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All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto — Chapter 196 The Style of All Realms

“Where did these guys appear as monsters? They were all unknown except Chen Tian before, and they were only in the first half of the pirate group. How can they actually have so much high-end combat power?”

Dalmecia couldn’t help but curse in a low voice at this time. Originally, he thought that even with the pressure from the Celestial Dragons, sending out so much combat power was a bit excessive.

But now after fighting against Qie Qingxue, he realized that it was a wise choice for the Warring States Marshal to dispatch such combat power!

Not to mention the monsters who were fighting against the generals, the terrifying power of the young and beautiful woman in front of them was already at the level of their lieutenant generals, and even gave the impression that she was a giant lieutenant general.

And he could also see during the battle that none of his colleagues could be said to have the upper hand. The one named Nico Robin, the one with the kitchen knife, and the crazy woman with the long sword.

Each one is extremely strong, a bit weirdly strong, and has mastered almost all of the six naval styles and two-color haki.

He even had to doubt that the Bankai Pirates had any way to suddenly increase people’s strength.

Otherwise, how could these people be so young and have such great strength?

For example, the three generals of the Navy are powerful, but they are all over fifty years old, but what about these people in the Bankai Pirates?

It has to be said that Dalmecia had a good idea. Chentian’s gravity space is a plug-in that improves strength, and the effect is very good.

The strength of Robin and others is so great, 80% of it must be attributed to the gravity space!

“Be careful when fighting. Don’t get distracted!”

Suddenly, Qingxue’s hair was all spread out, terrifying power surged crazily at this moment, and the next moment, his fist hit Dalmecia directly.


A punch fell, like a meteor falling to the ground, erupting in a deafening figure. Even the ice surface with a radius of more than ten meters was shattered by this punch. Under a full explosion, its power will definitely not be weaker than those of giants, even Will be stronger!

Dalmecia, who was hit head-on by this punch, spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards. He was almost dozens of meters away before he stabilized his body and looked at Qingxue with a solemn expression.

With the terrifying strange power just now, if he hadn’t used iron blocks to defend himself in time, he would probably have fallen down this time.

But even with the iron block, he felt that one of his ribs was broken, but a broken rib was only a minor injury to him and would not affect the battle much.

Just wanting to defeat this guy with terrifying brute force in front of him was not that easy. Even when he was not injured, he felt that there was a 50-50 split between himself and Qingxue.

These guys from the Bankai Pirates are probably comparable to the captains of the Yonko Pirates, that is, people from the Great Vortex Spider and Ice Witch under Whitebeard.

Those are the great pirates who are famous in the new world!

As for these guys in front of them, if it weren’t for the Shampoo Incident, their navy headquarters wouldn’t have known that such a terrifying pirate group existed in the first half of the Grand Route.


“I am a person of justice, how could I be defeated by a pirate like you!”

After an angry shout, Dalmecia turned into an afterimage and headed towards Qingxue.

As a Vice Admiral of the Navy, how could he lose to these damn pirates?

Behind him, there was a group of navy soldiers watching, looking at the man they usually admired, Lieutenant General!

“Well, it’s an admirable belief, but becoming an enemy of our Bankai Pirates is not a wise choice!”

Qingxue was like a Valkyrie at the moment, with a cold expression on her face as she walked directly towards Dalmecia.

The other party carries the justice of the navy, so why doesn’t she carry the honor of the All Worlds Pirates and Chentian?

On the pirate ship not far behind her, the flag with the word “Mankai” flying was the belief of their “Mankai Pirates” and Zeng Chentian!

Therefore, she also has a reason why she cannot fail!

On another battlefield, Taotu was wary of her surroundings because she didn’t know when Chen Tian would suddenly attack.

From the moment she grabbed Chen Tian’s wrist and fought with him at close range for more than ten rounds, a special white flame suddenly appeared, forcing her to let go.

Just by letting go for a moment, Chen Tian once again entered a state of high-speed movement.

Therefore, she must maintain a high degree of concentration at all times. Only in this way can she react at the moment the opponent takes action.

While being vigilant, Taotu couldn’t help but curse secretly in his heart, and of course he was scolding Chen Tian.

Such a fast speed is really disgusting. What’s even more disgusting is that this guy is very powerful, but he keeps playing tricks on himself.

But at this time, Chen Tian was not in a hurry to attack. His eyes were on several other battlefields, watching the battles between the three generals and Minato, Kushina, Gai and Kakashi.

Looking at Qingxue, Robin, and Yui.

The Wanjie under his command are all very anxious in the battle at the moment, and only he himself is relatively relaxed.

It is because of his own strength. Although Taotu is very strong, he cannot compete with him. At the same time, he does not have a large range of attacks, so there is no way to defeat Chen Tian.

The four Minatos were completely restrained by those with natural abilities because they had no armed Haki.

No matter how they attack, the opponent can solve the problem with just one elemental word.

“What, you don’t plan to attack? If you plan to continue the stalemate, you might as well surrender quickly. Although your companions are all very powerful, they will not fall behind even against generals.”

Taotu looked at Chen Tian, ​​who was motionless, and said coldly: “But you should also know very well that it is only temporary. After a while, they will not be the general’s opponents, and defeat is inevitable.

Even now, your three companions can only defend, and there will be no other outcome for you except being arrested and then executed. “

Chentian turned his head and returned his gaze to Taotu, then smiled slightly and said: “As far as the current situation is concerned, we are indeed at a disadvantage, but the defeat you said is impossible. Until So far, have you seen any fear in any of our eyes?”

Hearing this, Taotu was suddenly startled, and felt a little uneasy in her heart. Then she rushed out quickly and slashed at Chen Tian with a swing of her sword.

Although she didn’t know what Chen Tian meant, she just needed to stop him!

Unfortunately, his slashing attack could not stop Chen Tian from doing anything, because she was still attacking the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water.

He couldn’t hit Chen Tian’s body at all, and could only beat the afterimage left behind by Chen Tian every time.

At this moment, a group of purple flares suddenly flew quickly from the direction of the Ship of All Realms.

And Chen Tian also said slowly: “Because they believe that no matter how injured they are, nothing will happen to them. As long as I am here, the Mankai Pirates will not suffer any casualties.”

“Illusion – the art of nirvana and the spirit of sacrifice!”


All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Status: Completed Author:


Chentian traveled through the world of Naruto and became an orphan from three wars. Fortunately, the card pickup system was activated. Cards will drop when others fight, and you will become stronger if you pick them up! "I've learned Flying Thunder God a long time ago!" "Is Wood Release difficult? Don't make fun of me, okay!" "Can Nine-Tails kill people?" Chen Tian put one hand on Nine-Tails' head, confused. Asked everyone. ...Chentian kept picking up attributes like this, until the Fourth Ninja War, Chentian was completely invincible! Subsequent worlds: One Piece, Dou Qi, Holy Soul Village, Dragon Ball Z, Journey to the West, and Zhetian.


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