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All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto — Chapter 147 Cook Yui

Five days have passed since I told Robin about my views on the world that day.

These five days were relatively peaceful, they didn’t encounter any trouble, and everything was calm.

“Brother Chentian, Brother Chentian! There is a person in the sea in front of me!” Qingxue, who was observing the course, pointed to the sea not far away and shouted suddenly.

Looking along her fingers, Chen Tian saw a girl who was about the same size as Qingxue, or even a little younger than her, sitting on a wooden board and waving to them constantly.

“It should be a distressed person. Bring the boat over and let her get on board first.”

Qingxue didn’t hesitate, followed Chen Tian’s words and passed the exam to the side.

In fact, she herself wanted to be with this girl, and Chen Tian’s words were exactly what she wanted.

There are many victims on this sea, and they have encountered them more than once. This is the first time they have stopped.

Because from those people I met before, I could tell at a glance that they were standard pirates!

On their ship, Qingxue herself was persecuted by pirates, and the three Hancock sisters were also sold to human traffickers by pirates.

So no one was willing to save a pirate, so Chen Tian didn’t force himself.

But this little girl was covered in bags and bags, and there was only a piece of wood under her feet. It looked like it had been dismantled from a small sailboat, so she was probably not a pirate.

That’s why they were willing to lend a helping hand and help her.

Well, in fact, the people on this boat are all good-looking people, and the little girl’s good looks are no worse than those of Hancock and others, so she was saved!

The girls on the boat are all beautiful and cute, and the only man, Chen Tian, ​​is also majestic and very handsome.

They were already used to each other, so when they suddenly saw an ugly guy, they naturally couldn’t stand it any longer.

After the ship docked, with the help of the three Hancock sisters and Robin, the little girl quickly boarded the Homecoming.

As soon as he came up, he bowed ninety degrees and said: “Thank you brothers, sisters and sisters for your help!”

After thanking him, he jumped up very lively, patted his chest and said happily: “My name is Yui, I am a chef on the food island. I went to sea alone before, but the boat broke down. If I hadn’t met you, I would have It’s time to feed the fish!”

Chen Tian looked at Yui with black lines on her head, wondering how the girl survived.

He didn’t know whether he was a good guy or a bad guy, so he explained himself clearly without any precautions?

But I have to say, this girl’s appearance is really amazing!

She has sky blue hair and a delicate nose that wrinkles, looking very cute. It’s just that he seems a bit young, only about thirteen or fourteen years old.

After introducing himself, regardless of the reactions of Chen Tian and others, he touched his belly and asked himself: “I have been hungry for several days. Is there any food to eat on the ship? If not, the ingredients will be fine. I am first-rate.” chef!”

Well, this girl is a natural! Chen Tian has already labeled her in his heart.

Fortunately, Robin, Qingxue and others were enthusiastic enough and immediately brought out a large amount of food purchased from the food island.

“Eat, we bought these on the food island, they must be to your liking.”

While speaking, Robin quietly blinked at Qingxue, and Qingxue nodded clearly.

Silently, the two completed their own unique communication and became even more passionate about Yui.

Chen Tian caught the two people’s small actions in his eyes, smiled slightly and said nothing more.

After Yui had eaten and drank enough, she asked, “Since you are the chef of the food island, why are you running out by yourself?”

He was really curious about this. They were at the Food Island before, and no one of the chefs there wanted to leave.

Even if the Big Mom Pirates want to collect a lot of sweets, they are still unwilling to leave.

“Hiccup~” After burping, Yui smiled shyly and said, “My parents went to the East China Sea three years ago, but they never came back. I want to find them.”

Hearing this, Chen Tian was speechless for a moment and didn’t know what to say.

Since he hasn’t come back for three years, he is probably dead, but it’s better not to say anything and give this girl some hope.

“Hey! If you want to go to the East China Sea, shouldn’t you go in the opposite direction? Do you also want to cross the windless zone?” Qingxue blinked her big eyes and looked at Yui curiously.

“Isn’t this the route to the East China Sea?” Yui raised her head in confusion and said, “I only set off after asking for directions!”

Speechless, extremely speechless.

This girl is not only a natural idiot, but also a big road addict!

According to her, she was indeed walking in the right direction at first; then she made a big circle, skipped the food island and came to the opposite direction!

As a result, I didn’t even know it, so I became so reckless.

Patting his forehead, Chen Tian said helplessly: “Fortunately your boat broke down, otherwise you would have been feeding the fish in the windless zone!”

He’s just a naturally stupid road idiot and doesn’t have great strength. This is the takeaway from Neptune’s class!

However, with her small body, it is a bit difficult to make a small dessert after a meal.

“Ah! I’m going to the East China Sea. I can’t go any further.” She took out the backpack she had been carrying, which was about the same size as her own. She rummaged through it and said, “Do you have a boat? I can go with you.” You exchange!”

The backpack was full of various kitchen utensils. Yui picked up this one and put down that one, not wanting to give any of them to Chen Tian.

But her Baileys had all fallen into the sea before, and there was nothing else she could trade with them.

At the last moment of the shipwreck, she gave up other things and tried her best to save these kitchen utensils.

Finally, with tears in her eyes, Yui took out a kitchen knife and handed it to Chen Tian with her trembling hands, “I’ll trade it with you for the most precious kitchen knife.”

The little eyes that were crying made Chen Tian feel guilty in his heart.

A moment of bad humor broke out, Chen Tian nodded and reached out to take the kitchen knife.

But he felt a weak force on it, and Yui pulled with all his strength, unwilling to let go.

Seeing the kitchen knife being pulled over by Chen Tian, ​​Yui suddenly shouted in panic: “Wait a minute! Wait a minute!”

After realizing that Chen Tian had stopped, he breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Chen Tian’s questioning eyes sheepishly, and said: “Um, um, can you do it on credit? I will earn a lot of Baileys in the future, so I can give them all to you.” you!”

As if he was afraid that Chen Tian wouldn’t believe it, he hurriedly said: “My cooking skills can be ranked among the top three in the food island, and I can definitely earn Baileys!”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Chentian nervously, his eyes full of prayer.

After being stared at by this look, within a few seconds Chen Tian cried out that he couldn’t bear it, as if he had committed some heinous crime.

He quickly let go of his hand and turned his head, saying “I really lost to you”, then left the rest to Robin and Qingxue, feeling like he was slipping away.

If he stayed any longer, he would doubt whether he would really feel guilty, that look was so lethal!

In fact, when he knew that Yui was going to the East China Sea, Chen Tian decided to take her along.

After all, she is also a cook, so people like me can finally eat some ready-made food.

Before, it was just a bad taste and wanting to play with Yui. Who knew that Dufang could be so lethal.

After Chentian left, Robin and the others chuckled a few times and began to explain to Yui.

After knowing that he could take the boat to the East China Sea and only need to be responsible for cooking, his little head clicked like a chicken pecking at rice.

As long as she doesn’t have to give up her kitchen utensils, cooking isn’t a problem at all!

Not to mention three meals a day, I will cook even thirty meals for you.

Seeing the precious Yui put the kitchen knife back into the package, Robin and Qingxue looked at each other, their eyes full of triumphant smiles.

In this way, a beautiful girl cook with attributes such as being a natural idiot and a roadblock was temporarily added to the Homecoming ship.


All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Status: Completed Author:


Chentian traveled through the world of Naruto and became an orphan from three wars. Fortunately, the card pickup system was activated. Cards will drop when others fight, and you will become stronger if you pick them up! "I've learned Flying Thunder God a long time ago!" "Is Wood Release difficult? Don't make fun of me, okay!" "Can Nine-Tails kill people?" Chen Tian put one hand on Nine-Tails' head, confused. Asked everyone. ...Chentian kept picking up attributes like this, until the Fourth Ninja War, Chentian was completely invincible! Subsequent worlds: One Piece, Dou Qi, Holy Soul Village, Dragon Ball Z, Journey to the West, and Zhetian.


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