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All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto — Chapter 73 Reconciliation at the Money Exchange

“Who is it? Come out!” Just when Chen Tian was about to leave, he sensed a person not far away slowly approaching him.

But after Chen Tian opened his mouth, no one responded for a long time, and no one came out.

“Sword skills – draw the sword and slash!”

Seeing how shameless this man was, Chen Tian was not polite and took out his long sword.

The silver-white sword energy, which was more than ten meters long, rushed away, and all the trees blocking the way were cut in half.


Dozens of tall and dense trees fell to the ground, and finally struck the ground about a hundred meters away.

Seeing such an exaggerated sword light, the person who came was immediately frightened, and he hurriedly used the substitute technique, and then managed to escape.

Even so, there was a trace of blood flowing out from the tip of his nose, but he still couldn’t completely avoid it.

“Don’t take action! Don’t take action! I’m here to deliver the message!” Seeing that Chen Tian was about to take action, the man couldn’t sit still.

He kept a distance of fifty meters from Chen Tian and raised his hands to show that he had no ill intentions.

Seeing this, Chen Tian also became a little interested. This man’s whole body was wrapped tightly in black cloth, and his face could not be seen clearly. He was obviously not from Konoha, so who else had interacted with him?

Putting away the long sword in his hand, Chen Tian asked: “Who are you and what news do you want to tell me?”

“My name is Zhiwu Yancun, and I am one of the elders of the money exchange!” Seeing Chen Tian start to sneer, Zhiwu Yancun said quickly: “Someone wants to offer you a reward. We can give you information, but the previous things will be wiped out!”

This was a decision made by all the members of the money exchange after deliberation. Chen Tian was rising too fast, and they had no choice but to do anything.

If they were like those Kage from the Five Ninja Villages, who were a lot older and had such strength, they wouldn’t be very afraid, but this guy is less than ten years old!

He has such strength now. When he reaches the age of twelve, his strength will begin to grow rapidly. God knows what kind of monster he will become in the end!

If the money exchange wants to survive, it can only reconcile with him and be responsible.

“Haha, if you had just seen that my strength was not so strong, I’m afraid you would have had to change your words!” Chen Tian smiled disdainfully, and Chen Tian’s tone gradually became sarcastic.

“Don’t dare.” Zhiwu Yancun nodded and bowed and said, “We come to talk to you with sincerity.”

I am just an elite jounin, but the killing god in front of me is too powerful. What if someone kills me if he is not happy?

It doesn’t matter whether the money exchange thing is successful or not. The worst thing is to quit by yourself. When it comes to life and the gold exchange place, Shiwuyan Village is very clear about it.

“Okay, I don’t have time to fight with you, just say it!”

Seeing Chen Tian’s impatient expression, Shiwu Iwamura was immediately shocked and said quickly, “It’s Shimura Danzo from Konoha. He wanted to post your reward of one billion taels, but we didn’t accept it! “

After taking a breath, he continued: “He will ambush you when you return to Konoha, and invite us to go with him, do you think?”

“Okay.” Chen Tian nodded, “But if you provoke me again in the future, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

As soon as he finished speaking, regardless of what Zhiwu Yancun thought, he left Shi Shiran.

In fact, he didn’t have any deep hatred towards the money exchange. The previous destruction of their stronghold was just to vent their anger.

Others spend money to offer rewards, and the money exchange only provides a platform. In essence, it is not doing anything against itself.

The people he had killed before were enough, so it didn’t matter if he let them go, not to mention the news he had brought to him.

He is not a murderer to begin with, otherwise he would create a massacre ninja world to enhance his strength.

“However, since Danzo you are seeking death on your own, don’t blame me. I was just worried about how to kill you, and you just showed up at my door!”

Chen Tian was very happy to have the opportunity to kill this scourge.

While eating and playing, Chentian slowly came to Ushi Village not far from Konoha.

As soon as he entered the village, he felt several malicious glances.

When he turned around to look, the other person immediately took care of the items in his stall as if nothing had happened.

With a disdainful smile on his lips, Chen Tian did not enter the village, but turned around and came to the woods not far from the village.

Those people are Danzo’s spies. If they attack in the village, innocent people may be hurt, so it’s better to stay away.

“Come out!”

“Hahaha, Chentian, Chentian, you really don’t know how to live or die, how dare you lead us out by yourself!”

Hearing Chentian’s voice, Danzo jumped out with twenty-three ninjas, with a ferocious and sinister smile on his face.

“You little beast ruined so many important things for me, today is the time for you to repent for it!”

After finishing speaking, Danzo waved his hand, “Come on, kill him!”

Seeing so many people, Chen Tian had to admire Danzo’s methods. The roots have long been destroyed by them, but Danzo actually has twenty-three jonin under his command, which is really impressive!

However, most of these people were not from Konoha and had no idea where Danzo got it from.

I couldn’t think of it and I was too lazy to continue thinking about it. As long as I killed Danzo, there would be no trouble in the future.

“Let me show you the ninjutsu I just learned!” With a sinister smile, Chen Tian stretched out his hand and threw out dozens of kunai.

But when Danzo saw this scene, his expression changed drastically, because these were special flying thunder god kunai!

“Be careful! This is the Flying Thunder God!”

But before he could finish speaking, the purple light flashed away, and the twenty-three jounin around him desperately covered their necks, trying to stop the blood from flowing out.

But this was all in vain. Within a few seconds, everyone fell to the ground and lost all vitality.

“Brother Minato killed fifty jounin in one second, and I only killed twenty-three. Danzo, why don’t you bring a few more people with you?”

“How can you possibly learn the art of Flying Thunder God! This is impossible!”

Looking at his dead men, Danzo didn’t feel bad, but he was scared!

Without the help of these people, even if I have arms full of blood chakra eyes, I may not be able to escape!

“There is still a chance, I still have a chance. He doesn’t know Izanami’s existence. As long as he uses it well, he can definitely kill him!” His face was ferocious, but he was constantly calculating in his heart.

“Haha.” Looking at Danzo with interest, Chen Tian said, “Is it true? Why did you use Izanami to kill me?”

It’s a joke. If you know the plot, if Danzo can still give you a break, then Chentian will die.


All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Status: Completed Author:


Chentian traveled through the world of Naruto and became an orphan from three wars. Fortunately, the card pickup system was activated. Cards will drop when others fight, and you will become stronger if you pick them up! "I've learned Flying Thunder God a long time ago!" "Is Wood Release difficult? Don't make fun of me, okay!" "Can Nine-Tails kill people?" Chen Tian put one hand on Nine-Tails' head, confused. Asked everyone. ...Chentian kept picking up attributes like this, until the Fourth Ninja War, Chentian was completely invincible! Subsequent worlds: One Piece, Dou Qi, Holy Soul Village, Dragon Ball Z, Journey to the West, and Zhetian.


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