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All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto — Chapter 205 Someone from the Charlotte Family Comes

Now that Monet is gone, she will bring Chentian’s words to Doflamingo. As for the final result, it depends on what decision Tianyaksha makes.

If it was when he first came to this world, Chentian would not have the qualifications to negotiate terms with Tianyaksha, but it is different now.

It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the Bankai Pirates is now far greater than that of the Don Quixote family!

Chentian is in great need of devil fruits. If Doflamingo agrees to the conditions he just proposed, then he can indeed reach an alliance with him.

Needless to say, once the alliance is reached, Chentian will lend a helping hand to Doflamingo to some extent as long as he does not betray the alliance.

Even if he meets the protagonist group in the future, Chen Tian will not sit idly by.

Maybe Doflamingo is not a good person, but what does this have to do with Chen Tian?

He is not a compassionate saint, and the bad things in Dressrosa have nothing to do with him. Instead, he feels that Doflamingo is a hero he recognizes.

“Doflamingo has found me, so the navy is all mad now? But it doesn’t matter, I’m happy when they are mad.”

Chen Tian sat in his mansion, watching the fish swimming in the small pond, and then said with a smile on his face.

The truth was just as he said, the navy was indeed furious, especially Marshal Sengoku and Akainu, who wanted to smash the table. The latter had already smashed his office desk.

After all, after waiting so long in the Chambord Islands and setting up a dragnet, the result was loneliness.

Whoever this matter falls on will be depressed.

“Captain, someone is here again. This time, they are the Big Mom Pirates.”

Robin walked slowly not far behind Chen Tian at this time, and then spoke to report, “Now Kushina is at war with the opponent.”

When Chen Tian heard the previous sentence, he knew it was from the Charlotte family and was about to get up and go to the tea room to meet this member of the Yonko Pirates.

Then I heard the next sentence

Is this already a tense situation? Don’t move too fast, okay?

“Take her to the tea room. I will wait here. After all, she is one of the overlords of the new world, so she can’t be too excessive. It’s just that her coming this time is not simply a good thing.”

Chen Tian stood up and said to Robin in front of him: “After taking her to the tea room, inform Jiraiya, Minato, Kakashi and Metkai and tell them to be ready to fight at any time. With the preparations, the opponent’s strength will never be weaker than the naval fleet we encountered before. It will even be stronger!”

In an instant, Robin’s expression became solemn. The naval fleet they encountered in the Capital of Seven Waters was already very strong. If it hadn’t been for Jiraiya’s appearance at the end, and the battlefield was on the sea, they would have had a great chance. Defeated.

But now, his captain actually said that they are likely to face a more powerful enemy than the navy outside the Capital of Seven Waters at that time!

“Yes, Captain!” After responding, Robin immediately turned around. She was very efficient in doing things. As long as it was Chen Tian’s order, she would execute it immediately.

Because of the arrival of people from the Naruto world, the two sides have made comparisons intentionally or unintentionally. Now no one treats Chen Tian as casually as before.

The reason why Jiraiya, Kakashi, Minato, and Metkai have to rule is because the four of them are responsible for the combat effectiveness of the Bankai Pirates, and they are the top group of people besides Chen Tian!

After Robin left, Chen Tian’s eyes became much more solemn, and he said to himself in a deep voice: “So, the person who came is a woman, it should be Smoothie, right? After all, with my current strength, that crazy person Women should also ask the corresponding generals to come over.”

After all, I had read some comics and knew some people, so Chen Tian had some guesses.

After muttering to himself, he walked directly towards the tea room. He also wanted to see what the crazy woman wanted to do.

Now that their Wanjie Island is not far from Wanguo, starting a war is not what Chen Tian wants to happen.

He knew very well that there would definitely be a war between himself, the Charlotte family, and that crazy woman, but it was definitely not now! It’s a bit too early to face off against one of the Four Emperors, Auntie!

Not long after, Robin brought Charlotte Smoothie into the tea room.

She is very tall, much taller than an ordinary person. She wears a hat and scarf, and has white hair that reaches her legs.

His hands were covered with gloves, and his legs had the characteristic tattoos of the Longfoot tribe. He carried a long sword with a spiral scabbard behind his back, and wore a pair of pink patterned boots.

I have to say that among the aunt’s group of crooked daughters, Smoothie is a complete beauty, but her figure is a bit too tall.

With her figure, Chentian’s tea room looks a bit small.

“Smoothie, the Four Dessert Generals, I have admired my name for a long time. Let’s sit down and drink tea!” Although Chen Tian’s tone was gentle, he naturally had the feeling of a king. Even when facing Charlotte Smoothie, He was also a bit condescending.

But Smoothie didn’t particularly care about this. Perhaps, in her eyes, although Chen Tian was not as good as Big Mom, he was stronger than her and had such qualifications.

After sitting down in this tea room, it was obvious that Smoothie’s long legs had nowhere to put them. This is the innate advantage of the long-legged people, which most people would not envy.

But to be honest, her legs are too long, too long!

Because of the Yonko Pirates’ self-confidence, Smoothie acted very relaxed even when facing Chen Tian, ​​as if he were at home.

“I have indeed admired his name for a long time. I never thought that the little pirate who was wanted by all countries would now grow to this stage!”

Smooth finally found a comfortable sitting position, then raised his head, looked at Chen Tian and said slowly: “No one could have imagined that in just ten years you have grown to where you are now, even the three generals of the navy. There is no way to arrest you.”

“Although most of the credit in the news is due to your subordinates, your own strength should not be weaker than our Dessert General, and only slightly worse than Brother Katakuri.”

Chentian’s current strength is definitely at the level of a dessert general, and may even be stronger. However, Smoothie underestimated him. If he faced Katakuri, he was sure of victory.

The only thing that is difficult for Katakuri is his top level Haki, but it is useless against his absolute strength.

Chen Tian smiled, then drank all the tea in the teacup. The moment he put it down, he made a soft sound, and then said:

“Let’s put the old memories aside for now. Now let’s get down to business! Yonko, why did Big Mom ask you to come here?”


All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Status: Completed Author:


Chentian traveled through the world of Naruto and became an orphan from three wars. Fortunately, the card pickup system was activated. Cards will drop when others fight, and you will become stronger if you pick them up! "I've learned Flying Thunder God a long time ago!" "Is Wood Release difficult? Don't make fun of me, okay!" "Can Nine-Tails kill people?" Chen Tian put one hand on Nine-Tails' head, confused. Asked everyone. ...Chentian kept picking up attributes like this, until the Fourth Ninja War, Chentian was completely invincible! Subsequent worlds: One Piece, Dou Qi, Holy Soul Village, Dragon Ball Z, Journey to the West, and Zhetian.


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