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All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto — Chapter 11 Creating super S-level ninjutsu

In the blink of an eye, Chentian has spent three months in the ninja school. Today, the ninja school is on holiday because today is the day when Namikaze Minato takes office.

Under the attention of the whole village, Minato wore a god robe and began his speech.

Chen Tian didn’t listen. Instead, he glanced back and forth among the crowd to see if there were any cards he could pick up.

Suddenly, a pair of cold eyes collided with Chentian, and when he looked closely, he saw that it was Orochimaru.

After glancing at Chen Tian and then at Minato who was giving a speech, Orochimaru quietly turned around and left.

“Minato becomes the Fourth Hokage, and Orochimaru’s defection is not far away!”

Staring at Orochimaru’s leaving figure, Chen Tian felt a little regretful. Although he wanted to prevent Orochimaru from defecting, he didn’t have enough strength and had to give up.

After a busy day, Minato officially became the Fourth Hokage, and Chen Tian’s status immediately rose a lot.

After the inauguration ceremony, Chen Tian’s life once again returned to peace. Every day, he went to the ninja school and home, at two o’clock and one line at a time.

Ninpo Shangqiong has already been put on sale, and it can give Chen Tian a million taels every month. This is the sales volume of Konoha. When sold to the Land of Fire, the Land of Earth, etc. in the future, the income will increase.

In addition to these, Chen Tian thought of his space talent and wanted to develop a portable space in fantasy novels.

This inspiration comes from Kushina.

When he entered the Nine-Tails space by mistake, Kushina sealed the Nine-Tails in her body, and there was a dark space where the Nine-Tails was imprisoned.

This is obviously an independent space, otherwise the Nine Tails must be in chakra form, not a fox.

It’s just that Kushina’s space cannot be entered physically, and it is obviously not perfect enough to store items.

Based on this idea, Chen Tian began to learn the sealing technique with Kushina.

But after a period of study, Chen Tian found that his talent for sealing techniques was very low. He didn’t even learn one sealing technique. Instead, he picked up several sealing techniques.

From then on, every time I learn Chen Tian, ​​I will let Kushina show it many times to pick up the cards dropped by Kushina.

It took a full year, and after Kushina demonstrated it tens of thousands of times, Chentian learned most of the sealing techniques, and then he began to build his own portable space.

The first is to choose the location of the placement space. For example, the place where Kushina and future Naruto imprisoned the Nine-Tails is the navel.

After Chen Tian conducted research, he decided to place the seal in the palm of his right hand so that he could use it at any time.

Then, with Kushina’s help, he set a Bagua seal on his palm, forming a space that was the same as the Kyuubi space.

After completing this step, Chentian added the part of the Yin seal that controls chakra input to the Bagua seal, so that the space can be opened and closed at any time.

As long as the chakra is transmitted to the palm of the right hand, it can be turned on and off with a single thought.

After completing this second step, the remaining third step is to use your own space talent to open up a small space in the Bagua seal.

This part requires Minato’s help. The Flying Thunder God can travel through space. Chen Tian has not picked up the Flying Thunder God for so long, so he can only let Minato help.

With the help of the space that was folded when Flying Thunder God traveled through, Chen Tian used his space talent to control it in time to prevent the space from returning to its original state.

Then immediately seal the prepared Bagua seal, and use the sealing technique to fix the space. This ninjutsu is completed.

“Hahahaha!” The six-year-old Chentian looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, saying excitedly: “My ninjutsu is finally completed!”

“Let’s see how it goes!” Kushina was even more excited than Chen Tian, ​​with a blush on her pretty face.

Even Minato was a little impatient. If Chen Tian’s ninjutsu was successful, its value would be no less than that of Tsuchi Tensei and Flying Thunder God.

If another war breaks out, Konoha won’t need to send supplies to each other. It would be better if everyone brings their own.

Looking at the excited two people, Chen Tian smiled and said, “Okay, okay, I’ll take a look right now.”

After agreeing, Chentian transferred chakra to the palm of his right hand and opened the portable space.

He didn’t know if living creatures could survive inside, so he could only use his space talent to sense it.

“It’s about a hundred cubic meters in size. Although there is air inside, it cannot circulate. Once it is consumed, it will not be replenished, and no living thing can survive.”

“Besides, the switch is perfectly designed and can be turned on and off at any time with just a thought. And it consumes very little chakra, which is about the same as a giant fire ball!”

While sensing, Chen Tian explained the characteristics of the portable space bit by bit.

Minato stood aside and used a ninjutsu scroll to record everything Chen Tian said, and wrote the words super S-level forbidden jutsu at the end.

Kushina held onto Chentian’s head and kept rubbing it back and forth on her chest, exclaiming, “Xiaotian, you are so amazing. You created a super S-level ninjutsu at the age of six!”

“Don’t worry about Fang Kaiwu, don’t try to patch it up! (Let me go first, I can’t breathe!)”

After struggling feebly for a long time, it wasn’t until Kushina calmed down that Chen Tian escaped from the clutches.

Staring at Kushina fiercely, Chen Tian jumped up and patted Minato’s knee, saying: “Stop being silly, I feel like asking Kushina to help you get a portable space. You can fly Thunder God, you don’t need my help, and the space It’s definitely bigger than mine!”

The size of the space at any time depends on the strength of the Bagua seal and the distance traveled by the Flying Thunder God.

The further the Flying Thunder God moves, the larger the folding space becomes! As long as the Bagua seal is strong enough, the space that can be sealed is theoretically infinite.

But in fact, with the power of the Bagua seal, the maximum space is only 500 cubic meters. No matter how big it is, it cannot be sealed.

In addition to this point, if you want to set up a portable space, a powerful space talent is a guarantee. Whether it is flying thunder god or controlling the space folded by flying thunder god, space talent is needed.

Even if these conditions are met, powerful sealing techniques are still needed.

So far, only Chentian and Minato can create a portable space. In addition, even Kushina cannot do it because she has no space talent and cannot control the space after the Flying Thunder God is folded.

“Okay.” After responding, Minato and Kushina began to get busy.

The two of them arranged it on Minato’s left hand in the same order that Chen Tian used it before.

After a while, the two stopped what they were doing.

Chen Tian saw Minato carefully sensing it, and said excitedly to himself and Kushina: “Success, there are more than four hundred cubic meters!”

When Minato used Flying Thunder God himself, the folding space was naturally larger than Chentian’s. When Chentian picked up Flying Thunder God in the future, he could continue to expand his portable space.

After calming down, Minato asked: “Xiaotian, you created this ninjutsu. It’s up to you whether you want to hand it over to the village or not.”

“You can love whatever you want. No one else can learn it anyway, but it’s best not to let the Third Generation and Danzo see it!”

Chen Tian waved his hand and ran back to his room, rummaging through the boxes and cabinets to put the 30 million taels he had earned in the past year into his anytime space.

This is Asuma’s head, what if I’m not careful?


All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Status: Completed Author:


Chentian traveled through the world of Naruto and became an orphan from three wars. Fortunately, the card pickup system was activated. Cards will drop when others fight, and you will become stronger if you pick them up! "I've learned Flying Thunder God a long time ago!" "Is Wood Release difficult? Don't make fun of me, okay!" "Can Nine-Tails kill people?" Chen Tian put one hand on Nine-Tails' head, confused. Asked everyone. ...Chentian kept picking up attributes like this, until the Fourth Ninja War, Chentian was completely invincible! Subsequent worlds: One Piece, Dou Qi, Holy Soul Village, Dragon Ball Z, Journey to the West, and Zhetian.


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