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All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto — Chapter 112 Nagato attacks

In the following two years, under the guidance of Chen Tian, ​​the twelve little heroes of Konoha have fully grown up, and each of them can take charge of their own affairs.

In the past two years, Chentian has not left Konoha and has been staying in the back mountain.

During this time, he had officially proposed to Hong, and the wedding would be held after the end of the Fourth War.

Except for morning sky, both Kakashi and Gai have new situations, and they are happy events.

Yuan Yelin is pregnant with Kakashi’s child. She is now three months old and will be born in seven months.

And Kai, a straight man, was also influenced by Ziyuan and became a maniac who protects his wife, although they are not married yet.

But Ziyuan is already eighteen years old this year, and in two or three years, they will be able to achieve enlightenment.

The days were uneventful, but also enjoyable, but a piece of news suddenly came, completely interrupting Konoha’s peace.

In one day, Yuzuki, the second-tailed jinchuriki of Cloud Shadow Village, and Lao Zi, the fourth-tailed jinchuriki of Iwakage Village, were all captured.

Even the younger brother of the Fourth Raikage, the Eight-Tailed Jinchuriki Rabbi, had one of his legs chopped off.

For a moment, all the ninja villages were shocked and wanted to hold a meeting of the Five Kage.

They couldn’t help but panic. There were only nine tailed beasts in total. Except for the three-tailed nine-tailed ones in Konoha, only the eight-tailed ones from Cloud Shadow Village were left. The other tailed beasts had been collected by the other party.

With their strength, if they wanted to start a war with other villages besides Konoha, even the four major ninja villages would not be able to compete.

Just as Minato was pondering this matter, another piece of bad news came.

The Fire Temple was attacked, the pseudo-Kyuubi Jinchuuriki inside was captured, and the entire temple was reduced to ruins.

For this matter, Konoha held an unprecedented meeting, and all jounin gathered to discuss it together.

Although Chentian is still a genin, no one has forgotten him and invited him to come to the meeting.

What Chen Tian didn’t expect was that the Xiao organization was so decisive this time, without any delay.

They split up and collected almost all the remaining tailed beasts in one day, without giving the five great ninja villages any chance to organize and rescue.

It’s much better than waiting for someone to organize your plan day after day in the original work.

After the meeting started, Chen Tian sat there steadily while listening to other people’s conversations, without any thought of speaking.

His goal was to break out the Fourth War. If he told Konoha about this, wouldn’t it be ruined?

After so many years of hard work, Konoha is now unprecedentedly powerful, and its roots will not suffer any casualties in the war, so there is no panic at all.

Now, Konoha can definitely bring out a hundred thousand ordinary ninjas, which is comparable to the entire military strength of the five major ninja villages in the original work.

Not to mention the strong ones above the Kage level, including Asuka, Minato, Kushina, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi, Metkai.

A full thirteen shadow levels plus Chen Tian’s super shadow level. Any four battles are child’s play.

After the Ten-Tails is summoned, the Sage of Six Paths will start playing cheats for Naruto and Sasuke. With their support, these people in Konoha will not be in any danger.

Thinking of the wealth he had built for Konoha, and thinking of the opponent’s strength during the Fourth War, a smile appeared on Chen Tian’s lips.

I don’t know what Uchiha Madara’s expression will be like after seeing Konoha’s strength after his resurrection, I’m a bit looking forward to it just thinking about it.

This meeting lasted for a whole day, and finally Konoha agreed to hold the Five Kage Talks, but the location must be in Konoha.

Everyone has also discussed that this condition is something that the other four major villages can only dream of.

The Konoha family is the only one, and if you want to destroy them, you can kill them at any time, but Konoha has never done anything, which means that Konoha is safe.

If the meeting location is somewhere else, who knows what accidents might happen?

After the meeting, Minato asked the four ANBU to deliver news and tell them Konoha’s decision.

But no one expected that Konoha would be attacked the next day.

Looking at the six puppets in front of him, Chen Tian had a very strange expression. He wanted to laugh but couldn’t.

Nagato really dared to attack Konoha, and even the method did not change, it was exactly the same as in the original work.

But looking at the thirteen shadow-level experts standing next to him and the more than five thousand jonin behind him, Chentian really didn’t understand what Nagato was thinking.

Are you allowed to run wild in Konoha now? I’m afraid I’m not here to touch porcelain!

“Hand over the Three-Tails and Nine-Tails, and I can keep your corpses intact.” Tiandao Payne looked at Minato and Chentian expressionlessly, his tone full of condescension.

“Do you really think of yourself as a god?” Chen Tian curled his lips disdainfully and said, “If you can win, let alone the tailed beasts, even Konoha will be given to you.”

After complaining, Chen Tian was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Nagato and began to distribute tasks.

“Brother Minato, go deal with Tiandao, the one who spoke.”

“Kai, go and pay more for the hungry ghost, the fattest one.”

“Kakashi, go deal with the beast, the one with afro hair that is not mainstream.”

“Sasuke dealt with Shurado, that monster with six hands and a tail.”

“Kushina-sama is just an ugly monster with big front teeth when dealing with the hell realm.”

“The last remaining human realm is left to Naruto to deal with. Remember to turn on the sage mode.”

In a few words, Chen Tian assigned the tasks. The others rushed over instantly without any hesitation.

Heaven controls gravity and repulsion, and Minato’s Flying Thunder God Technique is completely unafraid of him, and can even be said to be a force against him.

When you suck me, I dodge, when you push me, I dodge, but I can’t hit you. Are you angry?

The animal path can summon unlimited psychic beasts, but it is difficult for anyone to use it, so let Kakashi solve it.

Kakashi inherited White Fang’s sword skills and was even better than his master. He was able to bypass the psychic beast and quickly kill the beast.

I can’t believe that these psychic beasts are still alive and kicking and fighting with people when all of you are gone.

The Hungry Ghost Path can absorb all chakra, and any ninjutsu will have no effect, so try Kai’s fist.

If he could be immune to Kai’s fists, Chen Tian would be willing to call Hungry Ghost Path the strongest in the ninja world.

Shura Dao is a puppet body, with weapons everywhere on his body, and ordinary people are no match for him.

So Chen Tian eliminated Uchiha Sasuke and asked him to activate the Gundam directly. I don’t believe that Shura Dao can still hurt Susanoo.

The reason why Sasuke was sent instead of other Uchihas was because Sasuke was the youngest and should do more.

Then there is the human world that absorbs souls. Anyone who knows the immortal mode can solve the opponent.

Originally, Jiraiya was also the most suitable, but after Jiraiya saw Tiandao’s face, he stared at him motionless, and he couldn’t count on him for the time being.

The final hell realm can restore the other five puppets and also summon Yama.

Anyone who lies in front of Yama will immediately lose his life and become a standard four people.

Kushina, who is full of sealing techniques, is the most suitable person. Whether the hell realm can release ninjutsu in front of her is a question.

These are countermeasures that Chen Tian spent a long time thinking about. If the puppet dies, it will not drop a card, but he is too lazy to take action.

And these people also need to exercise, otherwise they will easily capsize in the fourth battle.

The battle situation did not go beyond Chen Tian’s expectations. Although he did not tell everyone about Pain’s Six Paths Ninjutsu, they still played the role Chen Tian wanted immediately.

The opponent was suppressed and retreated steadily, without even the slightest ability to fight back.

Chentian knows their strength and characteristics. Since Chentian has arranged it this way, they can just amplify their own characteristics.

It was with this thought that they were able to crush each other so quickly.

Seeing that the battle was on track, Chentian came to Jiraiya, patted him on the shoulder and said, “That’s Yahiko’s body, which was made into a puppet. Look at the black sticks on their heads.”

Pointing to the conductive rod on Pain’s Six Paths head, Chentian tried to enlighten Jiraiya.

Looking along Chen Tian’s fingers, Jiraiya saw the conductive rod as expected. His body suddenly trembled and tears flashed in his eyes.

Although Yahiko Nagato Konan only followed him for three years, he was still his disciple. But now Yahiko has become someone else’s puppet.


All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Status: Completed Author:


Chentian traveled through the world of Naruto and became an orphan from three wars. Fortunately, the card pickup system was activated. Cards will drop when others fight, and you will become stronger if you pick them up! "I've learned Flying Thunder God a long time ago!" "Is Wood Release difficult? Don't make fun of me, okay!" "Can Nine-Tails kill people?" Chen Tian put one hand on Nine-Tails' head, confused. Asked everyone. ...Chentian kept picking up attributes like this, until the Fourth Ninja War, Chentian was completely invincible! Subsequent worlds: One Piece, Dou Qi, Holy Soul Village, Dragon Ball Z, Journey to the West, and Zhetian.


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