t believe that Zhang Zhe was from an ordinary family, and Zhang Zhe’s origin must be great!

“Hello, let’s go in and talk, don’t stand at the door.”

Zhang Zhe said after shaking hands with the two separately.

When I went to the bar last time, I heard Yu Haoxuan briefly introduce the two, and I probably knew something.

Du Wei, who has a little dark skin and is a little fat at the same time, is also the landlord of the bar, and his family is in the construction business.

The other tall, thin, relatively handsome-looking is called Yang Shixian, whose family runs an entertainment company, and the matter of opening a bar to find celebrity publicity will be handed over to him.

Without thinking about it, Zhang Zhe also knew that the three of them must have made up a lot of things when they saw their car.

But since they misunderstood, Zhang Zhe did not plan to explain more, whatever they guessed, anyway, this matter is still more beneficial than disadvantageous overall.

They think that they have a deep background, at least they will have a better attitude when they contact themselves, and they dare not easily move any crooked thoughts.

“Yes, yes, if you have anything to say in the house, let’s eat and talk.” Yu Haoxuan nodded and said.

The four came to the private room, although in addition to Yu Haoxuan, Du Wei and Yang Shixian met Zhang Zhe for the first time.

But everyone was interested in making friends, and Yu Haoxuan was active in the middle, and they quickly became acquainted.

“Brother Zhang, although I haven’t been in Zhonghai recently, I often hear friends mention you.”

On the table, Yang Shixian spoke:

“I finally saw me today, and I am happy in my heart, and we can have a few drinks later.”

“That’s fine, but I don’t drink well, so I can’t drink too much.” Zhang Zhe smiled and replied.

Yang Shixian hurriedly replied: “Drinking, the meaning is enough, it’s not yourself who drinks too much?” “

“Yes, everyone can drink in moderation.” Yu Haoxuan nodded and said.

After everyone chatted for a while, the food began to be served on the table, and Yang Shixian also picked up the wine bottle and began to pour the wine.

“Brother Zhang, I respect you.”

After pouring the wine, Yang Shixian held the cup in both hands and said to Zhang Zhe:

“I’m done, Brother Zhang, you can do it at will, don’t drink too much.”

There are several specifications of wine glasses in the private room, and Yang Shixian himself chose an ordinary medium-sized glass, which is about two or two full.

Although the glass for Zhang Zhejing was also full, it was the smallest wine cup, probably only about half or two wines.

Seeing that he had dried it directly, Zhang Zhe also took the wine glass and drank it.

“Brother Zhang gives face!”

Seeing that Zhang Zhe was also dry, Yang Shixian was in a very good mood, and began to pour wine with the other two.

Under the influence of alcohol, the atmosphere on the table suddenly became better.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Everyone drank almost the same, and they became more familiar with each other, Du Wei took a glass of wine and said:

“Brother Zhang, I heard that you are going to set up a private equity fund?”

“That’s the plan.” Zhang Zhe nodded in reply.

Neither of them is in the group, it is estimated that they know about this through Yu Haoxuan or other second generations in the circle.

After all, Zhonghai is so big, many second generations know each other, and what news is in the circle spreads quickly.

Du Wei said: “It just so happens that I have a little spare money in my hand, or Brother Zhang takes me one, I will invest 20 million into it!” “

Du Wei’s family is worthy of being in the construction business, a mouth is 20 million, and the cash flow is very sufficient.

“It’s not about what to bring, you put money in, and when the investment makes money, everyone will be good, and it’s too late for me to be happy.”

Zhang Zhe touched a glass with him and replied:

“If you really have this idea, I’ll contact you in a few days.”

“Okay, then I’ll wait for Brother Zhang’s call.” Du Wei said with a smile.

As soon as Du Wei finished speaking, Yang Shixian also squinted and said:

“Then I will follow the casting point? But now I don’t have a lot of money in my hands, let’s invest 10 million first. “

“I made a lot of money today, so let’s continue to invest with the proceeds of this time, and by the way, make up a whole investment of 30 million.” Yu Haoxuan also said.

He fried rebar with Zhang Zhe this time, and 5 million entered the market and 29 million exited, which can be said to have made a lot of money.

This money was originally idle money for investment, and it was also very suitable for Zhang Zhe.

Although Yu Haoxuan also knows that investing money in private equity funds, the income must be incomparable with this time.

But there are too many people who want to play with Zhang Zhe, and some things must be formalized when there are many people.

In addition, since Zhang Zhe has engaged in private equity funds, as the first person to cooperate with Zhang Zhe, it is not appropriate for him not to invest some money into it.

Moreover, the money in private equity funds is not mixed with other investments.

As long as he maintains a good relationship with Zhang Zhe, if there is a private investment like rebar in the future, Zhang Zhe will most likely bring his own hand again.

Zhang Zhe originally thought that after the establishment of the private equity fund, because there were no achievements at the beginning, it would be very good to be able to pull a total of tens of millions of investments.

Unexpectedly, the fund has not yet been established, and the three of them have confirmed a total of 60 million investment just for today’s meal, which is definitely a very good start.

With this fund, plus tens of millions of dollars on his body, the next time he draws props such as [Investment Card], the amount of funds he can use is larger and he can earn more income.

Zhang Zhe was in a good mood, and took the initiative to raise a glass and said:

“Well, since the brethren believe in me, I will certainly not disappoint you, and I will definitely make you happy when I receive the dividend at the end of the year.”

“Hahaha, Brother Zhang, I still believe in your vision!”

Du Wei said with a smile:

“By the way, Brother Zhang, when I get another sum of money after a while, I will also pick up a big bull, when the time comes, let’s go to the track together, I heard that your car skills are not bad compared to professional players.”

Du Wei’s car is a Rolls-Royce Phantom, and he usually feels very good when driving.

But after seeing Zhang Zhe’s Hongqi L9 today, I suddenly felt that the phantom was not fragrant.

I don’t know how, I suddenly had the idea of wanting to change to a supercar, after all, you still have to count sports cars in terms of the degree of pulling the wind.

“That’s all held by others, and that’s actually it.”

Zhang Zhe waved his hand and said modestly:

“But if you want to buy it, you can really make an appointment to run it when you have time.”

Since running the track the day before yesterday, Zhang Zhe has also become very interested in racing.

The thrill you feel when driving at high speed, and the sense of accomplishment of breaking your own record in a circle, is really addictive.

Although running the track costs a lot, it is only a drop in the bucket for Zhang Zhe, and Zhang Zhe also plans to cultivate racing as a hobby.

When I have the opportunity in the future, I may even play with Zhao He with modified cars and the like.

Today’s meal started relatively early, after nine o’clock, everyone drank almost and prepared to leave.

Seeing that the time was still early, Du Wei suggested:

“Brother Zhang, do you want to go to our field and play again?”

“Yes, let’s continue the game!” Yang Shixian also followed in confusion.

When I first saw him toasting, Zhang Zhe thought that he had a good amount of alcohol, but he was a little bad after not drinking a few glasses.

From the second half, he lay on the stool and began to get confused, which would hear the end of the field but come to the spirit.

“I see that Shixian has drunk a little too much, and it is estimated that he will not have fun in the past, so let’s send him back to rest early.” Zhang Zhe refused.

“It’s okay Brother Zhang, although I can’t drink it, I can find someone to accompany you to drink!”

Yang Shixian was suddenly unhappy, and said with a big tongue:

“I’ll take my mobile phone to show you the list of female artists in our company, which one do you see in the picture, I’ll let her come over and drink with you!”

Entertainment companies are like this, even the top in the company, they have to look at the eyes of the boss.

As for other second-tier or even lower-level artists, the degree of freedom is even lower, and it is very common to accompany alcohol.

Of course, it is only to accompany the wine, as for whether it can have deeper development, this choice is determined.

However, Zhang Zhe is not interested in this, can come over to accompany the drink, remove the aura of popularity, in essence there is no difference from the group of girls in the atmosphere group in the bar.

Zhang Zhe casually found an excuse to refuse:

“Next time, I did drink almost the same today, and I have something to do tomorrow morning.”

After all, the atmosphere on the table is very good, and Zhang Zhe does not refuse to come to the back, and if he drinks it again at night, it will be really more.

“Okay then… Since Brother Zhang has something, then let’s make another appointment. “

Although Yang Shixian was a little drunk, the wine was good, and he nodded and replied:

“Brother Zhang, when do you want to drink, give me a call, I’ll help you arrange it well!”

“Okay, I’ll definitely contact you then.”

Zhang Zhe replied with a smile, and then asked the other two:

“Which of you sent him back?”

“Brother Zhang, don’t worry about this, I have a driver in the car to ensure that he is sent back safely.”

Du Wei replied:

“By the way, Brother Zhang, you also drank a lot of wine, do you want me to send you by the way?”

“Forget it, you can send them both, I’ll find a substitute driver.”

Zhang Zhe bowed to them and said:

“Withdraw, contact back.”

“Okay, Dazhe, don’t forget to send a message after you go back.” Yu Haoxuan said.

“Got it.”

Opening the door and sitting in the back seat, Zhang Zhe took out his mobile phone and prepared to call a substitute driver.

If you drive a supercar, it is very troublesome to find a substitute driver.

Because the performance of the supercar is too irritable, the operation method is different from ordinary cars, and the general chauffeur will not drive at all, and dare not drive.

But the Hongqi L9 does not have this problem, the operation is similar to that of a family car, although the body is a little long, but as long as you are a little careful, you will be fine.

If you find a driver in the future, you don’t have to worry about it.

There were still many substitute drivers in Zhonghai, and after a few minutes, the substitute driver rushed over.

“Sir, you’re going to Wanda Ruihua Hotel, right?”

“Yes.” Zhang Zhe replied succinctly.

“Okay, please sit tight…”

I have to say that the rear seat of the Hongqi L9 is really comfortable, and the rear row is so spacious that there is no problem with straightening the legs.

The Rolls-Royce Phantom equipped with the presidential suite, Zhang Zhe has also sat several times, but this car is no worse than the Phantom, and even the space is even more than that.

The comfort of the rear seats is not said, the substitute driver driver is also relatively stable, Zhang Zhe does not even feel any bumps in the back seat.

Lying on the seat, Zhang Zhe fell asleep before he knew it…


After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: After my net worth was exposed, I became a national husband

In a cafe, a social investigation program is being conducted.

The mean store manager said all kinds of nasty things to the young waitress, mixed with personal attacks.

Zhang Zhe, who was sitting aside, frowned. At this moment, the system task was released:

"Choice 1: Speak up and be rewarded with a Lamborghini*AventadorS, along with [professional-level] driving skills."

"Choice 2: It doesn't matter to you, just hang up and be rewarded with the title of [Melon-eating ** Crowd]."

Is this still a choice?Just fuck him and that's it!

I thought it was just an episode in life, but unexpectedly after the video was posted online, netizens discovered that in addition to being handsome and having a good outlook on life, Zhang Zhe also had more than 100 million yuan in wealth and a double virtue... In the end, he was Countless girls have become national husbands!

Zhang Zhe:???


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