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All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto — Chapter 193 Metkai’s debut

“It’s such a big battle. It seems that we can only fight one way out today.” Chen Tian took a deep breath, his eyes also flashed with a faint cold light. At the same time, the long sword was immediately unsheathed, and a cold light came from the blade. flashed above.

The other party has dispatched three generals. If they are not careful, they will all be buried here, let alone sailing to the new world today.

“Set sail! Don’t stay here and cause trouble for the Seven Waters City and Master Tom. Besides, only Robin among us has Devil Fruit abilities. The sea is more suitable for us to fight!”

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Tian directly issued the order. As his words fell, the ship of all realms sailed directly towards the ten naval warships. They had no room to retreat. Here, they could only fight them head-on.

The ship of all realms set sail, getting closer and closer to the naval warship on the opposite side. Both sides were waiting for the best time to take action.

On this sea, fighting itself is not easy. If you are dealing with some ordinary pirates, you only need Kizaru’s Eight-foot Magatama or Akainu’s Meteor Volcano to deal with them.

But it is not possible to deal with Chentian and the others, because the power of large-scale attacks will be slightly weaker, and the strength of Wanjie is enough to block those attacks.

“It’s almost this distance, right? Ten warships cannot be destroyed because of fighting!”

At this time, Qingzhi observed the distance between his side and the Ship of All Worlds, and then directly stretched out his hand towards the sea, shooting out an ice beam quickly, and at the same time he let out a low drink: “Ice Age! “

In an instant, the surrounding sea area turned into frozen land. To defeat the pirate group on the ship, unless the battle was completely on the opponent’s ship, the navy would definitely suffer losses due to the destruction of the ship.

Therefore, Aokiji chose to freeze the sea directly, so that there would be a land suitable for fighting. Secondly, the entire sea area would be frozen, and the opponent would have nowhere to escape!

“Hey, Captain, the opponent has already set up the battlefield. If that’s the case, then we can’t be polite, right?”

Bellemere could no longer hold back his desire to fight at this moment.

Isn’t this long period of training just for this moment?

Even though she is a woman, she is a woman who loves to fight.

“Wait a minute, those lieutenant generals are your opponents. The three generals are left to our new crew to practice!”

Chen Tian grabbed Bellemeier and said very calmly, not nervous at all, and even wanted to laugh.

“Brother Minato, Kushina-nee, Kakashi, and Gai! I leave these three to you!”

“No problem, leave it to us!”

After Chentian finished speaking, the voices of Minato and others suddenly appeared in front of them.

With an angry shout, Kai rushed towards Aokiji.

Seeing that Kai had already rushed out, Kakashi sighed helplessly and followed him.

Chen Tian also shook his head helplessly, and then immediately said: “Brother Minato, you are very fast to deal with that yellow monkey! Sister Kushina, I will leave that red magma monster to you. If you don’t let the Nine-Tails bite you, Him! As for the other navy soldiers and lieutenants, leave it to us to deal with it!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Tian put the long sword on his shoulder, then jumped off the ship of all realms, and stepped forward. At this time, Qingxue, Robin Fang and others looked at each other and smiled, and then directly Followed behind him.

The scene at this moment, except that the number of people is smaller, really looks like

Heise will have a big fight!

Seeing the shuriken coming straight towards him, Aokiji took action without hesitation.

The terrifying aura exuding from the green-skinned, watermelon-headed boy who rushed towards him was not something that the rear admiral behind him or ordinary navy soldiers could match.

“Ice cube, two-thorn spear!”

After the two ice spears were movable and formed, they immediately shot towards Kai who was flying over.

However, facing this kind of probing attack, Kai didn’t even have the intention to dodge. The chakra was attached to his body, and a probing attack like the two-thorn spear couldn’t break through his defense at all.

As for the little restraint caused by the ice, Kai didn’t care even more. With the ability of Bamen Dunjia, these ice cubes would not have any impact on him at all.

Even the general Aokiji has to go all out if he wants to defeat Kai who has opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia.

In the final analysis, Chen Tian did not allow Kai to open the eighth gate, and Qing Pheasant was really no match for him.

“The sixth gate of the Eight Gates Dunjia, Jingmen, open!”

In an instant, Kai’s eyes became even crazier, and his movements became even faster, with both fists sweeping towards Aokiji one after another.

Moreover, the attack is completely unstructured, because Kai relies on his own instinct to fight!

“Ala la la, the Bankai Pirates, it seems that apart from the people who caused trouble in Shampoo Land before, the others are not simple either!”

At this time, Aoki pheasant condensed an ice blade in his hand. While resisting and dodging the sweeping chains, he carefully searched for Kai’s flaw.

But this guy who relies on instinct to fight can be said to have flaws everywhere, or it can be said to have no flaws at all, because as long as you plan to attack the flaws he exposes, he can react in an instant.

“Shave! Frozen time capsule!”

The moment Aoki dodged a chain, he directly used the Sixth Marine Style to appear behind Kai. At the same time, he quickly released the cold air and went straight towards Kai.

Even the former Vice Admiral Sauro of the Navy Headquarters will be instantly frozen by this move!

As soon as Kai turned around, his whole body was covered by the air-conditioning, and then his whole body quickly turned into an ice sculpture and stood on the spot.

“As expected of General Aokiji!” Many of the navy officers standing on the warships at the rear cheered when they saw the enemy frozen into ice sculptures.

But Aokiji’s face still remained serious. The frozen time capsule was his specialty and its power was not weak, but he still didn’t think that the crazy guy in front of him would be killed so easily.

Moreover, the white-haired guy next to him who has been on the edge has also taken action!

“Hatake sword technique!”


Suddenly, a ray of sword light split open the ice in an instant, and then in less than a blink of an eye, it passed directly through Qingzhi’s belly and stabbed fiercely into the frozen sea behind him.

“Sure enough, it won’t end that easily.” Looking at Kai who was released by Kakashi, Aokiji said helplessly. Although his tone was lazy, there was no slack in his eyes.

He had always been wary of Kakashi, so the moment the sword light passed through his lower abdomen, he elementally transformed in advance to dodge the blow.

“Hahahaha! You are really awesome, but it’s a pity that you are still careless!” Kai laughed heartily at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying chakra suddenly rose and kicked Aoki.

At the moment when chakra rose, Aokiji sensed something was wrong, and he immediately stepped back.

But the moment he stepped back, he felt his body stagnate, as if something special was restraining him, making his movements much slower.


All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Status: Completed Author:


Chentian traveled through the world of Naruto and became an orphan from three wars. Fortunately, the card pickup system was activated. Cards will drop when others fight, and you will become stronger if you pick them up! "I've learned Flying Thunder God a long time ago!" "Is Wood Release difficult? Don't make fun of me, okay!" "Can Nine-Tails kill people?" Chen Tian put one hand on Nine-Tails' head, confused. Asked everyone. ...Chentian kept picking up attributes like this, until the Fourth Ninja War, Chentian was completely invincible! Subsequent worlds: One Piece, Dou Qi, Holy Soul Village, Dragon Ball Z, Journey to the West, and Zhetian.


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