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All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto — Chapter 124 Kind Robin

Chentian, who was seriously injured, didn’t have much energy. After chatting with the system for a while, he started to rest.

After he fell asleep, the physical injuries began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the regeneration of the severed limbs quietly took effect.

Too exhausted, he slept until noon the next day, and then woke up because he noticed someone around him.

The moment he opened his eyes, Chen Tian saw a little girl of eight or nine years old walking over carefully holding half a pancake.

When she saw him open his eyes, the little girl was startled and hesitated for a while before coming to him.

“I’m here to bring you food, you hurry up and eat it.” Passing half of the cake to Chen Tian’s mouth, the little girl swallowed quietly.

At this time, Chen Tian had also observed that the little girl had many wounds all over her body, all of which were caused by being beaten.

As far as Chen Tian could tell, some were hit with stones and some were beaten with sticks.

Seeing the little girl swallowing her saliva, he smiled softly and sat up.

The regeneration of severed limbs is already powerful. After one night, his physical injuries were completely recovered. There were only some internal problems, but they did not affect his activities.

“You were the one who saved me yesterday. What’s your name?” Chen Tian’s tone was very soft, trying not to scare the little girl.

“Yes.” After hesitating, Robin returned this time: “My name is Nico Robin, big brother, what is your name?”

Looking at Chen Tian’s appearance and tone, Robin felt that the other person was not a bad person, and he didn’t hate him either.

Breaking the half piece of cake in his hand into two halves, Chentian and Robin chatted while eating, getting along very happily.

Half a piece of cake couldn’t even feed little Robin, let alone Chen Tian, ​​but he still ate it all without any leftover.

Although he looked calm on the face, Chen Tian was surprised in his heart. He didn’t expect to meet one of the members of the future protagonist group by such a coincidence.

But this kind of thing didn’t matter, and Chen Tian didn’t think much about it.

After the cake was finished, Robin timidly took Chen Tian’s hand and whispered: “Actually, I am a monster. Everyone is afraid of me and is unwilling to talk to me.”

While speaking, Robin also crossed his arms, growing an extra arm on his body.

It was very pleasant to get along with Chen Tian, ​​so little Robin didn’t want to deceive him, so he decided to tell the truth.

After finishing speaking, little Robin’s eyes flickered a little, he didn’t dare to look at Chen Tian’s expression, and even his little body was trembling.

“What has this child been through? What is there to be afraid of?” Chen Tian could see the expectation and fear in Robin’s heart at a glance.

He had read the manga One Piece. Although he had only read about half of it, he also knew Robin’s past.

Although I felt sorry for Robin, I didn’t expect it to be so serious.

After not hearing Chen Tian’s voice for a long time, Robin’s expression dimmed little by little, and a glimmer of color flashed through his big eyes.

At this moment, Chen Tian’s big hand fell on her little head and said softly: “This is not a monster. Everyone in the sea is eager to have this kind of ability. Everyone is a strong person.”

With a “swipe”, little Robin’s eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at Chen Tian in disbelief.

Whether others desire or not has nothing to do with her. She only knows that except for the scholars, finally someone doesn’t hate her!

To comfort the little girl, Chentian told her about the devil fruit and told her that what she ate was the flower fruit.

After Little Robin calmed down, Chentian caught a wild boar in the forest and started grilling it on the spot.

He spent a lot of energy recovering from his injuries, which must be replenished. And Chen Tian could tell that little Robin was also hungry.

Robin was full after eating less than a pound of a whole wild boar, and the rest fell into Chen Tian’s belly, barely allowing him to finish half full.

Recovering from the injury last night consumed too much energy, so I had to eat more.

But he was not anxious, and instead started chatting with Robin.

Only then did he realize that the half piece of cake was Robin’s food for the whole day, and all of it was given to him.

Robin never met her father, and her mother left O’Hara when she was two years old, leaving her with her uncle.

But her uncle was weak, so her aunt asked her to do all the work every day, and would not give her food until she finished the work.

If it weren’t for the support of scholars, she might not be alive today.

Robin only said a small part, and instead of complaining to Chen Tian, ​​he smiled.

But based on his own memory and the injuries on her body, Chen Tian had already made a good guess.

He felt even more pity for this little girl in his heart, and immediately said: “Then you can come to my place to eat, and I will live here temporarily.”

Without Robin to drag him ashore, even if his severed limbs regenerated, he would have fed the fish, so Chentian was very grateful to Robin.

The two stayed until the sun went down, and then Robin left. There was a smile on her little face all day long.

Apart from the old scholars, Chen Tian was her first friend and the first person who did not treat her as a monster.

After Robin left, Chen Tian took a closer look at his situation.

Yesterday I was too weak, so I just had a general understanding, and now I have time to fully understand it.

“System, open the personal panel and show me my attributes.”

[Host: Chentian]

[Physique: Vice Admiral]

[Physical skills: none]

[Swordsmanship: Swordsman]

[Three-color domineering: none]

[Ability: Rebirth of severed limbs, gravity space]

Obviously, after arriving in the Pirate World, the system also added the abilities of the Pirate World to the panel, but it was a pity that he didn’t know any of them.

After looking at the system panel, Chen Tian found that there was a second page and clicked on it immediately.

【World shuttle: 0/300】

There is only one option on the second page, with a dark vortex drawn on it, which is very high-end at first glance.

He nodded clearly, this should be the newly added shuttle ability of the system.

In fact, Chen Tian himself was quite surprised. Why were the systems of other time travelers extremely powerful, but his own system became stronger together with his own?

When he was in the Naruto world, he didn’t even have the ability to travel through the world. If it weren’t for this coincidence, the system would have reached its limit.

But that’s okay, the system will be upgraded according to your needs every time, so it’s tailor-made.

In Chentian’s view, the system is like a diamond ring. No matter how expensive your diamond ring is, it is simply inappropriate.

And his own system is tailor-made and most suitable for him. Although it is not as expensive as others for the time being, he can upgrade if he can’t stand it.

As long as you work hard, it’s not certain whose system will be stronger in the future.

After confirming the system contents, Chentian closed the system panel and began to sense the situation in his body.

With the powerful ability to regenerate severed limbs, his physical body was completely restored to its original state, but there was an ability within his body that was constantly destroying him.

This energy is not huge, but its intensity is very high. It is initially estimated that it will take more than ten years to be completely eradicated.

If the body hadn’t been recovering every moment, if it had been anyone else, their body would have rotted away and died in ten minutes.

Under the influence of this energy, Chentian’s strength cannot explode frequently, and under normal circumstances, it can only use half of it.

Even if you use all your strength, it will only last for half an hour at most, and your body will start to collapse if it lasts longer.

In addition, there is a side effect, that is, he needs a lot of energy. In order to obtain enough energy, he must eat a lot.

If the energy is not enough to maintain the body’s recovery, the body will also rot and die.

“Huh! This situation is a bit bad!” Chen Tian sighed helplessly, and Chen Tian’s face was full of bitterness.

The Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters has physical strength, but he doesn’t know the Six Styles, Haki and the like, so he is definitely not as powerful as those Vice Admirals.

Coupled with the current situation, when encountering an opponent at the level of a lieutenant general, there seems to be no other way but to escape.

Thinking about my previous six-level strength, it is really terrible now!

Within a minute, Chentian cheered up again, “We must become stronger as soon as possible and return to the Naruto world!”

With a determined look in his eyes, he braved the darkness in the morning to catch his prey.


All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Status: Completed Author:


Chentian traveled through the world of Naruto and became an orphan from three wars. Fortunately, the card pickup system was activated. Cards will drop when others fight, and you will become stronger if you pick them up! "I've learned Flying Thunder God a long time ago!" "Is Wood Release difficult? Don't make fun of me, okay!" "Can Nine-Tails kill people?" Chen Tian put one hand on Nine-Tails' head, confused. Asked everyone. ...Chentian kept picking up attributes like this, until the Fourth Ninja War, Chentian was completely invincible! Subsequent worlds: One Piece, Dou Qi, Holy Soul Village, Dragon Ball Z, Journey to the West, and Zhetian.


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