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All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto — Chapter 160 Sauron enters the dojo

In the blink of an eye, Chentian has lived here for four years, and even Robin has grown into a big girl.

In the past few years, the three girls have traveled almost all over the East China Sea, looking for news about Yui’s parents, but unfortunately they found nothing.

During this period, Long also came to give Chentian a Devil Fruit. According to his request, they were all animal-type ones, and no one in the animal-type wanted them.

For example, there are seven-star ladybug fruits, such as hamster fruits, etc. There are six in total.

For this reason, Chen Tian only had less than 200 million of the more than 800 million Baileys left on him. Fortunately, Long did not collect them.

In addition, he also gave Chen Tian the news he wanted. Even their organization could not find Yui’s parents. The sea was too big.

Instead, Tezzoro, the old boatman’s son, had some information, although he didn’t know whether it was accurate.

In the New World, there is the largest consumer bank in the world, and its owner is called Tezoro.

This Tezoro was a slave in his early years. He was later rescued by Doflamingo and became famous after receiving the Devil Fruit.

The old boatman’s son Tezzolo was also abducted by human traffickers, which is quite consistent.

But regardless of whether this Tezzoro was what he was looking for, Chen Tian decided to take a look.

Of course, this is not now, but will happen after next year.

Now 90% of the injuries in his body have recovered, and the rest is not serious.

But before the injury fully recovered, he couldn’t control his food intake. He didn’t want to eat while fighting.

Early that morning, Chen Tian was woken up by the noise outside. He had no choice but to get up and go take a look.

Robin Qingyue, Yui and the other three girls are not at home. They are on who knows which island. It’s hard to have no one to run errands for him.

After washing up, Chen Tian followed the voice to Yixin Dojo, and saw a green algae-headed boy as soon as he opened the door.

“Ah, Suo Da is here so soon?” Chen Tian became a little interested and prepared to continue reading.

“I’m here to compete in the gym. If you lose, you have to give me food to eat!” Zoro’s nostrils were turned upward, looking arrogant.

But looking at the way he held the wooden sword, it was obvious that he had never learned kendo, but he was very talented.

Without having learned anything before, Zoro’s first sword-holding posture was very standard, and he was indeed a good prospect.

“Mr. Chentian!”

“Brother Chentian!”

When the disciples and Gu Yina in the dojo saw Chen Tian, ​​they all said hello respectfully.

They have become familiar with Chen Tian over the years, and their relationship is naturally very good.

Chen Tian nodded, said hello to Koushiro, and sat down next to watch the show.

If I remember correctly, the next scene was Kuina hanging Zoro up and beating him.

If it weren’t for the camera, he would have even wanted to record this moment. Suo Da’s embarrassment is rare.

But Chen Tian never expected that Sauron would point the finger at Chen Tian after seeing that no one was paying attention to him.

“Hey, you stinky guy, just accept my challenge!”

Pointing his wooden sword at Chen Tian, ​​Zoro looked like he deserved a beating, and tried his best to provoke Chen Tian.

It was this stinky guy who came in and interrupted my kicking, so I’ll let you do it instead!

Zoro had clearly calculated this calculation in his mind, and he worked hard just to have a meal.

“Me?” Chen Tian pointed to his nose in disbelief and asked Sauron.

On this island, although Koushiro has the strongest swordsmanship, he is the strongest in terms of strength. Even Koushiro is not his opponent! Is Zoro so brave?

On the other side, looking at Sauron’s fearless look, Kuina was holding back a smile.

Half a year ago, she witnessed the battle between her father and Chen Tian. Her father won in swordsmanship, but in the battle, Chen Tian won.

Gu Yina can never forget the earth-shaking scene at that time.

This green algae head is really discerning and will challenge the most powerful people as soon as he comes up.

However, she still held it in, waiting to see Chen Tian slap the green algae on its head.

No way, Gu Yina has been extremely close to Chen Tian since Chen Tian rescued her mother three years ago.

After three years with Chen Tian, ​​her personality has become more and more like Chen Tian, ​​and even Koushiro feels helpless.

Now he said that Gu Yina was a girl and could not become the world’s greatest swordsman. Gu Yina didn’t even bother to pay attention to him and only believed Chen Tian’s words.

It even made Koushiro feel that he had lost his little cotton-padded jacket.

Under Gu Yina’s gaze, Chen Tian nodded in a funny way and said, “Okay, then I will play with you.”

After finishing his words, Chentian bent down and picked up a branch as thick as his thumb, holding it casually in his hand.

What to do if a naughty child makes trouble? Just give it a beating!

So Chen Tian now decided to give Zoro a good beating to let him know what it means to be unworthy in this world!

“Are you looking down on me? You actually hit me with a tree branch?” Zoro was almost furious.

Chen Tian nodded indifferently: “I can’t find a worse weapon than this!”

When he said this, for some reason, Chen Tian thought of the knife used by Hawkeye and Sauron in the fight in the original work, and it felt so immersive!

With his current strength, he would not panic at all even if he fought against the admiral of the navy. Fighting Zoro with a tree branch was enough to bully him.

But Sauron didn’t know Chen Tian’s strength, so naturally he wouldn’t think so. With an angry shout, he rushed forward with five, six or seventy-eight wooden swords.

When he arrived in front of Chen Tian, ​​only one of the many wooden swords was left.

But before he could take action, Chen Tian raised his right hand high and landed heavily on his head.


The branch looked at Sauron’s head, and a blood-red mark immediately appeared, obviously swollen.

Without even a cry, Zoro slowly fell backwards with white smoke rising from his head.

Although Chen Tian used up 99.9% of his strength, he still knocked Sauron unconscious.

Throwing away the branch, Chen Tian pointed to Sauron on the ground and said, “You can find a place and wait for him to wake up.”

Several assistant teachers from the dojo took Zoro away and settled him in the dojo.

“Why are you interested in playing with the children today?” Koushiro looked at Chentian with a smile.

“Hey! Stop talking.” Waving his hands, Chen Tian said: “I slept well, but he woke me up. Let’s teach him a lesson.”

“You are still so petty, brother Chentian.” Before Koushiro could speak, Gu Yina had already hugged Chentian’s arm.

Seeing Gu Yina’s actions, Koushiro’s eyes darkened and he glared at Chen Tian fiercely.

Looking at the situation, my little cotton-padded jacket no longer belongs to me.

“Don’t talk nonsense, who is so petty?” Rubbing Gu Yina’s soft hair, Chen Tian threatened fiercely: “If you dare to ruin my reputation again, you will not be allowed to enter the house!”

But Chen Tian didn’t see that when he said this, all the disciples in the dojo around him were rolling their eyes.

In the past few years, there is no one among them who has not been beaten by Chen Tian.

Anyone who disturbed his sleep in the morning would be too troublesome except Gu Yina. It was simply too terrifying!

Naturally, Gu Yina was not afraid of Chen Tian’s warning, she stuck out her tongue and ran to practice swordsmanship.

Brother Chentian told her stories about Navy Staff Officer He and the Pirate Empress Hancock’s sister, telling her that girls can be strong too.

Therefore, Gu Yina now trains harder and is much stronger than in the original work.

Anyway, according to Chen Tian’s point of view, Sauron’s defeat in the original book was more than two thousand, and now it may be four or five times that.

And that’s it, he still doesn’t know if he can beat Gu Yina in the future. This girl is very talented!

After beating the person who disturbed him from staying in bed, Chen Tian was in a very good mood and went back to have breakfast while humming a little tune.

“It should be breakfast, right?” Looking at the sun hanging in the sky, Chen Tian himself was a little unsure.


All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Status: Completed Author:


Chentian traveled through the world of Naruto and became an orphan from three wars. Fortunately, the card pickup system was activated. Cards will drop when others fight, and you will become stronger if you pick them up! "I've learned Flying Thunder God a long time ago!" "Is Wood Release difficult? Don't make fun of me, okay!" "Can Nine-Tails kill people?" Chen Tian put one hand on Nine-Tails' head, confused. Asked everyone. ...Chentian kept picking up attributes like this, until the Fourth Ninja War, Chentian was completely invincible! Subsequent worlds: One Piece, Dou Qi, Holy Soul Village, Dragon Ball Z, Journey to the West, and Zhetian.


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