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All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto — Chapter 184 Is there any problem waiting for support?

“Such powerful physical skills, almost as good as that old guy Garp! Kizaru, who is not particularly good at domineering, will find it very troublesome.” In a corner in the distance, Rayleigh was watching the battle.

He originally planned to leave to avoid getting into trouble, but seeing Chen Tian waiting so calmly for the arrival of the general made him more interested in this strange boy.

But he couldn’t figure it out. How did Chen Tian’s hair turn purple? Isn’t it so pretty?

After touching his gray hair, Lei Li felt a little envious of Chen Tian.

I remember that when I had blond hair, I was as handsome as Chen Tian and had many girls chasing me.

But now, even if it is auctioned, no good-looking young lady is willing to buy it.

“Oh~! If I talk too much, I will shed tears!”

When Chentian appeared behind him, Kizaru immediately turned into an element to avoid the punch from behind, then his eyes narrowed slightly and he said slowly: “This is not a compliment, I am very powerful. .”

This time it was not a mockery, Kizaru really felt in trouble, and he might even be defeated.

When I first heard what Lieutenant General Garp said, I was a little disapproving, but now I really see the power of Chentian Taijutsu.

Forget it, at least he can fly and his speed is fast enough. But this pervert’s flying speed is no slower than mine!

“You are also very fast and have good combat experience. Otherwise, my punch just now would have beaten you into a meat pie.” Chen Tian remained in the flying state of Wu Kongjutsu at this time.

Kizaru is indeed not the kind of strong man who is proficient in three-color Haki, because his own fruit ability is too powerful. Even if he is not proficient in Haki, it does not prevent him from having the strength of a general.

And in fact, this guy’s domineering power is not bad at all!

“If it’s so easy for me to be beaten to a pulp by my little brother, I won’t be able to deal with the Warring States Marshal.”

At this moment, Kizaru turned into light and rushed into the air in an instant. Just where he was standing, countless jade hands chased directly towards the sky.

Robin’s hands were originally flesh-colored, but now she added armament-colored Haki to them, so they turned black.

Originally, she planned to make a sneak attack, but now Kizaru noticed it, and the speed of her arms could not catch up with Kizaru.

“It’s a pity that the armed domineering force I learned so hard didn’t work.” Robin felt a little regretful.

Chen Tian was pleasantly surprised. He had taught them the domineering training method a long time ago. Unexpectedly, Robin was the first to learn it!

“Young people, it’s not good to be ungrateful in martial arts. You actually want to sneak attack on me, an old comrade who is almost fifty years old. It seems that I need to teach you a lesson.”

As he said that, Kizaru crossed his hands in mid-air, and dazzling light gathered on his hands: “Shakujo Magatama!”

The moment these words were spoken, countless dazzling light bullets flew out, falling densely like rain. There was no way to dodge such a large-scale attack.

“You all hide behind me!” As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Tian took out a long sword and waved it with both hands. Every time he swung it, he would slash hundreds of meters long in an instant, clashing with the light bullet in mid-air. Collide.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Continuous explosions resounded through the sky, and when the explosions dissipated, everyone’s figures reappeared.

But compared to Kizaru’s indifference, Chen Tian couldn’t help but feel helpless at this moment.

The ordinary long sword in his hand could not withstand his own powerful strength and had turned into a piece of scrap metal.

“It’s so scary. Are the purple-haired pirates all a bunch of monsters? I never knew that!”

Kizaru also saw at this moment that Chen Tian’s strength was definitely not weaker than his own, and was even much stronger.

In addition, the Robin who has already taken action is almost as strong as a lieutenant general, and the remaining few will not be much weaker.

“Well, another general is coming, so let’s deal with you first. It’s really dangerous to be in charge!”

Spreading his hands, Chen Tian’s sense of knowledge had already sensed Sakaski’s position.

Now he is not far from the Shampoo Islands and will arrive here soon.

Although he is not afraid of these two people, Robin and others may be implicated, which Chen Tian does not want to see.

Kizaru’s wretched face wrinkled: “Brother is really confident, do you want to take me down easily?”

I admitted your strength, but I didn’t say I wasn’t your opponent, right? Just look down on me, okay?

But before he could react, Chen Tian had already arrived behind him and punched his back.

After Kizaru reacted, he immediately transformed into elements, trying to avoid Chen Tian’s attack.

Everything is the same as before, the only difference is that this time Chen Tian’s right fist is black.

The high-level armed Haki wrapped his right fist without knowing when.



After being hit by this powerful punch, Kizaru flew out like a cannonball, not even slower than his Shining Fruit.

After flying for several kilometers, it landed on the ground.

In an instant, the entire Shampoo Archipelago was filled with dust. Island No. 47, where Kizaru landed, slowly collapsed and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Fortunately, Kizaru was still strong. He endured the pain of three broken ribs in his body and flew up immediately, so that he did not fall into the sea.

“Brother’s strength is indeed extraordinary! Ahem!” Kizaru couldn’t help but cough while covering his chest.

Now his face no longer had the previous wretchedness, replaced by seriousness and vigilance.

He even began to think about whether he should sneak away first to show respect. Although it didn’t kill him this time, it might not happen a few more times.

Thinking back to what Garp said, Kizaru really regretted why he didn’t believe it?

Judging from the strength of Chentian, not only did Garp not exaggerate, but he was quite conservative.

I didn’t say this monster could fly at first!

But fortunately, he sensed Akainu with his Haki, and he felt a little calmer.

Since I can’t defeat him, I can just delay it for a while, but the Warring States Marshal’s mission cannot be completed, and part of his salary may be deducted!

Thinking this, Kizaru instantly turned into a ball of golden light, widened the distance between him and Chen Tian, ​​and looked at him from a distance.

Although he felt sorry for his salary, his life was much more important than his salary, so he could still make a choice.

“Kizaru, you are also a naval admiral, isn’t that bad!” Chen Tian was speechless.

Are today’s navy admirals so unqualified? Are you just giving in?

But who Kizaru is, he doesn’t care about this face at all, “Brother, I have been seriously injured. I don’t want to die here. Is there anything wrong with waiting for my colleagues to come to support me?”


All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Status: Completed Author:


Chentian traveled through the world of Naruto and became an orphan from three wars. Fortunately, the card pickup system was activated. Cards will drop when others fight, and you will become stronger if you pick them up! "I've learned Flying Thunder God a long time ago!" "Is Wood Release difficult? Don't make fun of me, okay!" "Can Nine-Tails kill people?" Chen Tian put one hand on Nine-Tails' head, confused. Asked everyone. ...Chentian kept picking up attributes like this, until the Fourth Ninja War, Chentian was completely invincible! Subsequent worlds: One Piece, Dou Qi, Holy Soul Village, Dragon Ball Z, Journey to the West, and Zhetian.


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